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From the tobacco field: Case of target spot confirmed in Adair

No blue mold in KY yet. Target spot, a fungus caused disease, has been confirmed, today, in an Adair County, KY field. Target spot is easily confused for blue mold

By Nick Roy, Adair County Extension Agent for Agriculture & Natural Resources.

Weather conditions as of late have been perfect for blue mold. However, Kentucky has yet to have the first case of blue mold confirmed. Yesterday, blue mold was found in Eastern Tennesse (Greene County) Currently, the threat for blue mold in Kentucky remains fairly low but growers should continue to keep an eye out and and prepare to make fungicide applications if needed.

One disease that has began showing up in Adair County tobacco fields is target spot. One very severe case of target spot was confirmed today. Some growers may confuse target spot for blue mold.

Target spot is caused by a fungus which begins as small, water-soaked spots that expand to large lesions with a zonate (concentric rings) appearance. Lesions can expand rapidly when humidity is high, and will have a translucent, greenish appearance.

As lesions age, they become tan-brown and brittle, and may cover large portions of the leaf. Brittle tissues tend to fall away, leaving holes in affected leaves and reducing yield. Leaf quality is also affected.

Fields affected with target spot should recieve an applicaiton of 8 fl oz/A of Quadris fungicide. Quadris will provide good control of target spot, as well as diseases like blue mold and frogeye.

For more information, contact Nick Roy at the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service at 384-2317. Nick Roy, Adair County Extension Agentfor Agriculture & Natural Resources, 409 Fairgrounds Street, P.O. Box 309Columbia, KY 42728. Phone (270) 384-2317

This story was posted on 2009-07-03 19:54:59
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