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100 Years Ago: The news from Knifley, KY

Prologue: The School of Hard Knocks isn't for wimps. My most recent learning experience involved gravity and a ladder; I suppose the more erudite would refer to it as "Physics and the Chronologically Enhanced." At any rate, the lesson du jour was simple and direct: Up is higher and down is quicker than it used to be. -"Jim"

By "Jim."

The news from Knifley - Wednesday, September 7, 1910.

The Knifley newsletter in this edition of the News was chock full of interesting tidbits, with the likes of an exploding shotgun shell, a chicken-killing bolt of lightning, a knife-filled community event, and a hot bite to eat reported for one and all to read:

Plenty of rain and crops are good, dark tobacco good but burley is light.

Our Dr. Gose reports a lot of pneumonia and other sicknesses. J.J. Humphrey's little son Roy has been quite sick for several days, also a little child of Mrs. Ethel Russell's.
(This gentle bit of humor regarding Dr. Gose, a native of Pulaski County, appeared in the December 21, 1898 edition of the News, some four years after his arrival in Adair County: "Most people are inclined to believe that the days of ghosts and witchcraft have passed centuries ago but there still remains a few who yet believe that it takes a silver ball to destroy the witch and that there are yet ghosts stalking about. We are inclined to believe with the minority and we are certain that a Gose was seen in Columbia not many days ago in the shape of a man above the average physically and mentally and a fraction under the man whose head has been whitened by time. He is no hob-goblin but a wide-awake specimen of our generation and in the vicinity of Casey Creek, and his influence is wonderful, especially with the sick. There are so many ardent admirers of this Gose in that vicinity and his power to relieve suffering has been demonstrated in hundreds of cases where his power and skill have lifted many from death's door.")

More Knifley happenings from the Adair County News, September 7, 2007
Mrs. Florence Hazzard and little daughter Bettie, also Miss Annie Royse, visited at Mr. A.C. Wheeler's last Sunday.

Mr. Charlie Bault, wife and little daughter Ora May, visited the latter's sister. Mrs. Henry Johnson, last Sunday to see Mrs. Bault's brother, who is in on visit from Dayton, Ohio.

There was an apple peeling at Mr. Ed Bryant's last Wednesday night and all who were present report a nice time. (The Sparksville correspondent reported that "The apple pealing at Mr. J.O. Moore's last Wednesday night was largely attended." Dueling apple "pealers!")

Richard Wheeler was tampering with a shot gun shell [and] the shell exploded and severely burned his face. Beware, boys! (Young Wheeler was about 12 or 13 years old.)

A good shower fell here the 31st of the month.

Several farmers have commenced to cut their tobacco crop. Tobacco being late on account of wet weather.

Mr. Milton Monroe had three chickens killed by lightning striking a tree in his yard a few days ago.

A little child of W.E. Bryant has been very sick for a few days.

J.R. Beard, while eating dinner, a few days ago, took a bite of hot corn bread and in place of spitting it out, he swallowed it, it lodging in his throat, burning him badly.

This story was posted on 2010-09-05 07:43:52
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