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Bears have own rules:
Don't want pictures taken with cell phones

Dave Rosenbaum explains what happened at Red River Gorge, and why Adair County Bears have never attacked anybody. Notes over-reaction
About: Hunt on for bear which attacked Springfield man

By Old Dave Rosenbaum

This Lexington Herald Leader coverage of the feller that got bear-bit in the Red River Gorge included a photograph of the bear that the gentleman took with his cell phone just prior to being attacked.

Closing the Gorge was surely a gross over-reaction to this incident.

It's apparent to me that bears just can't abide being photographed with a cell phone.

That's what got him stirred up!

I'm confident that the field guide published by your Blue Riibbon Bear Board expressly warns folks about taking pictures of bears with cell phones.

That explains why no one in Adair has been attacked, even with the high population of bears throughout the county.
Dave: I did notice that sending over a dozen KY F & W personnel out to capture one (1) bear seemed excessive. We have a rule here: One bad bear, one good Blue Ribbon Bear Board member. Dr. Johnny Vaughn, by himself, could have dispatched the bear to its heavenly reward. And BBRB Dean Gary Coomer, a Bear Whisperer, gentles Bears down with calming conversation, and he doesn't need any help, either. -EW

This story was posted on 2010-06-29 07:08:16
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