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May 2008 Celebrations!: Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc. Celebrations: Birthdays, Anniversaries are being transferred to a new location. The transfer is still in progress. To view the new Celebratios, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Click Here (ADV) Shop online for great Celebration gifts. Pick up at Wal-Mart, 809 Jamestown St, Columbia, KY. Site to Store (SM) WEDDINGS, BIRTHS WITHIN PAST MONTH Latest at top of list, Scroll down page for Today's Celebrations Welcome, Olivia Michelle Huff(Posted 2008-04-20) Olivia Michelle Huff was welcomed into the world on April 17, 2008, at Taylor Regional Hospital in Campbellsville, KY. She weghed 8lbs.10oz. and was 21 inches long. Her parents are BJ and Tasha Huff of Columbia, KY. She was also welcomed home by her grandparents Mike and Dana Holmes of Columbia, KY, and Billy and Melissa Huff of Greensburg, KY, her great grandparents, Larry and Pat Conover, Jr. and Dorothy Holmes, and Buck and Eva Robertson, Bill Huff and Margaret Huff. She was also welcomed home by a great great grandma Stella Mann and also several aunts, uncles and cousins. PHOTO It's easy to ADD a PHOTO to Your Celebrations. It's easy to make your anniversary, birthday, or other special occasion stand out with a photo. Birthday photos. Photo ads are linked to birthday wishes and are run on the Personal Celebrations page prior to the event. Small charges apply. Full column photos with copy are $19.95. Smaller, less than half-column ads are $14.95, per week preceding event. It's easy to email your copy and photo. Payments may be mailed to: ColumbiaMagazine.com, PO Box 906, Columbia, KY 42728. Front page guaranteed at regular commercial rates See rate card for full advertising details. Click on PHOTO links to see Celebration wishes with photos. Click Here for some photos from Celebrations Past MAY 2008 CELEBRATIONS May 1, 2008: Bailey Harris Happy 10th birthday to Bailey Harris. We love you, Dad, Mom & Sissy. May 1, 2008: Jordan Willis Happy birthday Jordan Willis! You are a wonderful young man and I am proud to be your Aunt Rose. May 2, 2008: Shianni Bethoni Stinson Happy 3rd Birthday Shianna Bethoni Stinson on May 2nd. We Love You, Jodi, Jordan, Corey and Justin. May 5, 2008: Shawn Smith Happy 21st Birthday, Shawn Smith. You continue to make us proud of you and we love you. Mom and Dad May 6, 2008: Bridgett Bailey Happy Birthday to Bridgett Bailey! Lynn, Pheobie, Shelby, Wyatt, Heather and Riley Max May 8, 2008: 15th anniversary, Jason and Melena Lacy Happy15th anniversary to Jason and Melena Lacy from all the family, Mom, Dad, Jo, Michael, Jon, Laura, and Jon Austin May 10, 2008: Gracin Adamson Happy 4th Birthday, Gracie Beth. We love you very much! Pa Pig, Nana Grant, and Uncle Treyton May 14, 2008: Ashley and Bradley Adamson Happy Birthday, Ashley and Bradley. Hope your day is filled with love and laughter. Lots of Love, Mom, Mike, and Treyton May 17, 2008: Hailey Birdwell Happy ninth birthday on May 17, 2008, to Hailey Birdwell. Fom Pa Joe and Nanny Bonnie May 18, 2008: Melena Lacy Happy birthday to Melena Lacy from your in-laws. We love you very much. Love, Gerry and Martha. May 18, 2008: Melena Lacy Happy Birthday to my daughter and best friend, Melena Lacy. Love, Mom-Kathy May 22, 2008: Jazzlyn Douglas We want to wish our Grand Daughter Jazzlyn Douglas, a very happy birthday. From Pa and Nanny Birdwell. We love you. May 26, 2008: Katlyn Jaid Lacy Gappy 6th birthday to our beautifulgranddaughter Katlyn Jaid Lacy. We are so proud of you. You are the sweetest granddaughter a grandparent could ever want. Love, Nana and Poppie. May 28, 2008: Herman Jessee Pa Herman Jessee will be 93 years young on May 28, 2008. Happy Brithday , Dad! From all your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Happy birthday. We love you! May 29, 2008: Kaylee Burton Happy 9th Birthday, Kaylee Burton on May 29, 2008. We love you. Mom, Dad, Brooklynn & Keaton May 31, 2008: Laura Lacy Happy birthday to our daughter-in-law Laura Lacy from your in-laws. Love Gerry and Martha JUNE 2008 CELEBRATIONS June 16, 2008: Donnie Josh Smith Happy birthday, Donnie Josh Smith. From Margie and Dan June 16, 2008: Josh Smith Happy birthday, Josh Smith. May God bless you and Peg. Many Happy days. Jean and Jess June 20, 2008: Jordan McClister Happy 12th birthday Jordan McClister on June 20th. We love you - Mom, Terry, Corey and Justin June 23, 2008: K.I. Riddle Happy birthday to K.I. Riddle, who celebrates his 80th birthday today. From your family and many friends June 23, 2008: Anniversary, Mike & Melanie Ollery I would like to wish a Happy 18th Anniversary to my husband, Mike (Ollery), June 23. I love you, Melanie OCTOBER 2008 CELEBRATIONS October 21: Birthday anniversary of Melvin Traylor Melvin Alvah Traylor was born October 21, 1878, in Breeding, KY. He was Illinois' favorite son candidate for the 1932 Democratic Presidential nomination. To see Time Magazine Cover, Nov. 21, 1932, Click Here. For Wikipedia entry, Click HereJANUARY 2009: CELEBRATIONSJanuary 9, 2009: Birthday anniversary, John AdairIt's the birthday of John Adair for whom Adair County, KY named. Born January 9, 1757 in Chester County, SC; died May 19, 1840. Buried State Cemetery, Frankfort, KY. (Source: InformationPlease.com) DECEMBER BIRTHS FOR THE RECORD December 25, 