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Letter: Missing Yield Sign

Kerry R. writes:
I was going around the Square yesterday (coming from Greensburg Street) and someone in a small gray car on Jamestown Street failed to yield to me. I then followed the person to Campbellsville Street. The car had an Adair County tag, so no way to plead ignorance about the need to yield to oncoming traffic when entering the Square. He just chose not to.

The city can use some of that occupational tax money they keep ripping out of my paycheck and actually do something with it that benefits the residents of the county: help to keep us alive as we navigate through the town.

Therefore, I think painting yield on the road where cars enter the square is a great idea. I also think there should be signage directing trucks to use the bypass or face fines. And then enforce the fines. Or maybe the county could do that with their brand new occupational tax.

Comments re: Yield sign missing - traffic confused

This story was posted on 2024-04-25 17:47:16
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Photo comment: paint yield signs on road

2024-04-26 - Downtown Columbia, KY - Photo Anonymous reader.
A creative reader who asked that his name be kept on file but out of print shared this drawing of traffic control on the Columbia Public Square. He believes it would help cut accidents (especially people getting hit) to paint the word "YIELD" on the road with the arrow pointing to the crosswalk.

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