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Site news: Two steps to match owner and pet quickly

Before posting: Check CM Animals, FIRST
This is just a reminder to those who find dogs and looking for the owner those with dogs missing that two steps are important, in this sequence, to get a faster happy reunion:
  1. Check CM Classifieds ANIMALS. On more than one occasion, the missing animal has been listed there, and a check would have made an instant match.
  2. Prepare the ad for CM Classifieds carefully, checking to make sure all information necessary is included in one email. If a photo of the animal - Lost or Found - is available, it expedites the search if it is included as an attachment in the email. A specific address is preferable, but we'll need at least a general area or neighborhood to include in the ad, and we must have complete contact information in case we have to contact the advertiser.
There is no charge for CM lost or found pets for individuals living in the Adair, Casey, Cumberland, Green, Metcalfe, Russell or Taylor Counties of Kentucky for ads following the basic format. Flyers may be posted as paid advertising. Non standard ads can be posted as paid advertising. But we recommend for fastest results and priority handling to simply use the Free service, which, if charged at our low advertising rates would cost from $9 to over $200 dollars. (A front page commercial photo on the front page of is a minimum of $100 per day or part of a day.)

This story was posted on 2010-08-12 09:17:00
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