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AC Judge Executive Bryant speaks at Chamber meeting

Adair County Judge Executive Larry Russell Bryant presented the "State of the County Address" at the Chamber of Commerce meeting February 14, 2023.

A large crowd attended, looking forward to hearing his views from the first few weeks of his administration. He said, "This is actually just my 7th week in office...and I'm still on a high!"

He shared that he has always been an entrepreneur starting with his business on Harvey Street in Columbia mowing yards. (More on that in a separate story to come).

Next month, Mayor Pamela Hoots will give the state of the city address. The Chamber meets the second Tuesday each month at noon in the Training and Development Center, 201 Burkesville Street in Columbia.

This story was posted on 2023-02-16 10:24:58
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ACJE and children at Chamber meeting

2023-02-16 - Downtown Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener,
Adair County Judge Executive Larry Russell Bryant was joined at the February Chamber of Commerce meeting by two of his children, Easton, at left, and Heather, at right.

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Jeff Neagle at Chamber meeting

2023-02-16 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener,
Welcome Jeff Neagle, at left, who attended the Columbia Adair Chamber of Commerce meeting as one of his ten counties in a new communications position with the Lake Cumberland District Health Department. He joined Mayor Pam Hoots, Nick Fudge, Samantha Oakes and Charles Barnes.

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Special food from Southern Nest

2023-02-16 - Downtown Columbia, KY .
Southern Nest Realty provided lunch at the February Chamber of Commerce meeting. Debbie Selby, at left, owner Tammy Stotts, and Mindy Yarberry, at right, were the most popular girls at the meeting Tuesday when they provided the light lunch complete with chocolate dipped strawberries and valentine's cupcakes.

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