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Adair KUNA Team wins big again in 2024!

From Candice Flatt
Gifted Coordinator for Adair County Schools

Adair County's Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA) team won big at the state's convention this week in Louisville. They debated world issues with other schools from Kentucky.

Bailey Watts received the International Court of Justice President. This is one of the top honors of the competition. She will be replacing Brody Blair, who won last year. We are are so honored to have students win this position back to back.

Trey Stephens received the Outstanding Ambassador award. This is a big honor, as well.

Our delegation as a whole won the Premier Delegation award.

The conference overall was a huge success. Adair Ambassadors were: Bailey Watts, Brody Blair, Aaron Smith, Joe Kotter, Alex Perkins, Trey Stephens, Lilly Myers, Virginia Willis, Sammie Jo Sandusky, Kinzlee Akin, Macy Mann, Seth Murphy, Bailey Watts, and Andrew Zinati.

This story was posted on 2024-03-27 14:31:39
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Congratulations to Mrs. Flatt's KUNA Team

2024-03-27 - Louisville, KY - Photo courtesy Candice Flatt.
This year's Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA) conference overall was a huge success for Adair County students. Adair Ambassadors were: Bailey Watts, Brody Blair, Aaron Smith, Joe Kotter, Alex Perkins, Trey Stephens, Lilly Myers, Virginia Willis, Sammie Jo Sandusky, Kinzlee Akin, Macy Mann, Seth Murphy, Bailey Watts, and Andrew Zinati.

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Bailey Watts is 2025 KUNA Court of Justice President

2024-03-28 - Louisville, KY - Photo courtesy Candice Flatt.
Bailey Watts (at right) earned the title of 2025 International Court of Justice President at this year's Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA) in Louisville. She is pictured with Brody Blair (at left), who was the 2024 president.

Candice Flatt says, "We are are so honored to have Adair County students win this position back to back."

This conference was the largest they have ever had for KUNA, with over 1,000 students participating.

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