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Elmo was a funny, smart cat Elmo is gone now. He always came on visits to Kentucky, writer remembers in this thoughtful essay on the loss of a pet. She encourages those who have lost a beloved dog or cat to find a place in their hearts for another animal - and help reduce the tragedy of the high number of euthanizations at animal shelters Inspired upon seeing: Bev Merritt with beloved pet Sugar By Tami Wilson Just a note to say that I empathize with Bev Merritt in the loss of her dog. I lost my beloved cat, Elmo last April due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. He always came with me on my visits to KY, and was a very funny and smart cat. He was only 11 when he passed. In 1999, I also lost Chelsea, my cat I'd had for 17 years. Some people think that the loss of a pet cannot be very serious, but animals are uniquely compassionate and loving, and are often there for us when many people are not. No two animals are the same, and they cannot be replaced, but in time, I hope that people in Bev Merritt's situation find that they are able to welcome another pet (hopefully from a shelter) into their lives. So many dogs and cats, kittens and puppies are euthanized in shelters, just because someone decides they don't have the time or space for them in their lives anymore.To Beverly Merritt, take care, and may you have many happy memories of Sugar. -Tami Wilson This story was posted on 2010-06-05 05:36:35
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