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Sad word reaches here of tragic death
of Adair Countian in Berea, KY

Services for Hillary Hadley, the daughter of Maxie and Cathy Hadley of Columbia, KY, will be at the Columbia-Union Presbyterian Church. More details will be posted when received.

Adair Countians are deeply saddened by word of the death of a 21 year old Adair County woman.

Hillary Hadley was a graduate of Adair County High School and was a former field commander for the Adair County High School Marching band.

Captain Ken Clark of the Berea, KY, Police Department said his department notified at 11:13amET, this morning, Wednesday, August 11, 2010.

He said that Hillary was driving a pickup for a Sherman-Williams paint store, where she was working part-time this summer. "She made a delivery to a business and on the way out of an industrial site she had to cross a railroad track."

Captain Clark said that the level crossing has flashing lights and warning signs, but does not have gates which stop passage when a train is coming.

He said the driver attempted to pass over the crossing as the train neared.

Captain Clark said the pickup truck was hit in the driver's side and that he vehicle traveled some 30 feet before coming to a rest. The driver was pronounced dead at the scene.

An investigation into the exact circumstances surrounding the tragedy is continuing, he said.

Other news of the tragedy: WKYT, Lexington, has a brief story and a video from the scene online. Click to Woman killed after train hits truck.

This story was posted on 2010-08-11 15:44:10
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