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Phillip Coffey - Simmering

He sat in his shelter under the damp, cloud-covered skies
So many had sought-trying to muster up a wry grin.
Smell of chili simmering- doing his assigned washing.
Thinking of warmer days that just passed of the too brief Indian Summer.

Soon he will be taking on the inevitability of the cold Winter
Just wondering if sunshine will ever break through again
Easing the true to form humdrum feellings
Vivid memories of his Mother in the kitchen-stirring up, patting

And cutting down the moist dough to bake the always welcomed baked biscuits
Father in the back porch, warming his overworked farm hands
Inches removed from a hot, wood-burning stove
Soon there would be Supper-baked bread, maybe 'middling',

Always gravy and sometimes with sides of butter and 'lasses.
Updated today. Written a few days ago on a cloudy day as described.

This story was posted on 2023-01-14 16:47:10
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