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Waste Connections donates 180 bicycles in southeast Kentucky

Waste Connections employees gave their own money to buy the bicycles, and the company matched the employees' donations. Donations also came from the company's vendors, customers and other partners
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By Cindy Lackey
News from PRIDE

SOMERSET, KY - Christmas came early for 180 needy children in southeast Kentucky, thanks to Waste Connections of Kentucky.

Through its fifth annual "Christmas Promise" project, the company donated 180 bicycles and worked with community organizations to deliver them to needy children in the 40 counties of southeast Kentucky it serves through transfer stations or hauling operations.

Waste Connections employees gave their own money to buy the bicycles, and the company matched the employees' donations. Donations also came from the company's vendors, customers and other partners.

"This is something that we love to do," said Bruce Crouch, district manager, Waste Connections of Kentucky. "Each year brings a new group of smiling faces to receive new bicycles."

"It is a way for us to not only help a child have a good Christmas, but also to come together with employees, vendors, partners and customers for a bike assembly party where we eat, joke around and have a fun time," Crouch added.

"PRIDE staff members were grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Christmas Promise this year," said PRIDE's Tammie Wilson. "When we helped deliver bikes, and we watched the kids enjoy them, we all came away reminded of the true meaning of Christmas."

"When we learned about the Christmas Promise, we were deeply moved by the generosity and kindness of Waste Connections employees," Wilson said. "The heart of PRIDE is people taking care of their community, and this project does exactly that. This is what 'community' is all about."

The bicycles were given to children identified by the company's local site managers and its customers, such as county solid waste coordinators.

"We basically work with anybody at the local level that is aware of a need," Crouch explained.

"We are a part of a large company, but our team is made up of a lot of good local people who care about our communities," Crouch said.

Waste Connections is an integrated solid waste services company that provides solid waste collection, transfer, disposal and recycling services. The Kentucky Division Office, which is located in Lily, primarily serves southeast Kentucky, with some operations in western counties.

Waste Connections began the Christmas Promise in 2000 to give children the life-long memory of receiving a new bicycle. The Kentucky Division Office began participating in 2007.

If you would like to support the 2012 Christmas Promise by donating money to buy bicycles for local children or assist with assembling the bikes, please call Bruce Crouch, Waste Connections of Kentucky, at 606-330-4105.

This story was posted on 2012-01-02 06:46:11
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Waste Connections donates 180 bicycles

2012-01-02 - Barbourville, KY - Photo by Cindy Lackey.
Waste Connections of Kentucky donated 180 bicycles to needy children in southeast Kentucky. In this photo, taken December 15, 50 bicycles awaited their new owners at Appalachian Children's Home, which is a state-licensed institution and emergency shelter for boys and girls under the 18 of age, located in Barbourville, KY.

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