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TheatreFest! to present Steel Magnolias

TheatreFest! the Summer Theatre at Lindsey Wilson College will present Robert Harling's Steel Magnolias in black box style July 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, & 25.

This beautiful and wonderfully written story by Robert Harling is directed by the Artistic Director of TheatreFest! Robert Brock, with Brenna Mullennex (LWC Theatre Alum) of Louisville, KY, Gretchen Miles (LWC Theatre Major) of Columbia, KY, Tommie Saragas of Columbia, KY, Erika Finley (LWC Theatre Alum) of Bowling Green, KY, Hannah Coyt of Bowling Green, KY, and Leigh Dews of Columbia, KY.

It will be performed at 7pmCT nightly on July 15,16,17, 22, 23, 24, and at 2pmCT daily on July 18 & 25 in V.P. Henry Auditorium. For ticket information contact Brock at or visit

The play, based on a true story, is known for pulling on heartstrings as well as eliciting more than a few laughs from audiences. With a cast full of familiar faces from past TheatreFest! seasons, you are bound to feel both during this production.

Robert Brock, Artistic Director for TheatreFest! and the director of the play says "First of all, we are excited to be preparing a play for live audiences after a long hiatus. Steel Magnolias seemed like a great choice to start things off; a play about six southern women who are, as the title points out, delicate as magnolia blossoms and tough as steel. Alternately funny and very touching, Steel Magnolias has charmed audiences for decades. Don't miss it!"

Come take a seat in Truvy's beauty shop and join us for this oh-so touching, yet comical journey of Steel Magnolias on July 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, & 25. There will be limited seating for this production, so be sure to make reservations today by emailing or calling 270-384-8044.

This story was posted on 2021-06-15 20:18:53
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TheatreFest! to present Steel Magnolias

2021-06-15 - Columbia, KY - Photo courtesy Lindsey Wilson College.
Steel Magnolias cast members Erika Finley, Brenna Mullenex, and Gretchen Miles rehearsing hairdressing for the upcoming show opening on July 15th.

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