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Commentary: Engine Brake Ordinance for Columbia By Joe & Della Hare 304 Jamestown St. As residents of Jamestown Street in Columbia, we have a noise issue that most streets do not have and that is the noise from the Engine Brakes of air brake equipped trucks. I will say that this not a big issue with most of the local trucks. The most noise comes from out of town trucks and the worst of all are the ones that haul wood chips. We feel it would be beneficial if the City of Columbia would enact a "No Engine Brake" ordinance. First would be the reduction of noise, and I am aware that Jamestown and Burkesville Streets are the locations most affected by this noise. Another possible benefit for our town could be that some of these trucks that are coming through town might then use the bypass, should this be enacted and enforced. This would help to lessen the truck congestion around the square. Fewer trucks, fewer chances of an accident, such as has happened in the past. We are also aware that Jamestown Hill is steep enough to warrant the use of engine brakes but with there being a 35 MPH speed limit, and as short as the hill is this should not be a problem, as we see many, many trucks go over the hill safely with out using engine brakes. We are aware of three other towns with this kind of ordinance, (I am sure there are more). They are Russellville, Brownsville and Carrollton. We request that the Mayor and City Council act on this matter, as this is something that will benefit our town with the only cost of a few signs. This story was posted on 2019-10-20 09:57:09
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