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Carol Perkins: Advenures in Italy, Part 2

Read all of Carol's Adventures in Italy: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

By Carol Perkins

As our vacation in Italy continued, Guy and Noah left that second morning for a tour called "Gladiators of the Coliseum," which took them to the floor of the famous landmark to learn about the Gladiators, how they trained, and where the animals were caged.

The heat had tempered their day, so an hour before the tour ended, I heard a knock on the door. Both stood before me white as a sheet and sweat seeping through their shirts. "We had to get out or die," Guy said. "Even the guide didn't want to be there. I hope that is the last of the tours you have scheduled," he said with Noah shaking his head in agreement as if this were my fault! Noah was also sick from the heat, so I babied him them rest of the day.

After seeing all the sites in Rome and with one day to spare before going to Florence, I suggested we take the fast train south to Naples (we had Eurail passes) and then on to Pompeii, famous for the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, in 79 AD.

The train station is extremely crowded so as I had seen actors in movies do, we stood looking up at the flashing arrival and departure boards, to find our platform number and dash to board the train.

I loved the hour ride where the air was cool, the leather seats comfortable, and scenery breathtakingly beautiful. Then the sound of the train rolling down the track soon sang Noah and me to sleep.

Once in Naples, we didn't have time for a long tour, so as taxi drivers swarmed us Noah said, "We can't get in with just any random driver for a tour." What a cautious young man, but I knew offering these quick city tours were part of their livelihood, so I wasn't concerned.

I ride in the front seat while Guy and Noah are in the back. Guy's first goal is to eat, so the driver assured him of a special place, but first, he wanted to show us a panoramic view where tour buses can't go. Guy tuned out that part, so when we wound through cobblestone streets for a magnificent view of the city on the hill with the ocean sneaking up on its toes, Guy whispered, "I thought we were going to eat." I looked at him as if he had two heads as the driver took our picture. In the distance were cruise ships and I longed to be on one of them and out of this heat.

On the way to the restaurant, the driver began to sing the Italian version of "It's Now or Never" (with a CD) and I sang along in English. We were doing a duet while I ignored the negative vibes coming from the backseat. They were not having nearly as much fun as I was.

Finally, we arrived for lunch by the sea and enjoyed our pizza. Once Guy and Noah (who is so much like his papa) were happy, we left for Pompeii, only twenty minutes away. Noah was still concerned about this random driver, but by now Bruno and I were like relatives.

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This story was posted on 2019-07-25 06:49:53
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Travel: Naples, Italy

2019-07-25 - Naples, Italy - Photo by Bruno the Taxi Driver.
Carol, Guy and grandson Noah pose for a pre-lunch photo with Naples in the background.

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