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Landowners can start thinking about weed control

By Nick Roy, Agent for Agriculture & Natural Resources
Adair County Cooperative Extension Service

Landowners have a few opportunities this spring to seek assistance with weed control in pasture and hayfields.

The Adair County Conservation District is offering sign-ups for a Cost Share Program for herbicides applied on pasture and hay land. The program will reimburse 50% of the cost up to $400 (Spend $400, get $200 back). Sign-ups will be held at the Adair County Conservation District through February 28, 2023. There is a required training to be eligible for this program. The training will be held at the Adair County Extension Office on March 2, 2023 at 6:pmCT.

During this training herbicide selection, application rate, and timing will be covered. Safety measures aimed to prevent injury to non-target species and applicator exposure will also be covered.

Kentucky Department of Agriculture Noxious Weed Program

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture will be offering the Noxious Weed Program to farmers again this year as offered in the past. The Kentucky Department of Agriculture will be furnishing chemical for seven (7) farm demonstrations per county. Any farm that has participated in the last three (3) years is not eligible. Signups will be taken during the month of February and can be made on the Kentucky Department of Agriculture webpage. Approved landowners will receive access to a sprayer and herbicide to apply to 10 acres. Landowners may make applications to an additional 10 acres but must supply the herbicide.

This story was posted on 2023-02-23 21:27:24
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