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Lera Williams: Still trusting God on her 109th birthday

Taylor County Judge Paul Patton joins birthday celebration today, singing "When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder." Mrs. Williams is orginially from Cumberland County, as is her pastor, CU Vice President John Chowning; and she has an Adair County connection, too.
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By Linda Waggener, Campbellsville University writer

CAMPBELLSVILLE, KY--Campbellsville University neighbor, Mrs. Lera Williams, turned 109 years young today, February 9, 2009, and had a steady stream of visitors at her Meader Street home to honor her.

CU Vice President for Church and External Relations and Executive Assistant to the President, John Chowning, notes that both he and "Mrs. Lera" have their family roots in Cumberland County.

Among her many guests were former Taylor County Judge Executive Paul Patton who stopped in for their annual gospel music singing. She sang along with him on several familiar tunes including "When The Roll is Called Up Yonder."

When asked her secret to long life, Mrs. Williams says simply, "I do not worry -- God will take care of us." She still uses her talents every day and is well known locally as the lady who crochets those colorful bookmarks that the library gives ou

This story was posted on 2009-02-09 15:15:06
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Happy 109th birthday, Lera Williams!

2009-02-09 - Campbellsville, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener. Campbellsville University photo.
LERA WILLIAMS CELEBRATED HER 109th BIRTHDAY TODAY, with lots of visitors. She is pictured here, center, surrounded by three of her six living children. From left are: Cena Hottel, left; Jerry Williams, front center; and Betty Pyles, at right. Jerry, (Robert Hamlett's father-in-law for an Adair County connection), and Betty live in Campbellsville and Cena lives in Louisville. Eloise Elmore and Ann Williams, also of Campbellsville, were not present for the photo and Clara Newton lives in Texas. (CU photo by Linda Waggener)

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