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COVID-19 Update: Adair has 11 new cases Friday By Amy Tomlinson - Lake Cumberland District Health Department July 24, 2020 - Deaths: We are sad to report 1 new death today from Casey. We have experienced a total of 37 deaths resulting in a 4.2% mortality rate among known cases. Our hearts and prayers go out to all the families and friends who have lost loved ones. Hospitalizations: We presently have 8 cases in the hospital. We have had a total of 99 hospitalizations resulting in a 11.1% hospitalization rate among known cases. The latest state data shows that 72% of ICU beds and 23% of ventilator capacity are being utilized. Released (Recovered) Cases: We released 38 cases today from isolation (recovered). Released cases include: Adair: 1; Casey: 11; Clinton: 1; Green: 1; Pulaski: 14; Russell: 7; Taylor: 1; and, Wayne: 2. In all, we have released 70.4% of our total cases. Total (Cumulative) Cases: The Lake Cumberland District has experienced a total of 889 cases since the onset of the outbreak. This has resulted in the health department reaching out to over 2780 individuals during our contact tracing. Active (Current) Cases: Taking all things into account, this leaves us with 226 active cases in our district across all 10 of our district's 10 counties. Of those active cases, 53 are asymptomatic. New Cases: We report that our total case count has increased by 39 today: Adair: 11; Casey: 5; Clinton: 1; Cumberland: 7; Pulaski: 7; Russell: 2; Taylor: 3; and, Wayne: 3. Our current new case growth rate is: 1.03. This means our total case count is projected to double every 23.44 days. The new cases include: Adair: A 75-year-old male who is hospitalized, still symptomatic Adair: A 26-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Adair: A 6-year-old male who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Adair: A 30-year-old male who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Adair: A 60-year-old male who is self-isolated, asymptomatic Adair: A 57-year-old female who is self-isolated, asymptomatic Adair: A 12-year-old female who is self-isolated, asymptomatic Adair: A 10-year-old male who is self-isolated, asymptomatic Adair: A 9-year-old male who is self-isolated, asymptomatic Adair: A 2-year-old male who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Adair: A 30-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Casey: A 28-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Casey: A 26-year-old male who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Casey: A 57-year-old male who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Casey: A 29-year-old male who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Casey: A 49-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Clinton: A 82-year-old female who is hospitalized, still symptomatic Cumberland: A 9-year-old female who is self-isolated, asymptomatic Cumberland: A 67-year-old male who is self-isolated, asymptomatic Cumberland: A 38-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Cumberland: A 44-year-old male who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Cumberland: A 51-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Cumberland: A 70-year-old male who is self-isolated, asymptomatic Cumberland: A 12-year-old female who is self-isolated, asymptomatic Pulaski: A 75-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Pulaski: A 51-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Pulaski: A 30-year-old male who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Pulaski: A 42-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Pulaski: A 15-year-old male who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Pulaski: A 14-year-old male who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Pulaski: A 41-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Russell: A 66-year-old male who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Russell: A 18-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Taylor: A 80-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Taylor: A 47-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Taylor: A 36-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Wayne: A 63-year-old male who is self-isolated, still symptomatic Wayne: A 40-year-old male who is self-isolated, asymptomatic Wayne: A 54-year-old female who is self-isolated, still symptomatic It's always tough to announce a new death, a 79-year-old male from Casey. We also had a record high 39 new community spread cases of COVID-19. We beg the public to be vigilant when it comes to wearing your face covering, avoiding crowds, social distancing, washing your hands frequently, increased sanitation, and with the avoidance of touching your face. The Lake Cumberland area has experienced 889 Cumulative Confirmed Cases and there have been 26,060 Confirmed COVID-19 cases across all 120 Kentucky Counties as of 07/24/20 (this includes 25,931 statewide plus 129 recently reported cases in Lake Cumberland not in the Governor's/Department for Public Health's daily report). Regardless of the confirmed case count for any Lake Cumberland County, we believe COVID-19 to be widespread. The LCDHD is working tirelessly, including nights and weekends, to identify and contact all those with whom any positive case may have come into close contact, and to follow-up daily with positive cases. Additionally, we are striving diligently to follow-up on business-related complaints regarding noncompliance with the Governor's Executive Orders. https://www.lcdhd.org/2020/07/24/public-information-brief-7-24-20/ This story was posted on 2020-07-25 04:23:59
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