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Willis Family holds annual Pig Roast

Reprinted with permission from the
Adair Progress and writer Mayor Pamela Hoots

The family of Earl and Jennie Vee (Ewing) Willis held their 40th annual pig roast last weekend in Columbia.

The local family was known for their involvement and leadership in Columbia and Adair County.

Each year descendants gather from across the United States with family to share memories, and visit with friends.

There were seven children in the family: Glen Willis, who now lives in California, James Mac Willis, who lives in Louisville, Fred Willis of Louisville, Clara Lee Flowers of Columbia, Earlene Thomas of Columbia, and two who have passed away, Ralph Willis and Kay Willis Scott.

This year's events started with a breakfast on Friday morning with country ham, biscuits, fried apples, and more. Activities started Friday evening; and, the pig roast began early Saturday morning.

Reggie Flowers of Louisville and Ralphie Willis of Bowling Green helped coordinate the pig roast. Charlie Willis, his son, C.J. of Louisville and Vince Willis of Indiana cooked chicken on Saturday.

Doug Crowley of Tennessee took pictures and video to memorialize the event.

Charles Willis, who is a second generation Willis, was the first person to score a touchdown in the first Adair County High School Football Team.

Around 200 people attended the event with family and friends.

This story was posted on 2021-07-13 08:15:09
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At the annual Willis family reunion

2021-07-13 - Columbia, KY - Photo from Pam Hoots.
Over the years Pam Hoots has enjoyed reconnecting with friends at the annual Willis family reunion and pig roast in Columbia.

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Family gathers for annual Willis reunion

2021-07-13 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Pam Hoots.
LeeEtta Willis and her son Ralphie are part of the family of Earl and Jennie Vee (Ewing) Willis which holds an annual pig roast at the homeplace on Willis Street in Columbia. Each year descendants gather from across the United States with family to share memories and visit with friends.

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