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Parent input sought for ACES 21st CCLC Continuum

From Beth Wethington

Your concerns and questions are needed for the ACES 21st CCLC Continuum. The 21st CCLC grant program provides out-of-school academic, artistic, and cultural enrichment to students at risk of academic failure who attend high poverty and low-performing schools. The purpose is to provide students with homework assistance and enrichment activities that complement the regular academic programs during the school day. Services include homework assistance, youth development activities, drug and violence prevention programs, character development, conflict resolution, counseling, and family engagement activities.

To provide input about the design and development of these programs and discuss how to best meet our students' needs, please contact Beth Wethington by November 10, 2023, at 270-384-0077, ext 4115, during the hours of NoonCT to 2pmCT Monday through Friday. You can email between November 1, 2023, through November 10, 2023, to

You may also meet with me from 4pmCT to 5pmCT on November 6, 2023, in the front office of Adair County Elementary School, 870 Indian Dr, Columbia, KY.

This story was posted on 2023-11-01 17:09:56
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