2008: Darnells get best Christmas present ever: Tristan is here! Posted January 12, 2007 Tristan Wesley Darnell was born at 6:43am on December 25, 2007 at Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington -- the best Christmas gift Chris and I could ever receive. He weighed eight pounds, nine ounces and was 21 inches long. Tristan is welcomed home by a special big sister, Natalie Darnell. Proud grandparents are Alan Reed and Shirl and Julia Darnell of Columbia. -AIMEE (REED) DARNELL. PHOTO JANUARY 2008: CELEBRATIONS FOR THE RECORD January 1, 2008: Ashley Bennett Best wishes for a happy birthday. From all your family and friends January 1 ,2008: In memory birthday, Larry McClister Happy Birthday to my Dad in Heaven, Larry McClister. I Love You I Miss You! Love, Melena January 3, 2008: Kelly Jenkins Happy birthday, Kelly Jenkins. From your family and friends January 4, 2008: Jackie Helm Happy Birthday to my husband, Jackie Helm -- with love! January 4, 2008: Greg Burchett Happy Birthday to the love of my life Greg Burchett. I love you, Tammy. January 4, 2008: Lennie Stone Happy Birthday, January 4, to my favorite Water Manager and little brother, Lenny Stone. From the sister who gave you your first penny. The fact that I tried to feed it to you when you were two days old should not matter much! From Melissa Taylor. PHOTO January 4, 2007: Cindy MelsonCindy Melson turns 40 today. She needs to take extra precautions now when riding the 4 wheeler and motorcycles. She may be 40, but she is still kicking like she's 20. We love uou Cindy! Cha & Bridgette. You're 40 and we're not. January 5, 2007: Lindsay and Lyle Miller Happy birthday to Lindsay and Lyle Miller who will be turning 18 on January 5th. I want you guys to know you have brought lots of excitement, happiness and fulfillment into their 'old' mother life. I love you both very much and wish you a very happy birthday. Mom January 7, 2008: Josh Bennett Happy birthday, Josh Bennett, with lots of love from your son, Kayden January 7, 2008: Betty Cash Betty Cash celebrates her birthday. Happy Birthday Momma. We love you. From Eldon, Cindy, T.J., Amanda and Craig January 7, 2008: Kara Feese - Smooth ride thru your teenage years (thank you), but watch out for this next decade - it goes a little faster! Happy 20th birthday Kara Feese! Love, Mom - Happy birthday Kara I am proud of the beautiful young lady you have become.(Even though you are getting old) Happy I love you, Grandma Nancy - We wanted to wish our cousin, Kara, a very happy birthday all the way from Texas! Happy Birthday. -Julie and Stuart Sebren - Happy birthday. Love, your cousin Nathan - Kara, you are a beautiful, smart, hard working Christian young lady. I hope that your 20th birthday is great. I love you and am very proud of the young lady you have become. Aunt Rose January 6, 2008: James P. Harvey Happy Birthday, James P Harvey. From your Sisters Elaine & Trilby your Brother Kendall also Sonny Cecil & Judy January 8, 2007: 70th Anniversary Grace & Willie Mat Feese, Sr Happy Anniversary: Grace and Willie Mat Feese, Sr., married 70 years on Tuesday, January 8, 2008. PHOTO January 8, 2008: Maddie Harmon - Happy 6th Birthday, Maddie Harmon, on January 8th! We love you bunches! From Daddy, Mommy, and little sister Emma - Happy 6th Birthday, to my best friend, Maddie Harmon on January 8, 2008. Love, Reagan McCalister January 8, 2008: Tim Blackistone Happy Birthday to Tim Blackistone We Love You!!!! Kim and Sierra January 9, 2008: Jason B. Smith Happy Birthday to our son, Jason B. Smith.We love you! Mom and Dad January 9, 2008: Birthday anniversary, John AdairIt's the birthday of John Adair for whom Adair County, KY named. Born January 9, 1757 in Chester County, SC; died May 19, 1840. Buried State Cemetery, Frankfort, KY. (Source: InformationPlease.com) January 9, 2008: Vickie Bryant Happy 50th Birthday from your sister (Debbie). Lots of love, too. January 11, 2008: Terry Harvey Happy Birthday, Terry Harvey. From Aunt Elaine Trilby & Judy January 11, 2008: Jonathan Noah Ollery Happy 9th Birthday, Jonathan Noah Ollery! We love you so much!!!! Love, Mom, Dad, Grammy Martha, Granny Pat, Pa, Carl and all the Furry Rugrats. January 11, 2008: LInda Bragg Happy Birthday, Linda Bragg, from all of your family January 11, 2008: Carolyn Gaskins Happy Birthday to Carolyn Gaskins from Billy and Hilda January 11, 2008: Amber Burton - We would like to wish our Grandaughter a very Happy 8th Birthday January 11th. We Love You Bunches. Hope you enjoy your new bike. Love, Mam-Maw & Pap-Paw - Happy Birthday to my very special niece. I would like to wish my niece Amber Burton a very Happy 8th Birthday on January 11th. You are a very special girl to me and I enjoy being with you. I Love You bunches. Love, Aunt Julie January 12, 2007: Treyton Grant Happy 10th Birthday, Treyton Grant, we love you very much !! Mom and Dad January 12, 2007: Nana We want wish our Nana Happy Birthday on January 12th. We Love You, Hayley and Mylee January 12, 2008: Todd Wilson Happy Birthday, Todd Wilson. Love, Your Mama January 12, 2008: Todd Wilson Happy Birthday to Todd Wilson. Love, Billie Kay & Cally January 13, 2008: Wyatt Edward Franklin: Happy 3rd birthday to Wyatt Edward Franklin!! We love you alot! Daddy, Mommy, Shelby, Heather, Riley Max and all your family!! PHOTO January 13, 2008: Wyatt Edward Franklin Happy 3rd Birthday