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Carol Perkins: Freedom is a highway

Previous Column: Change is in the air

By Carol Perkins

I am a fan of American Idol and was pulling for Kentucky boy, Alex Miller. Now I am torn between two or three. One, whom Katy called "the underdog," that has caught my interest is Cecil Ray.

Ray isn't polished, isn't dramatic, isn't a showman, and isn't comfortable on the stage, but he is authentic. The judges teased him about getting his hand out of his pocket while he sang. During his duet with Jimmie Allen (a former Idol member), I saw a young man who could end up with a Grammy. I like him.

What captured me about their performance were the lyrics to the hit, "Freedom was a Highway" by Tracy Lawrence.

I wasn't familiar with the song, but the words took me back to the highways of my teenage years. The highways that ran through Metcalfe County, down the old Glasgow Road where we drove to the county line and turned around unless we had enough gas to go to Jerry's Restaurant, circle the bowling alley, the A&W Root Beer drive-in, or the Tastee Freeze and back.

One line all of us of a certain age will like is, "We were summer young and livin' for a Friday and freedom was a highway. Freedom was a highway." Our first taste of freedom was when we pulled out of our driveway, picked up our friends, and "rode around." If asked where I was going, I'd answer with, "Just riding around." That was what we did. More than once, there were too many people in the car to be legal or safe. It wasn't unusual to pick up the "town" girls and then drive through Summer Shade or Randolph to pick up others. Distance meant nothing if we had a dollar's worth of gas. Freedom was a highway and frankly, it still is.

Carol's most recent book, based on a true story, The Case of the Missing Ring, is available through Amazon, both paperback and ebook. You can contact her at

This story was posted on 2021-04-09 06:10:18
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