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ACMS student makes first-ever perfect score on math test

Kinslee Akin accomplished something rare in math - maybe the only one to do so in Adair County - and was given the Academic Star award at the October school board meeting.

The Adair County Middle School sixth grader was presented the award by ACMS Principal Steve Burton for achieving a perfect score on her K-PREP math test in fifth grade.

Burton said he’d spoken with others at school and no one has ever seen a perfect score on K-PREP before. He said Kinslee is distinguished in many other areas and she is simply an overall good person.

Parents Heather and Stacey Akin, and grandmother Pauline were there to see their girl receive the award.

Congratulations to Kinslee, her family and the school district.

This story was posted on 2019-10-23 06:43:50
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Kinzlee Akin recognized for perfect math score

2019-10-23 - Adair County Middle School - Photo from Deb Waddell.
Congratulations to Kinzlee Akin who the Rising Star Award at the School Board Meeting. Kinzlee scored a perfect score in math on KPREP last spring. No one could remember this ever happening before! Cheers and congrats Kinzlee! - DW

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