Wyatt Edward Franklin! We love you very much! #Love, Mommy Bridgett, Jeremy Kalli January 13, 2008: Tammy Burchett Happy 30th birthday. Love, from Greg Burchett January 13, 2008: Geneva Kessler Happy Birthday, Geneva Kessler. The Kessler family would like to invite everyone to Pickett's Chapel on Sunday, January 13, 2008, to celebrate Geneva Kessler's 80th birthday. It's a surprise for her, so please help us keep the secret. -ARLINDA KESSLER for the Kessler family. PHOTO January 14, 2008: Will Jenkins Happy Birthday, Will Jenkins. From your family and friends. January 14, 2008: Anniversary, Austin and Linda Bragg Happy 41th Wedding Anniversary, Austin and Linda Bragg. Married January 14, 1967. Love you. From your family. January 15, 2008: Mike Bennett Happy 42nd Birthday from your wife (Debbie) and son (Brandon). Hope you have a great one. We love you very much. January 16, 2008: Anniversary, Mark & Sharon Pickett Happy 15th Anniversary to my Mom & Dad, Mark & Sharon Pickett, from Matt January 17, 2008: Flora Claywell We would like to wish Flora Claywell a very happy birthday on January 17th. We love you, Mom very much and we hope this year brings you much health, happiness, and love. Happy Birthday from Floyd, Greg, Karen, Justin, Zach, Cody, Lexi, Crystal, Joe, and Lucas. January 17, 2008: Kim Meadows Happy Birthday, Kim Meadows. From Mom & Elaine January 2008: Celebrations Including Birthdays, Anniversaries, Memorials and other Occasions January 18, 2008: Pat Rucker Happy Birthday, Pat Rucker. We love you - Noah, Mike, Melanie and Martha. January 18, 2008: Chris Bauer Happy birthday, Chris. From all your family and friends. January 18, 2008: Welcome to the world, Tristen Kendrick Stotts Jason and Alisha Stotts would like to announce the arrival of their new baby boy, Tristen Kendrick Stotts. Tristen was born on January 18 at 6:18pm, and weighed 8.38 pounds. PHOTO January 19, 2008: Wallace and G.W. Feese Happy Birthday to my brothers, Wallace Feese and G. W. Feese. Wallace. Being 60 isn't so bad, you'll see. Love, Linda and family January 19, 2008: Willard Nokes Happy 74th Birthday, Willard Nokes, January 19th, from all of your family and friends January 19, 2008: Haylee Keith Happy 7th Birthday to Haylee Keith! We love you! Love, Mommy, Daddy, Kesha, Tristen, Taylor & Mallory January 20, 2008: Anniversary, Lester & Charlene Brock Happy 40th Anniversary. To Lester & Charlene Brock. With love, from Greg, Stacy, Bradley, Jameson, Jansen & Jayden and all of your family and friends January 20, 2008: Wanda Taylor Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to the nice lady at Wal-Mart whoworks in jewelry; wishing you many more. Love, Corine January 21, 2008: Danielle Kerekes Happy 15th Birthday to Danielle Kerekes! Love, your family January 23, 2008: Linda Tiller Happy 51st birthday to Linda Tiller. From all your co-workers January 23, 2008: Linda Tiller We would like to wish Linda Tiller a very Happy Birthday on January 23rd. She is our good neighbor and friend. Love, Floyd, Sharon & Julie Burton January 23, 2008: Linda Tiller Happy 51st Birthday, Linda Tiller, on January 23rd! We love you, Your "Bruder" Will, and Luke. January 24, 2008: Donnie Melson Happy Birthday to Donnie Melson on January 24th!! We love you very much, Krishana, Makayla, Mariah, and Andrew. January 24, 2008: Donnie Joe Melson Happy Birthday, Donnie Joe Melson, January 24,1976/ I love you,Mom January 24, 2008: Kyndal Caldwell Happy birthday, Kyndal Caldwell, January 24. From Aunt Cindy, Mandy, Chucky, Madelon & Kaleb January 24, 2008: Austin Bragg Happy Birthday, Austin Bragg, from all of your family January 24, 2008: Jason Somerville Happy Birthday, Jason Somerville, January 24th from Mom & Elaine January 24, 2008: Jordan Lasley Happy 9th birthday, Jordan Lasley, on January 24th. Love Mom and Dad January 25, 2008: Marie Tupman Happy 42nd Birthday to my sister Marie Tupman. love you! JoAnn January 25, 2008: Jannie Luttrell Happy Birthday, Aunt Jannie, from Garrett & Jeremy January 26, 2008: Anniversary, Kerry & Patricia Yates Happy 41st anniversary to Kerry & Patricia Yates! With love from your Flock... January 26, 2008: Anniversary, Nana and Papa Happy 31st anniversary, Nana and Papa. Love, your favorite grandbaby, Cassie January 26, 2008: Matt Hadley Happy Birthday. From A True Friend! January 27, 2008: Jason Perkins Happy Birthday, Jason Perkins! January 27, Love You, Sis, Mandy, Kaleb Madelon January 27, 2008: LizHappy Birthday to a special neice. May your birthday be filled with blessings from above. We love you. From Aunt Alice, Uncle Everett, and TJ Wheeler January 28, 2008: Chris Lloyd Today, Monday, January 28, 2008, is Chris Lloyd's 16th birthday. Nobody could be prouder of him than Little Anna, unless it is parents Doyle and Mary Lloyd. PHOTO January 28, 2008: Kevin Andrew Burton I want to wish my nephew, Kevin Andrew Burton, a Happy Birthday on January 28th. Love, Aunt Deb January 28, 2008: Isaiah Morgan Happy 7th Birthday to Isaiah Morgan on Monday, January 28, 2008. We Love you, Dad, Mom, & Zach January 28, 2008: Brandon Lewis Happy birthday, Dad. Thanks for being my best buddy. Hope your birthday is as special as you are to me. PS. Thanks for the ride in the the red truck!! Love your dog, Oreo. January 31, 2008: Gene Hoots Happy Birthday, Gene Hoots. From all your family and friends. January 31, 2008: Jason