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Phillip Coffey - God bless all the Veterans!

Hardened Combat Veterans - By Phillip Wood Coffey

Please disavow pretty much everything that comes out of his mouth - defiling that be around. Too much seasoning has been added to his lifelong M.R.E.'s. Pain so deep within, so very hard to expel without expletives - unintended to harm others - he loves all, for he hath given so much in his youth, protecting our country from all enemies - foreign, domestic and such.

That ole Alzheimers set in with all that troubles his soul - that which he has seen and felt - simmering with hurt throughout.

Yes, he has been a church goer all his life and believed all his adult life. Loves all the children be they rich, poor, black, white, red or yellow.

One of the very few that saw too many orphans about - countless, in his youth. Soon replaced with pain and short term of indifference - only to get through the day.

He often retreats into his man cave to sort through it, but never comes out clean. Whether it be his room, under a tree, back field, hollows, tenement house or the often cold hearth of a tent or homeless shelter. If you should see him, give him a smile, a covering for shelter for warmth for the impending winter or if approachable - a little snuggle.

This story was posted on 2023-11-11 00:08:36
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