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Mary Beth Jewell, Canmer, KY, new editor of LWC The View

By Duane Bonifer

The editor of the Lindsey Wilson View, is Mary Beth Jewell. The View, is the student newspaper of Lindsey Wilson College, The first issue of the 2009-2010 school year was published last week.

Jewell, a communication senior from Canmer, KY, is serving her first year as editor of the monthly student-run paper.

"Everyone works well together, and it's been a blast to work with the entire staff," Jewell said. "I'm excited about my role with the paper, and I'm looking forward to where we can go from here."

Jewell said she is also encouraged by the possibilities of the View's new Web site,

"It's going to be a great way to reach out to students and the community," she said. "With everything going to the Web these days, it's going to help all of the students with their career goals in journalism."

Print copies of The View, which is free, can be picked up all over the A.P. White Campus, including the Cralle Student Union Building, Holloway Building and Roberta D. Cranmer Dining & Conference Center.

This story was posted on 2009-09-15 04:46:52
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Mary Beth Jewell, Canmer, KY, with issue of The View

2009-09-15 - Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia, KY - Photo by Duane Bonifer.
Editor Mary Beth Jewell displays the first copy of the 2009-10 edition of The View, the student newspaper of Lindsey Wilson College. The View's first issue of the 2009-10 school year was published last week.

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