Lacy Happy Birthday Jason Lacy, January 31, 2008, to one of the greatest son-in-laws in the world. Love, Kathy January 31, 2008: Jason Lacy Happy Birthday, January 31, 2008, to our oldest son, Jason Lacy. We love you very much and you mean the world to us. Love, Mom and Dad January 31, 2008: Jason Lacy Happy Birthday to my Bro Jason Lacy on January31,2008. From your little sis, Jo January 11, 2008: Welcome Sara Bailey McKinley to the world. She was born Friday, January 11, 2008, in Texas. Happy parents are Mitch and Angie McKinley. Happy grandparents are Frank and Lois Kologinczak and Mitchell and Donna McKinley. Great grandparents are L.G. (Peanut) and Fay McKinley and Calvin and Mary Cooley. Uncle Jerry and Aunt Cyndi Skains, great aunts Jean Corbin and Mitzi Bault, and Great Uncle Mark McKinley are all very proud to welcome her to the world. -JEAN CORBINPHOTO February 1, 2008: Amy Roy Cundiff Happy Birthday to my niece, Amy Roy Cundiff. Love and best wishes, Linda family February 1, 2008: Mark Hutcheson Happy Birthday to our grandson, Mark Hutcheson. We love you lots and hope it's a great birthday! Grammy, Papa & Daniel Friday, February 1, 2008: To a wonderful Mom, Patricia Harper My wonderful mother will be 58 years young! She is the best thing that God ever gave me! Love, Shamarie Claiborne February 2, 2007: Mitzi Bault Happy birthday, Mitzi Jean. From all your family and friends February 2, 2008: Jerry Skains Happy birthday, Jerry. From your family and friends February 2, 2008: To Big Sis Happy birthday,February 2, 2008: To our Big Sis and daughter "Hope you have a Great day!" Miss you, Love, Ralph,Pat, and Mom February 2, 2008: To our father We want to wish our daddy a Happy Birthday on February 2nd. Love, Mariah and Mercedes February 3, 2008: Melanie Ollery Happy Birthday Mom-Melanie Ollery! I love you so much! Noah February 3, 2008: Kelly Jones Happy 11th Birthday to Kelly Jones, February 3, 2008. From Mom, Dad, Wesley, Ashley, and Bogart!! February 3, 2008: Ginger Easton I want to wish my sister-in-law, Ginger Eaton a very Happy Birthday on February 3. I love and miss you! Paula Ball. February 3, 2008: Jaurden Hubele Happy birthday, Jaurden Hubele. From your family and friends February 3, 2008: In memory, Caleb Kyle Sneed Our little Caleb Kyle Sneed would have been 8 years old today, but his life was cut short at the age of 15 months in a tragic accident. We miss you and love you so much. Uncle Mike, Aunt Debbie, and cousin Brandon.February 4, 2008: Danielle Stephens Happy 19th Birthday Danielle (Dani) Stephens. We love you a lot. Mike, Debbie and Brandon Bennett February 5, 2008: Bliss Cravens Santiago Happy birthday, Bliss. From all your family and friends February 5, 2008: Zachary Morgan Happy 5th Birthday Zachary Morgan on Tuesday February 5, 2008.February 6, 2008: Welcome! Mia Rayne Patrice Bailey Ed and Lynne Darnell would like to announce the birth of their first Grandchild. Mia Rayne Patrice Bailey was born on February 6, 2008. She weighed 6.88 pounds. Her proud parents are Derek Bailey and JeKia Whitlow of Bowling Green. Love You, Dad, Mom, & Bubby February 6, 2008: Tim Morgan Happy Birthday to my husband Tim on February 6th. I love you and I look forward to many more years to come. February 6, 2008: Mary Mae Phelps Happy Brithday to Mary Mae Phelps, from all your family and friends February 7, 2008: Kyle Curry - Happy 16th Birthday, Kyle Curry! Love, Jaime and Bruce - Happy birthday from your Casey County friends February 8, 2008: Jeremy Sneed Wishing our son, Jeremy Sneed, a very Happy Birthday, February 8, 2008. We love you. From Mom and Randy February 9, 2008: Dewayne Cowan Happy birthday on Feburary 9th to Dewayne Cowan. From Mom, Bonnie L. Cowan; and Brantley, Brayden, Braylee and Elizabeth February 10, 2008: Brooklynn Paige Burton Happy 14th Birthday, Brooklynn Paige Burton, February 10, 2008. We love you, Mom , Dad, Kaylee & Keaton February 11, 2008: Brenda Mann Happy Birthday, Brenda Mann, from your family and friends. February 11, 2008: Norma Jean Hoskins Happy 40th birthday Even tho you are turning 40 You will always be My Little Girl. Thank You for always being there for me. I love You very much. Love, Mom. February 12, 2008: Allen Green It's Allen's birthday. Happy Birthday Allen from your family in laws, Granny, Ralph, Betty, Liz, Allice, Everett, Tim, Lisa, Nicole, TJ, Patti Ann, Hannah, Nick, Eddie, Lynne, Sissy, Colton, Logan, Christian, and Todd Allen and Patty Green. You are loved so much. It may be raining, but you are our sunshine, and we love you. February 12, 2008: B.J. Huff Happy 21st birthday to B.J. Huff, February 12, 2008, we love you. Tasha, Dana, Mike and BrandonFebruary 12, 2008: Madison Rose Irvin Happy birthday, Madison Rose Irvin. From all your family and friends. February 12, 2008: Welcome to the world: Ashlyn Elizabeth Brown Betty Sue Jasper would like to announce the birth of her first great niece, Ashlyn Elizabeth Brown. She was born February 12, 2008 and weighed 6 lbs 6 oz. Her parents are Shane and Sarah Brown of Cleveland TN. Her grandparents are Dennis and Sallie Collins Conover of Huntsville, AL (formerly of Adair County). Ashlyn is the great granddaughter of Clara Conover and the late Earl Conover, the late Ivy Collins French and the late Ralph Collins. PHOTOFebruary 15, 2008: Welcome to the world, Isabella Grace Harvey We have a new arrival