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Adair and Russell Health Depts offer addiction recovery program

From Jeff Neagle
Lake Cumberland District Health Department

SMART Recovery is a new program at the Adair and Russell County Health Departments that takes a fresh approach to addiction recovery.

SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. The program is a life-changing method of moving from addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change.

The program was created as a way for people to overcome addictive problems through self-empowerment. Many people feel powerless and trapped within an addictive pattern. SMART helps them learn the skills they need to overcome their addictions.

"We will never ask that you declare yourself as powerless. We will never ask that you call yourself by a name. We believe that labels are better for jars than they are for people," said Ashely Phillips, a SMART Recovery facilitator.

SMART is grounded in science and proven by more than a quarter-century of experience teaching practical tools that encourage lasting change.

In the mutual support meetings, participants design and implement their own recovery plan to create a more balanced, purposeful, fulfilling, and meaningful life.

The Adair County program meets each Wednesday at NoonCT at the Adair County Health Department, 801 Westlake Drive, Columbia, KY. Enter through the basement entrance.

The Russell County program meets each Friday at NoonCT at the Russell County Health Department, 211 Fruit of the Loom Drive, Jamestown, KY. Enter through the Environmental Department side entrance.

For more information for both counties, call 859-667-2292.

This story was posted on 2023-03-27 08:11:11
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