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Carol Perkins: The Trip

Previous Column: The Metal Chair

By Carol Perkins

Guy and I returned from vacation with two t-shirts, a cap, and Covid. We had been looking forward to this trip for weeks, and even though the possibility of Covid was ever present, we played it safe by testing the day before the flight and before meeting our new six-week-old great-nephew Sagan Thomas (Sarah and Kurt live near Ormond Beach).

We were staying on Coco Beach, so they brought the baby over, we all went out to eat, and they drove the hour and a half back home. All was well.

I started feeling sick halfway into the trip.

Much like the flu. Aches, fever, and a cough. Guy didn't test positive until a day after we were back home, but he was not up to par.

Where we contacted this virus is anyone's guess, but one thing is for sure-it is everywhere! The plane could have been the breeding ground; restaurants, people gathered anywhere. On our cruise part of the trip, we certainly were likely exposed. I wouldn't recommend a cruise unless you like playing the odds. Even with masks, Covid is as slick as a snake slithering its way into your system. I was so glad to get home. So glad to sleep for days until it wore off if it ever does.

I think of those who suffered before vaccinations, and the many who are still living with the aftermath of this disease. I'm more than ever aware of the impact it leaves and the fact that many people are getting it more than once. I'm not sure there is a way to avoid it unless we never leave home. That's a depressing thought.

For three years we lived in as safe an environment as we could to avoid Covid, and just when we thought we'd be safe, it zapped us. What made us feel we were safe? Blind trust in our odds. Our luck ran out.

You can contact Carol at

This story was posted on 2022-07-29 08:09:53
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