in the Harvey family to share with readers. Isabella Grace Harvey was born on February 15, 2008 at approx 3:15amCT at the Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital in Somerset, KY. The darling little girl arrived weighing 7lbs 13oz and was 20" in length. The proud parents are Bryan & Laura Harvey of Columbia, KY. Isabella is the beautiful granddaughter of Tony & Cynthia Harvey, Tommy & Linda Bryd of Columbia, Ky., and Phillip & Billie Ann Coffey of Greensburg, KY. Mother & the baby are both doing fine and came home February 18, 2008 from the hospital. -TONY HARVEY. PHOTO February 12, 2008: Gerry Lacy Happy birthday, Gerry Lacy. From your wife. I love you very much. Love, Martha. February 14, 2008: Jessica Lacy Happy 17th birthday to our valentine on February 14, 2008. Jessica Lacy. We know your grown now, but you will always be our baby girl. We love you very much. Love, Mom and Dad February 14, 2008: Tony Beard Happy Birthday to Tony Beard. We love you so much. Love, Your Wife, Becky & Your Daughters, Brooklyn & Hailey February 15, 2008: Anniversary, Patty & Allen Green Happy Anniversay Patty and Allen Green. What a wonderful couple.You bring so much joy to all of us. We love you. From Alice and Everett Wheeler February 15, 2008: LeAnna Bennett Today is my little sister LeAnna Bennett's birthday. She is an agent at State Farm Insurance in Columbia. If you are by there, please wish her a happy birthday. - M. Taylor. PHOTO February 17, 2008: Jordan Young Happy 8th to Jordan Young. Love you. From Pa Herman and Mammie Jessee and all of your family. February 17, 2008: Connie Phelps Happy birthday to Connie Phelps. From your family February 19, 2008: Jamie Cole Happy Birthday to my hero and dad, Jamie Cole. I love you! Taylor February 19, 2008: Lisa Lee Happy birthday to Lisa Lee in the Adair County Judge Executive's office. From all your famiily and friends. February 19, 2008: Pen Waggener Happy birthday, Pen. From all your family and friends. February 19, 2008: Darlene McKinley Happy birthday, Darlene. From all your family and friends. February 20, 2006: Mary Lloyd Happy birthday, Mary Lloyd. From Doyle, Chris, and Anna and all your family and friends. PHOTO February 20, 2008: Annette Richards Happy birthday, Annette Richards. From all your family and friends. February 20, 2008: Pearl Bennett Happy Birthday to Pearl Bennett, With lots of love from your family February 20, 2008: Pearl Bennett A Special happy birthday out to Pearl Bennett which will be 92 years young on February 20, 2008. With lots of love from your family! February 20, 2008: Sharon Pickett Happy Birthday to Sharon Pickett, with lots of love from your son Matt February 20, 2008: Hannah Stanley Happy Birthday to a wonderful granddaughter, Hannah Stanley. We love you, Grammy, Papa & Daniel February 21, 2008: Stephanie Happy 5th birthday, Stephanie! We love you, Jennifer and Cassie. February 21, 2008: Mariah Hensley We want to wish Mariah Hensley a Happy Birthday on February 21st. Love, Daddy, and Mercedes February 21, 2008: Welcome to the world: Mr. Jackson Lyric Dean Jackson Lyric Dean was born on Thursday, February 21, 2008, at 7:32amCT at TJ Samson Hospital in Glasgow, KY. He weighed 8 lbs. 7.5 oz. and was 20 inches long. Jack and Momma (Tarrah) are in Columbia now and are resting well. "He is such a blessing," proud father Columbia City Councillor Craig Dean said. "I wanted to share him with you all. Keep us in your prayers." PHOTO February 22, 2008: To greatest Mom in the whole universe We would like to wish our Mom and Grandma, Evelyn Pollard, a Happy Birthday on Feburary 22, 2008. To the greatest Mom in the whole universe. Love Brenda, Lindsey, Lacey, Logan Smith February 22, 2008: Junior Martin I would like to say Happy 44th Birthday, Junior Martin. I wish you happiness and may all your wishes come true. Joyce February 22, 2008: Sgt. Robbie Hancock Happy 45th birthday, Sgt. Robbie Hancock. Love, Susan February 22, 2008: Jason Burton We would like to wish our son a very Happy Birthday on February 22nd. We are so proud of what you have become. A good man, husband Dad. We all love you so much. Mama, Daddy, Julie & Cosmo & your whole family. February 23, 2008: Anniversary, Paul and Jean Cravens Jean Cravens and the late Dr. Paul J. Cravens were married on this day in 1947. February 23, 2008: Thelma Spoon The family of Thelma Spoon would like to invite family, friends, and acquaintances of Thelma to join us in celebrating her 85th birthday on Saturday, February 23, 2008, from 2:00 to 4:00pmCT at the Columbia Christian Church Fellowship Hall at Campbellsville and Lindsey Wilson Streets in Columbia, KY. February 26, 2008: Amanda Furkins Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter, Amanda Furkins. February 26th. She is 22 today. Mommy and Sissy love you. February 26, 2008: Christie Brown Happy Birthday, Christie Brown. From Mom & Elaine February 26, 2008: Shana Smith Palumbo Happy birthday, Shana Smith Palumbo. From all your family and friends. February 26, 2008: Cathy Luttrell Happy birthday to Cathy Luttrell. From Mom. February 27, 2008: Mitchell McKinley Happy birthday, Mitchell. From all your family and friends February 27, 2008 We want to wish our brother, Danny Wayne Burton, a Happy Birthday on February 27th. Love, your sisters, Deb and Sheila February 28, 2008: Kylie Richardson Happy 2nd Birthday, Kylie