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Poetry by Robert Stone: The eve of a new year

The eve of a new year
a poem by Robert Stone
On all the eves of all the years
all of men send up their cries
some for peace to all the earth
some for chance to prove their worth
some that all find second-birth
some for wealth-obtaining power
some for wisdom of the hour
some that 'neath them men should cower
Prayers to God omnipotent
prayers to gods that men invent
ceaseless prayers for endless things
rise to heaven on countless wings

But all of men when hope is fled
when ease is gone and peace is dead
find that words do not suffice
in seeking comfort purpose peace advice
And only those who know their God
who walk the ways that love has trod
who have a hope that never fails
though it be dimmed as fear assails
may comfort those who have no peace
and care for those whose needs increase

Each of us must pray to be
filled with love's humility
remembering that all mankind
in those who trust their faith shall find
And lest indifference creep in
unheeded in the rush and din
let us recall with solemn air
as we begin our every prayer
that all the sea has once been tears
and all the air has once been sighs
- Robert Stone, 6 December 1959

This story was posted on 2009-12-31 14:14:28
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