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Deb Waddell raised $26,000 in Walk for a Cure

By Deb Waddell, Adair County Middle School
6th Grade Science teacher, Newspaper and Yearbook Advisor

I've had so many medical mysteries and happenings in my life. Starting fourteen years ago I first had skin cancer, then breast cancer, skin cancer again, thyroid cancer and skin cancer two more times.

The year before this all started, my husband almost died on me and was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disorder neurosarcoidosis.

The summer I had breast cancer treatment we were both laying in bed wondering what had happened to us. Throughout all of my crazy diagnoses, John had brain surgery three times, part of his lung removed and back surgery. He is now in remission but it's been a long haul.

They year after my breast cancer treatments I had gall bladder surgery, neck surgery and now have a bolt in my neck, tonsillectomy and rhinoplasty. That was in one year and led me to developing an autoimmune disorder called Sjogren's Syndrome. To say my immune system stinks is an understatement.

I then had back surgery. As a side note my daughter was born at Week 24 and weighed a pound and a half. She just turned 26! So many medical mysteries that have all turned out marvelous.

Some of my proudest moments through all of this is participating in the Susan G. Komen Walk for a Cure.

Three times I have walked sixty miles in three days to raise money for the fight. The first time I was just out of treatment. I'm proud to say I raised almost $26,000.00 in total for the three walks.

The front and back of the quilt in the accompanying picture represents all the love and support from friends and family and all of the 5k walks I did getting ready for the sixty miles in three days.

I have been a sounding board and have offered assistance to anyone who has questions or needs help for anything related to my experiences.

A teacher never stops teaching.

This story was posted on 2021-10-28 07:58:37
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Quilt shows love, support in fight for health

2021-10-28 - Adair County, KY - Photo from family collection.
Messages on the front and back of this quilt represents all the love and support from friends and family and all of the 5k walks Deb Waddell did getting ready for the sixty miles in three days, raising funds for the fight. She walked sixty miles in three days to raise money for the fight against cancer, raising almost $26,000 for the three walks.

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