Richardson. Love Nanny and Poppy February 28, 2008: Anniversairy, Bob & Sheila Hutcheson Happy Anniversary to Bob & Sheila Hutcheson. Congratulations on 4years together! Love, Mom, Dad & Daniel February 28 2008: Linda Coffey Smith Happy birthday, Linda Coffey Smith. From all your family and friends. February 28, 2008: Marvin Phelps Happy Brithday to Marvin Phelps, from all your family and friends February 29, 2008: Barry Todd Smith - Happy Birthday to our son, Barry Todd Smith--only ten birthdays but already 40 years old! Love Mom & Dad - 40: Did you ever dream we would all be 40 someday. At least it is you before me! LOL .Your Friend , Shamarie. P.S. I pray we have 40 more! February 29, 2008: Happy Anniversary, Pig and Sylvia Grant Happy Anniversary, we love you. From, Treyton, Matt, Kenzie, Mandy, Ashley, Bradley, Gracin and Grant MARCH 2008 CELEBRATIONS FOR THE RECORD Posted March 1, 2008: December 12, 2007: Welcome, Caleb Bennett Caleb Bennett is the son of Craig and Brandy Bennett, and the grandson of Kenneth and Ernestine Bennett. He was born on December 12, 2007 in Cincinnati. His cousin Emily can't wait to play with him. PHOTO March 1, 2008: Jimmy Tupman Happy birthday, James David Tupman. From all your friends and family. March 1, 2008: Danny Biggerstaff Happy birthday to Danny Biggerstaff. From your best friend March 2, 2008: - Amanda Burton Amanda Burton celebrates her 16th birthday. Happy Birthday, Baby Girl. We love you. From Dad, Mom, T.J., and Craig March 2, 2008: Regina George - Happy Birthday and many many more to come to my niece, Regina George. I hope all your wishes come true. Love, Joyce Williams. - Happy Birthday, Regina. We love you much, Renee', Beth Tasha March 3, 2008: Darlene Bardin Happy birthday, Darlene. Love you, Nana and James R. March 3, 2008: Zachary Grider Happy birthday, Zack. From all your family and firends. March 3, 2008: Drill Sgt. Kevin Burton We would like to wish our son Drill Sqt. Kevin Burton a very Happy 38th Birthday on March 3, 2008. We are so proud of what you have become. You are retiring with 20 years of the United States Army. Still will be a young man. You are a good man, husband & Dad. We all love you so much. Mama, Daddy, Julie, Cosmo & your whole family. March 4, 2008: Mandy Jo Happy Birthday Mandy Jo! Have A Great Day, March 4. Love You Lots! Mom, Madelon, Kaleb, Harley & Hank March 4, 2008: Logan Garner Happy birthday, Logan Garner. From all your family and friends. March 4, 2008: Crystal Shirley Happy birthday, Crystal Shirley. Love, your family March 6, 2008: Mary J. Coomer Happy birthday, Mary J. Coomer. We love you! Kirby, Rene', Jennifer, Ma Gummy, Jax, & Katie March 6, 2008: Everett Wayne Irvin Happy birthday, Everett Wayne Irvin. From all your family and friends. March 6, 2008: Ed Waggener Happy birthday, Ed Waggener. From all your family and friends. March 7, 2008: Trevor Riley Murphy Happy 11th Birthday, Trevor Riley Murphy. Love you, Momma March 7, 2008: Sheila Willis Happy Birthday to our daughter, Sheila Willis--teacher at ACHS. Love Mom & Dad March 7, 2008: Bridgett Richardson Happy Birthday, Bridgett Richardson. Love, your family March 7, 2008: Shenna Lea Smith Happy birthday, Shena Lea Smith. From all your family and friends. March 10, 2008: Karla Stone Happy birthday to Karla Stone. From all your family and friends. March 10, 2008: Lance Burton Happy birthday, Lance Burton. Love you, Mom March 10, 2008: Tami Wilson Happy Birthday to Tami Wilson, March 10th. Have a great day! Love Ya! Cindy March 11, 2008: Teresa Newman Happy Birthday Aunt Teresa Newman! Love, Wes, Kara, and Laura Feese March 11, 2008: Brandi Sullivan Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Love Dad, Lee Ann and Chase March 11, 2008: Edith Burton Irvin Happy birthday, Edith Burton Irvin. From all your family and friends. March 11, 2008: Teresa Feese Newman Happy Birthday to my sister Teresa Feese Newman in Bowling Green, KY.Love Linda & family March 12, 2008: Birthday of Janice Holt Giles Today is the birthday of Adair County author Janice Holt Giles, who was born March 28, 1909, in Altus, Arkansas. d. 1979. Buried at Caldwell Ridge Cemetery. March 12, 2008: Neva Richards Happy birthday, Neva Richards. From all your Bowling Green and Adair County family and friends. March 13, 2008: Deena Murphy Happy 35th Birthday Deena Murphy. Love, Angie & Trevor March 13, 2008: Grant Adamson Happy 1st Birthday to our precious grandson, Grant Adamson. We love you very much! Pa Pig and Nana Grant March 13, 2008: Deena Murphy Happy 35th Birthday Deena Murphy. Love, Angie & Trevor March 14, 2008: Makayla Ann Melson Happy 9th Birthday to our beautiful daughter, Makayla Ann Melson on March 14th. We love you very much! Love, Mommy, Daddy, Mariah, Bubba, and Emma November 23, 2007: Ocean Grace Santiago. (Posted March 15, 2008) Ocean Grace Santiago was born Friday, November 23, 2007, at 7:01am to Christian and Bliss Cravens Santiago or Panama City, Panama. CM STORY, PHOTOS March 15, 2008: Kristi Loy Irvin Happy birthday, Kristi Loy Irvin. From all your family and friends. March 16, 2008: Cabel Anthony Janes Happy 3th Birthday to Cabel Anthony Jane Happy birthday, little one. From all your family March 16, 2008: Kendra Brooke Stapp Happy birthday, Kendra Brooke Stapp. From all your family and friends March 16, 2008: Lee Brandenburg Happy 30th birthday to my favorite uncle, Lee