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Litter Abatement Grants open for Illegal Open Dump Cleanup The Energy and Environment Cabinet's (EEC) Division of Waste Management (DWM) is calling for grant applications for two of its signature programs, illegal open dump cleanup and the cleanup of litter along public roads. "These have long been successful and valuable grant programs for our local communities," said EEC Secretary Rebecca Goodman. "We are honored be a partner in providing for a safer, healthier environment for Kentucky residents." Litter cleanup grants are awarded based on a formula that considers road miles, total population and rural population in each county. For illegal open dump cleanup grants, counties request specific amounts based on estimated dump costs. Since 2006, the Illegal Open Dump Grant has funded the cleanup of 2,749 dump sites, and the Litter Abatement Grant has assisted every county in the maintenance of roadway rights-of-way. Cleanup of Illegal Dumps Counties that are in compliance with their five-year solid waste management plans can now apply for funds to clean up illegal open dumps. In the event that sufficient funds are not available to award every request, grant awards may be prioritized on several factors, including location of the dump relative to sensitive receptors or protected areas, the relative hazard posed by the contents of the dumps and the size of the dump. Applications must be received by Lisa Evans at the Division of Waste Management no later than 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 1. 2023. The completed application, signed original agreement, along with any supporting documentation must be submitted by email in order for the request to be considered complete. Funding comes from the Kentucky Pride Fund, which is supported by a $1.75 per ton fee on municipal solid waste disposal in Kentucky's contained landfills. Each dumpsite under $50,000 requires a 25 percent local match. Grant application packets are being sent by email to county judge-executives and solid waste coordinators. For more information, contact Lisa Evans by calling 502-782-6355 or emailing lisa.evans@ky.gov. Litter Abatement Grant requests for litter cleanup will be accepted from counties in compliance with their five-year solid waste management plans and from incorporated cities, which by solid waste ordinance or other means, provide municipal solid waste collection service. The Litter Abatement Grant program is supported by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet's Road Fund and Highway Construction Contingency Fund. Since 2003, state and local governments have cleaned close to 3.45 million miles of roadways with help from these grants. Grant requests must be received by Lisa Evans at the Division of Waste Management no later than 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November. 1, 2023. The completed, signed original agreement with any supporting documentation must be submitted by email in order for the request to be considered complete. Grant request packets are being sent by email to county judge-executives and solid waste coordinators and to mayors through the Kentucky League of Cities. For more information, contact Lisa Evans at 502-782-6355 or by email at lisa.evans@ky.gov. In January, Governor Andy Beshear and Kentucky Energy and Environment (EEC) Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Goodman announced $533,756 in grants to clean up 80 illegal dumps in 18 counties across the commonwealth. In December 2022, $5.4 million was awarded to Kentucky counties and cities in Litter Abatement Grants. This story was posted on 2023-08-06 12:38:14
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