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Mayor's Report on month of November, 2021

Columbia Mayor Pamela Hoots provided the report of November highlights to the City Council at the Monday, December 6, 2021 meeting. Her highlights follow:

It has definitely been a busy month for the city. A lot of exciting events, and times, as new businesses come to our community, a new manufacturing facility starts their start-up process; and, we get ready for holiday festivities.

The sixth annual book fair was held during the month for Columbia and Adair County at the Fellowship Hall of the Columbia Baptist Church. So many great authors in our community.

Proclaimed Home Care and Hospice Month with Intrepid Home Health for November.

Honored to be able to attend the Hall of Fame for Signature Healthcare at Summit Manor. Inducted this year were: Rose Willis, Marilyn Janes, and Dr. George Webb.

The new sign renaming the roadside park 'Columbia Veterans Memorial Park' has been installed. A dedication ceremony was held there during the month.

Attended the annual Veterans Day Service at the VFW Post.

Attended the State Senator Max Wise Town Hall; and, the presentation to Day & Day by U.S. Senator Rand Paul.

We congratulate Dairy Queen celebrating their first anniversary being in Columbia during the month.

We have completed additional work at the location of the new city park located on Burkesville Street.

Our grant for body cameras through Kentucky League of Cities was approved. This will be an asset to our police department.

Attended the annual sausage and pancakes breakfast at the Columbia-Adair County Fire Department. We appreciate their work in our community.

Started working on the drive-through Christmas lighting at the local Little League Park. We probably have a third as many more displays this year. We encourage everyone to come out and enjoy the light display. Thank a sponsor. Parks and Recreation have been very busy working on this. We remind everyone that the blue building will be closed for use from December 6 until December 26.

The Event Management Class at Lindsey Wilson College is assisting with some of the activities at the Christmas Lighting. The Welding Class at the Adair County High School, under the direction of Barney Taylor, made a mailbox. Bloomington Chapel Church will be having a "live" Nativity scene the weekend of December 17 and December 18.

We appreciate all the help with decorations and those participating with the "Grinch" and "Whoville". So far local businesses: Warren Law Office, Monkey Business, Reed Brothers Insurance, Community Trust Bank, and City Hall have displays.

We did our Economic Development Project Announcement during the month at the former Majestic Yachts location. This is a great announcement for our community. The City Of Columbia purchased the property with a Community Development Block Grant and low-interest loan from UCB. Synergy Food Group will be moving into the location this month. We appreciate Congressman James Comer, Representative Sarge Pollock, members of the Lake Cumberland Area Development District, and UCB Bank for being with us that day.

Did mock interviews at the Adair County High School.

Attended Customer Appreciation Days at Jeffries Hardware. We appreciate this business in our community.

Work is continuing to progress on the Cookout Restaurant location in Columbia.

We thank Robyne for organizing and Lee's Famous Recipe for assisting with food in the Thanksgiving lunch held at the Jim Blair Center.

We thank Momma JJ Barbeque for doing a lunch for the community for Thanksgiving.

Small Business Saturday was on November 27. We encourage each of you to buy local from one of our local shops in Columbia. You will be supporting our friends and neighbors.

The Fall Decorating Contest Awards were given out (prizes donated by Mayor Pamela Hoots). 1st business: Southern Nest Realty; 2nd business: Adair County Vet Center; and 1st home: Richard Schwartz.

The Columbia Baptist Church had a successful cake auction during the month. Lots of good desserts.

Saturday, December 4 - Christmas Parade. We urge you to watch and support the Columbia-Adair County Chamber of Commerce.

The "To The Nines" - Friday, December 3, for local businesses that want to participate on and off the square. Again, we urge you to shop local.

The City Public Works Department remains busy. Several loads of brush and limbs were hauled during the month. They have started with the Christmas lighting in the downtown area of Columbia.

Activity at the Trabue Russell House on Saturday, December 4, from 1 pm until 4 pm. Thanks to committee: Richard Phelps, Mike Watson, Susan Loy, and Mary Ann Loy for decorating.

This story was posted on 2021-12-13 08:24:23
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