Brandenburg. Love, your little niece, Cassie March 16, 2008: Kaylee Shay Campbell Happy 4th Birthday, Kaylee Shay Campbell. We Love You! Ree and Poppa March 18, 2008: June Shanklin - Happy 70th birthday to June Shanklin. For all your family and friends. - I wanted to wish my mother a very Happy "70" Birthday. She is oneof the original employees of Westlake Regional Hospital and stillworks everyday and sometimes more. I Love You Mom, and wish you manymore! Barbara March 18, 2008: Nick Palumbo Happy birthday, Nick Palumbo. From all your family and friends. March 19, 2008: Randy Ussery We would like to wish Randy Ussery a Happy 40th Birthday! Much love, C and the kids! March 20, 2008: Jane Reed Larry Smith and the crew at 92.7 The WAVE wish you a very happy birthday! March 21, 2008: Anita and Barbara Happy 28th birthday, Anita And Barbara, on March 21. Love, Your Family March 22, 2008: Audra Campbell Happy Birthday, Audra Campbell, We Love you! Rita and Steve March 23, 2008: Fifth anniversary, Jon and Laura Lacy. Happy 5th anniversary to Jon and Laura Lacy on March 23, 2008. From your family, May you have many more. Love Mom, Dad, Jo and Michael. March 24, 2008: Matt Pickett Happy 12th Birthday to Matt Pickett with lots of love from Moma & Daddy March 24, 2008: Anthony Gilpin Happy Birthday to Anthony Gilpin with lots of love from your nephew Matt Pickett March 24, 2008: Claris Sears Happy Birthday to Claris Sears from your family! March 25, 2008: Opal Watson Happy birthday, Opal Watson. From all your family and friends, especially your friends at the Adair County Health Department. PHOTO March 25, 2008: Haley Luttrell Happy Sweet 16 to Haley Luttrell! From all your Family and Friends! We love you! March 26, 2008: Jeremy Wall Happy 10th Birthday to Jeremy Wall! We Love You! Mom, Dad & Casey March 26, 2008: Wayne Jessee Happy birthday, Wayne Jessee. From all your family and friends March 26, 2008: Anniversary, Walter & Sharon Green Happy 20th anniversary to Walter & Sharon Green. From all your Kentucky & Indiana family and friends March 26, 2008: Anniversary, Donna & Mitchell McKinley Happy anniversary, Donna & Mitchell McKinley, from all you family and friends. March 26, 2008: Joyce Hoots Happy birthday to Joyce Hoots. From all your family and frieds March 26, 2008: Becky Bell Happy Birthday to Becky Bell on March 26, 2008 from your co-workers on Campbellsville Road March 27, 2008: Allison Madison Alley Happy birthday, Allison Madison Alley. From all your family and friends March 28, 2008: Sexton-Roberts vows Wedding bells for Britnee Sexton and Jacob Roberts, who will exchange vows at New Hope Church at 5:00pm. A reception will follow in the fellowship hall. PHOTO March 29: Bonnie Birdwell, Maye Rexroat Happy birthday, Bonnie Birdwell and Maye Rexroat. March 31, 2008: Jennifer Smith Happy birthday to Jennifer Smith. Love, your best friend March 31, 2008: Amy Smith Waggener Happy birthday, Amy Waggener. From all your family and friends March 31, 2008: Jennifer Coffey Smith Happy birthday, Jennifer Coffey Smith. From all your family and friends. April 2, 2008: Bro. John Coomer Happy 96th birth, Bro. John Coomer. From all your Trinity family and friends. We love you! PHOTO April 2, 2008: Cindy Harris Happy Birthday to Cindy Harris. From Mark, Kendra and Bailey April 2, 2008: Sheila Hutcheson Happy Birthday daughter! We love you. Janet, Bob & Daniel April 4, 2008: Monica Rodgers Happy birthday, Monica Rodgers. April 4, 2008: Buddy Hack I want to wish, Buddy Hack, a very Happy 41st. Birthday, on April 4th. Love, Ann April 4, 2008: Marsha VanArsdale Happy Birthday to Marsha VanArsdale. Love, Ronnie, Leighann, Conway, and Hayden Loy April 5, 2008: Sheila & Allen Owens, 12th wedding anniversary Happy anniversary to Sheila Owens and Allen Owens, who have been married for 12 years. STORY April 5, 2008: Vicki McQueary Happy birthday, MeMe Vicki! We love you! Colton, Jake, and Elly April 6, 2008: Karen Happy Birthday, Karen. Love Amy, Tony, & Randy April 7, 2008: Daniel Marcum Happy Birthday to Daniel Marcum from D2 and the gang! April 7, 2008: Robin Hill Happy birthday Robin! I hope you have a day and a year full of great things. You deserve great things. I love you. Your (older) sister, Rose April 7, 2008: Nancy Willis Mom, I can't wait to celebrate our birthdays in Houston! Look forward to seeing you! Robin April 7, 2008: Nancy Willis Happy Birthday Mom! We hope you have a Great day. Love, Beverly, Brenna, Mark, Jaime, Rose, Theresa, and Robin. April 8, 2008: Mother Happy birthday on April 8, 2008, Mamma. From Savannah and Daddy. We love you. April 9, 2008: Maya Elizabeth Happy first birthday, Maya Elizabeth! You bring joy to our lives every day! Love, Mom, Dad, Bella and Billy. PHOTO April 9, 2008: Peggy Roach Happy birthday to Peggy Roach, who will be 47 on April the 9th. From all your family and friends April 9, 2008: Squirrel Girl Happy Birthday to my favorite "Squirrel Girl" Hope you see a white one! Love, Daniel April 9, 2008: Les Cook Happy 21st birthday, Les Cook, in Iraq. From all your friends back home in Adair County, KY, who look forward to your return in May. PHOTO April 11, 2008: Denesa McCann Happy birthday Denesa McCann, "Ne-Ne" to Brady and Beth Ann, and a teacher at Adair County Elementary School! From all your family, friends, and co-workers. April 12, 2008: Riley Robertson Happy 7th birthday