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Mike Watson: Photo 77315 - Everyone loves a parade!

Historian Mike Watson says old photo circa 1930s-1940s, and was likely one of the many 'school parades' of that era. . . with details on the Ingram mercantile family . . . and these giants of Columbia's past: Luther Wheet, J.F. Patteson, Thomas Bramlette and more.
Comments re photo 77315 Favorite old photo - A parade in Columbia presents questions

By Mike Watson

There are several points of historical interest in this photograph. The W.I. Ingram store, now the Red Brick Studio, was a very important business on the Columbia Public Square for many years. Mr. Ingram, who hailed from Knifley, and who later lived on the corner of High and Guardian Streets, operated this establishment, at first with his father and brother, from about 1909 until his retirement about 1942. Many older residents of the county purchased school books here as it was one of the few retailers in the area that carried a variety of them.

The Hancock Hotel building, with a long history, was razed in November 1953 to make room for the new Texaco service station. It was owned by Luther Wheet and was sold to Mrs. J.F. Patteson and Holland Harvey. This was the home of Thomas E. Bramlette when the Civil War began. He was an attorney and judge and recruited the famed 3rd Kentucky Infantry at the outbreak of the conflict. His family still occupied this house when he was elected Governor of Kentucky in 1863.

In all likelihood this photograph, taken from the upper floor of the Historic Courthouse was a school-day parade in the mid-late 1930s or very early 1940s. School-day parades were held once a year, most years, to highlight the accomplishments of the city and county school children. Prizes were given to the county school that brought the most children to the parade, etc.

Times have certainly changed, but we do still love a parade! --Mike Watson

This story was posted on 2018-02-21 08:00:05
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