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Lisa Fisher-Clark recalls going to town at Royville

WAIN FM 93.5 Radio personality Lisa Fisher-Clark has fond memories of Royville, including casting her first vote for a President of the United States in its little polling place

About: Hardscratch essay reminds Jim of Royville KY store

By Lisa-Fisher Clark

I grew up on Beckhamridge so I spent a lot of time in Royville.

Some of my fondest memories are those of my grandpa Otis Kell, who some jokingly called the "Mayor of Beckhamridge," taking my cousin Cindy, who is an Adair County teacher, and me to Denny Ray's store for a Rocket Pop or Orange Push-up.

A little later, at the age of 12 or 13, I remember Granny Kell actually letting us walk to Melson's Grocery, which was also in Royville, to get candy and a pop. It's, of course, too dangerous to let kids do that now, but those were the good old days! lol

I also remember casting my first vote in the Royville community. I was so excited to vote for this particular presidential candidate, but since I work at WAIN, I had better not tell you who that candidate was.

I loved voting in Royville in that little bitty building with all the nice precinct workers, including Mrs. Nevis Jasper, who still works at the polling precinct even though it has been moved to the elementary school.

Today, I still don't live far from Royville, just on down Hwy. 80.

I do wish someone would open up another "little country store" in that community. I think I'd like a push-up right now!
A note to readers: Upon reading this, it is incumbent on the man who brought up the subject, "Jim," to let us know just how many famous people hail from Royville. And some demographer ought to figure out just how much bigger than Somerset the metroplex of Royville, Russell Springs, and Jamestown would be if the urban area, from Chicken Ridge in Adair County, to Lake Cumberland, were all one city.

This story was posted on 2010-08-14 06:48:39
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