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Letter: So proud of our Elayna!

Carole Thomas writes:
My granddaughter, Elayna Keltner, made headlines last week with the delivery of her "birthday gifts" to the Green River Animal Shelter! Our precious Elayna has been in love with animals her entire eight years of life. She has a loving spirit toward every animal she sees. When she made the request that "her" birthday gifts be something for the animals in the Shelter, it confirmed that this little girl is indeed an angel.

To Elayna: we could be no prouder of you! You are specially made to care for God's creations. I believe that one day you will be in the official capacity to provide care to animals as a veterinarian. I'm behind you all the way in whatever your life choice will be."
Elayna is the daughter of Ethan and Emily Keltner. Little brothers are Noah and Levi. Grands are James and Carole Thomas, Mark and Carol Klingburg.

This story was posted on 2021-04-27 12:30:24
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Elayna's happy birthday wish comes true

2021-04-27 - Adair County, KY - Photo by Tammy Campbell, GRAS.
Green River Animal Shelter Director Tammy Campbell writes, "Happy Happy Birthday to eight-year-old Elayna Keltner from Columbia, KY who is in the second grade. All she wanted was for everyone to donate to our shelter instead of getting her gifts and we got a whole trunk load of goodies! Thank you so much Elayna and everyone who made her birthday wish come true." - TC

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Future veterinarian Elayna

2021-04-28 - Adair County, KY - Photo from family collection.
Second grader Elayna Keltner loves all animals and when she turned 8, her birthday wish was for gifts for the animals at the Green River Animal Shelter in Columbia. Shelter director Tammy sent a 'thank-you' message and photo of her with animals at GRAS and her Grandmother Carole shared this picture of Elayna with four of her dogs at home. She says her sweet future veterinarian also has several cats she loves but they weren't available for this picture.

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