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Adair County Community Choir in Christmas Concert One of the most delightful things about the holidays is the music, the international language that draws us together. That's what happened at the Columbia Christian Church early this month. The Christmas Concert performed by the Adair County Community Choir brought people together and packed the church. Choir Director Ginna Franklin and Dwayne Martin, Accompanist, led a stage filled with volunteer singers from age 7 to 70+ who spend time every week preparing. Choir members include: Alexia Konsavage, Katelynn Jones, Ali Baerg, Kelvin Bailey, Anna Beth Sharpe, Lorraine Adams, Anna Grace Peterson, Lucas Baerg, Ava Morgan, Lydia Tiller, Becky Taylor, Melanie Ellis, Breanna Hanson, Melissa Ellis, Bryan Rich, Micah Ellis, Creedence Wolfgang, Natalie Stearns, Debbie Martin, Noah Ellis, Dennis Hargrove, Noah Konsavage, Derek Kotter, Owen Adams, Dick Scholl, Phil Coffey, Drew Adams, Rissie Ellis, Ella Ellis, Rylee Grant, Gregory Blair, Sandra Watts, Hosanna Konsavage, Sarah Beth Ellis, Joaquina Domingo, Sean Piatt, Joseph Kotter, Noah Ellis, Seth Adams, Judy Kotter, Veronica Arnold, Isolde (Izzy) Arnold, Wes Stone, Wyatt Ellis and Kaleigh Foster. They have been meeting one night a week, every week, since September 12. They invest two hours in practice every Tuesday night. This is something that has been free and available to anyone who wants to participate, thanks to the Columbia Choral Society and now they can continue to offer this for free in the spring thanks to sponsors. Find the group on Facebook at Adair County Community Choir to ask questions about joining and to become a supporter. This story was posted on 2023-12-14 01:04:27
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