to Riley Robertson. We love you! From Nana and Pa April 12, 2008: Martha Lacy Happy Birthday to Martha Lacy on April 12 from her kids and grandkids.We Love You! April 13, 2008: Bonnie Cowan Happy birthday to Bonnie Cowan on April 13th. From your family. April 13, 2008: Maggie Phelps Happy Brithday to Maggie Phelps. We love you and may all of your wishes come true. Love you. From Grandma Phelps and family April 14, 2008: Courtney Coomer Happy Birthday to Courtney Coomer April 14, 2008: Ronnie Loy Happy birthday, Ronnie Loy. Love Leighann, Conway, and Hayden April 16, 2008: Tricia Cole Happy 8th Birthday Taylor Cole. We love you!! Dad and Mom April 16, 2008: Mirisa Abbott I would like to wish Marisa Abbott a very Happy Birthday. I love and miss you! Paula April 19, 2008: Chaisty Janes Happy 27th brithday to Chaisty Janes. From Pa and Ma Jessee and the whole family. We love you. April 19, 2008: Bro. Ralph and Bobbie Hadley, celebration PHOTO Happy 50th Anniversary to Brother Ralph and Bobbie Hadley, from your children, who invite everyone to join them in a celebration at the V.F.W. building on Fairground Street, Columbia, KY. Saturday, April 19, 2008 from 2:00-4:00pmCT. The couple was joined in holy matrimony on April 24th, 1958. Everyone is invited to stop by and celebrate this joyous occasion with this family. No gifts please, cards welcome. -BILLY HADLEY April 19, 2008: Latushua Moore Happy birthday to Latashua Moore. She turns 19 today, April 19. We wish you a great birthday. We love you! Your family April 20, 2008: Patricia Loy Happy birthday, Loy girl! it's the big 16! Love, Janet, Bob & Daniel April 20, 2008: Alice Coffey Irvin Happy birthday, Alice Coffey Irvin. From all your family. We love you. April 20, 2008: Tonya Wall Happy Birthday from Mark, Janet, Bob & Daniel April 21, 2008: Kelci Marie PicketHappy 1st birthday, Kelci Marie Pickett!!! We love you so much! Love, Momma And Daddy April 21, 2008: Inez Roden - Happy 86th Birthday, to our Mom & Granny ,hope you have a very Happy Birthday. Love, Allen, Patty and Todd - Happy Birthday Old Granny on April 21st. We Love You very much and Thank Heavenly Father for every day that we get to share with you. Eddie, Lynne, Derek, JeKia, Logan, Marteneque, Christian and Mia. - Happy Birthday to the world's best Mom, Granny and friend. We all love you very much and are so thankful to have a wonderful Mother like you.Enjoy your birthday. -Alice, Everett, and TJ April 22, 2008: Happy Anniversary, Ashley and Anthony Reliford Today is the Happy Second Anniversary for Anthony and Ashley Reliford. It is also Anthony's birthday. Happy anniversary to the couple, and a happy birthday to Anthony. From all your family and friends. MEMORY PHOTO April 22, 2008: Cody Neat Happy birthday, Cody Neat. We love you with all our hearts.Very proud that you make good grades and hope you have a very great day! Love ya. Pa & Granny. April 23, 2008 Happy birthday, Phyllis Caldwell, April 23. Love you, Cindy April 23, 2008: The Most Wonderful Mother On April 23 the most wonderful mom will be celebrating her birthday. Although we are miles apart I Love You and I Miss You. Happy Birthday, Your daughter, Paula Ball April 24, 2008: Linda Forbis Happy 49th Birthday to my sister, Linda Forbis in Jeffersonville, Indiana. I love you!JoAnn Bell April 24, 2008: Allison Burton Happy 5th Birthday Allison Burton. We Love You Bunches!! -Mom, Daddy and Emily April 24, 2008: Bro. Ralph and Bobbie Hadley PHOTO Happy 50th Anniversary to Brother Ralph and Bobbie Hadley, from your children. The couple was joined in holy matrimony on April 24th, 1958. Love, your family April 24, 2008: Kevin VanArsdale Happy birthday, Kevin VanArsdale. We love you! From your family April 25, 2008: Ron Richardson Happy Birthday, Ron Richardson. We love you. Mom, James and Kylie April 27, 2008: Aaron Roach Happy birthday to Aaron Roach, will be 20 on April 27th. From all your family and friends April 29, 2008: Betty Crawhorn I want to wish my God-daughter, Betty Crawhorn, a very Happy Birthday, on April 29th. I love you, Ann (Momma # 2). April 30, 2008: Inis Phillips Happy birthday, Mom, from all of your children. We love you! April 30, 2008: Gordon Feese Gordon Feese of the Egypt Community will be celebrating his 88th birthday on April 30, 2008. Happy Birthday from all your family! April 30, 2008: Odean Franklin - We want to wish our Aunt, Odean Franklin, a very Happy Birthday on April 30th. We love you, Hunter & Kodie Gadberry - Aunt Dean, we love you and wish you a very Happy Birthday.We love you, Daniel & Betty Gadberry April 30, 2008: Billy Joe Birdwell Happy birthday to Billy Joe Birdwell, who turns 37 on April 30, 2008. Love Dad, Mom and family. April 30, 2008: Eldon Burton Happy Birthday. We love you (most. From Cindy, Amanda, T.J. and Craig. April 30, 2008: Hunter Gadberry - Hunter, we love you and wish you many more Happy Birthdays.Love, Daddy & Momma - Hunter, you are the best big brother in the whole world. Love, your little brother, Kodie Gadberry - Hunter, I hope you have a very Happy 10th. Birthday on April 30th. Nanna (Ann Murphy)loves you very much - We would like to wish Hunter Gadberry a very, very happy 10th birthday on April 30. We love you, Noah, Mike and Melanie MAY 2008 CELEBRATIONS FOR THE RECORD This story was posted on 2006-05-02 12:51:47
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