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Child flown to Louisville after crash at CWB/ KY 439 crossing

Wednesday morning collision is 3rd at the intersection since Columbia Western Bypass opened at 3:00pmCT, October 9, 2008, just three months ago. Links below. -CM
UPDATE at 5:02pmCT, January 14, 2009: Chief Mark Harris of the Columbia Police Department says this is the fourth accident at the intersection. "We've worked three," he said, "and today we called in the Kentucky State Police because they have reconstructionist and because we thought they had resources to handle the accident. Chief Harris said that after the 3rd accident, he, Mayor Patrick R. Bell, and a representative of the Somerset office of the Kentucky Highway Department visited the site and the KHD subsequently put in rumble strips to warn KY 439 and KY 61 traffic of the stop. "Today's crash is the first since the rumble strips," he said, "but I think the State needs to put a caution light or even a four way traffic light in there."

By Trooper Billy Gregory, Public Affairs Officer
Kentucky State Police Post 15, Columbia, KY

Kentucky State Police Tpr. Greg Brown is investigating an injury collision that occurred at 10:47amCT at the intersection of KY 55 Bypass and KY 439.

A 1990 Ford F-150 Pickup Truck, operated by 28-year-old Misty May of Columbia (belted), was traveling east on KY 439 when she failed to stop at the stop sign.

Her vehicle traveled into the southbound lane of KY 55 Bypass, striking a 1994 Ford Ranger, operated by 34-year-old Jackie Grant (not belted)of Russell Springs, in the side.

Both drivers refused treatment at the scene but the lone passenger in the Grant vehicle, 2-year-old Jasmine Grant (child safety seat), was flown to Kosair Childrens Hospital in Louisville.
Story courtesy Trooper William Gregory, Public Affairs Officer, Kentucky State Police Post 15, 1118 Jamestown ST, (at Exit 49, Louie B. Nunn Parkway), Columbia, KY. Kentucky State Police Post 15, Columbia, KY, covers the 11 counties of Adair, Casey, Clinton, Cumberland, Green, Marion, Metcalfe, Monroe, Russell, Taylor and Washington. Thanks also to Dispatcher Kimberly R. Popplewell
See also:
  1. "Injury accident occurs at CWB/Greensburg ST intersection2008-11-04"

  2. "CPD investigates another accident at N.61 and bypass," 2008-11-21

  3. This story was posted on 2009-01-14 16:46:12
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Little pug dog missing after CWB/KY 439 accident

2009-01-14 - Columbia Western Bypass/KY 439 Christian Life Center area, Columbia, KY - Photo by Misty May.
2009-01-16. Chrissy was found near Downey's Mill
I was involved in the accident on the bypass and my little pug dog Chrissy was with me, she jumped out and ran off. I have looked and looked for her. If anyone has seen her or know where she may be please call either (270) 634-1220 or (270) 250-2459. -Misty May

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Wreck at Intersection CWB & KY 439, January 14, 2009

2009-01-14 - Columbia Western Bypass at Ky 439, Columbia, KY - Photo Wreck photos by Rodney Thompson; dog photo by Misty May.
A Terrible Accident tied up the intersection of the Columbia Western Bypass and KY 439 today. It was the fourth accident at the location since the CWB opened on October 9, 2008. In the large photo, units of the Columbia Fire Department, Kentucky State Police, Adair County Emergency Medical Service, Columbia City Police, and Adair County Sheriff's Department were on the scene. The maroon vehicle is a 1990 F-150 pickup which was operated by Misty May, which was traveling east of KY 439. The blue vehicle is a a 1994 Ford Ranger, operated by Jackie Grant. The drivers refused treatment at the scene, but a passenger in the Ranger, two year old Jasmine Grant, was flown to Kosair Children's Hospital in Louisville. The little pug dog was a passenger in the 1990 Ford Pickup, and ran away during the turmoil.

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