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January 24, 1978 Around Adair with Ed Waggener

The article below first appeared in the January 24, 1978 issue of the Adair County News. Topics included great Adair Countians, snow removal and a pending population boom, and the Herculean efforts of the Dairymen to keep deliveries flowing despite that January's snows. --Pen

By Ed Waggener

Bobby Loy, the hairstylist, thinks there ought to be a census of great people who have started life in Adair County and have gone on to become successes in other areas. He cites Art Gowan, who became a to manager in Whirlpool; Walter Baker, who is now a State Senator from Glasgow; Jody Richards, who is now State Representative from Bowling Green; Western's Jim Richards; and General Barksdale Hamlett. "There's more people who have gone away from here and made big names for themselves than just about any town our size," he says.

Personally remembers General Hamlett
Loy was in the service when General Hamlett was in charge of U.S. forces in Germany. "I stood inspection under him three times," Loy remembers, "but he never asked me a question. Of course, I couldn't talk to him unless he talked to me, but I was hoping he'd ask me where I was from, as he did about every fourth or fifth soldier in the ranks." Loy says it might have been fortunate for him if Hamlett had known he was from back home. "I heard he was looking for a driver, and I would have loved to have had that job, but he didn't talk to me and I never got the chance. So I just served my time."

Squaredeal wouldn't trade with J.C.
The earthly J.C., that is, the one in the White House.

Mayor Coy Dorris Downey says that Cotton Durham asked him how he liked being Mayor now that he's elected and has all the problems with snow removal. "I told him that I love it," Mayor Squaredeal says. "I told him that I wouldn't trade places with President Carter."

Squaredeal claims the best snow record
Mayor Downey is claiming first place among the South Central Kentucky towns in Snow Removal on Side Streets. "I've had people come in all day today (Saturday) and tell me they were amazed at how clean Columbia's streets are. They said that there's not a side street in Campbellsville, Greensburg, or Russell Springs that looks as good as ours do," Mayor Downey said. So there. I haven't been to Campbellsville, Greensburg, or Russell Springs, but we do have Squaredeal's word for it.

Circuit Court Clerk's office is on the job
Circuit Court Clerk Bill Ballou and his entire staff were on the job Saturday. They were so busy I saw that it was no place to loaf. "We're busy, boy," Ballou said. "Why we've even had to file a divorce in here. And that's unusual. You don't find many people getting divorces during cold weather."

Which may be why A.L. Sinclair predicts population explosion
That thought by Bill Ballou may be related to the reasoning behind Christine Vice-Mayor A.L. Sinclair's prediction of a population explosion in late September. "Just watch," he says, "there'll be more babies born around here in September than we've ever seen, especially if they don't get these roads cleaned so people can get out." That was earlier in the week. I would suppose that Adair County has made medical history if a road grader can now be classified as a contraceptive device.

We had to keep our lifelines open
I have a friend, Nick Russo, who has a question he always asks people who give up on life, and quit working. "Name me just one situation you can improve by cutting of your funds?" The answer is, of course, there isn't any situation which is improved by lack of finances.

For Adair County, last week we had to consider that
Last week, during the worst of the snowstorm,it appeared that some actually wanted an excuse to let their economic lifeline be cut off. A reason why not to go to work. A reason why not to hold school. A reason why not to find a way to get products through.

Fortunately, there were those who chose to take a mature attitude toward the minor adversity we were up against. They chose to lick the snow storm into submission. Overcome it. And even enjoy it.

The dairymen showed the way
One Adair County industry didn't give in to the weather. And that was the dairy producers, especially the dominant segment which is comprised of the Dairymen, Incorporated, membership. Scarcely more than a drop of Adair County milk scheduled to go to DI was dumped. But it was not without an heroic effort on the part of DI personnel.

A great measure of credit is owed to Curt Yarberry, DI District Representative, and Kimble "Pete" Gilpin, the Manager of DI routes, and the DI Drivers.

They kept the milk flowing to the DI processing plant in London, despite the fact that at times, even the state roads were not cleared.

Besides that, not all the dairy farmers cleared the lanes to their milk parlors. "That's something any dairy farmer can do," Curt Yarberry said. "He can use his disk to break up the ice and then clear the snow with his blade. Nearly every dairy farmer has a blade."

The drivers for DI in this area are George Winfrey Keltner, who drives in Adair County; Bobby Collins, Russell Springs, who hauls in Clinton, Cumberland, and Wayne; Jerry Karnes, Cane Valley, who hauls in Adair and Taylor; Doug McCubbins, Campbellsville, who hauls in Taylor and Adair; Troy Wilson, Campbellsville, who hauls in Green and Taylor; and Amos Gaskins, of the 206 section of Adair, who hauls in Green and Adair.

Took it through in a convoy
The work days for the drivers last week regularly ran from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00- 9:00 p.m., and on two nights the crews worked all night long.

On the evening of the worst conditions, Yarberry says, the men picked up the milk, and then five trucks went in a convoy to London. They had CB radios on their front and back doors, and made the trip in three hours. "That's pretty good," Yarberry said, "when you consider that dry roads it takes an hour-and-one-half to an hour and 45 minutes," he said.

Money and milk kept flowing
The milk kept flowing to the plant, and, Yarberry says, the plant never ran out. "But at times they got very low," he says. Children all over Kentucky have milk to drink, thanks in a large measure to men like Yarberry, Gilpin, Keltner, Collins, Karnes, Wilson, McCubbins and Gaskins.

DI takes care of the farmers. "We pay the farmer for one missed pickup because of weather conditions," he said. That means that, so far, no Adair County DI farmer has lost money because of missed pickups. But the co-op doesn't pay for a second missed pickup. "It's critically important to the dairy farmers that the roads be kept clean." Yarberry said. "In some dairy states, the farmers get out on the state and county roads and clear them to make sure that the milk trucks can get through."

Yarberry is one strong sensible voice telling us that it is foolish to give in to elements when we could, with some backbone and a little work, overcome them.

I agree with Yarberry totally. I'm tired of hearing people want to "endure" and "suffer through" something so natural in Kentucky as a little snow. After all, can you name me one problem which would be helped by giving in to the snow and letting it cut off our funds?

This story was posted on 2020-01-05 11:54:32
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