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LETTER: Thanks for all everyone did to help Mom's celebration

I want to thank everyone for all your help and the big birthday celebration for our Mom, Inez Roden.

She was delighted with the birthday tribute and all the well wishes. Many read her birthday tribute, and call or visited with her.

It just made her 84th birthday very special. She is a dear and very deserving, and without everyone's help it would not have happened.

We appreciate the Columbia Magazine so very much. All the good band coverage, plus the other activities and you do really keep us aware of what is happening in or around Adair County and Columbia.Is Columbia Magazine available in a magazine or is it just online? I know Mom would love it, but doesn't have a computer.

Thanks so much. It was wonderful.

Alice Wheeler
Thanks you for the note and the news that we and our readers were able to play a role in Mrs. Roden's big day. I'm sure readers will appreciate getting the thanks due them.

Columbia Magazine! as a print publication is not available with anywhere near the number of articles contained online. But, while get every older person to adapt to a computer may not be possible, a number of families have found the the investment in time to aid a senior to keep up with news online is well worth the effort, especially since the text type on browsers can be made large enough for almost anyone to read it even without glasses!

This story was posted on 2006-04-25 12:11:53
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