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Culture Shock Workshop at LWC ISP

By Sabine Eastham

On Tuesday, October 12, 2020, 10 domestic and international students had a chance to safely gather in the Holloway Health and Wellness Center to experience the 4th annual "Culture Shock" workshop - offered to students at the beginning of each semester to learn about the struggles of culture shock and methods for coping with them.

Culture Shock can be experienced not only by international students, but also by students moving from high school to college or by students moving from a metropolitan area to a more rural setting. Besides a discussion in which the struggle to adjust was emphasized and acknowledged as "real", students engaged in the "Brain Dating" activity.

They were encouraged to engage with one another, asking each other questions that were displayed on a big screen before moving on to mingle with a different person. This is always the most fun part and also helps to put in motion what was learned - go out, mingle, make some new friends on Lindsey's campus.

If you would like to learn more about the program or see how you can join our wonderful network of host families, please contact the International Student Programs at 270-384-8236.

This story was posted on 2020-10-17 13:47:28
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Culture Shock Workshop at LWC ISP

2020-10-17 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Sabine Eastham.
Getting to know one another in an activity called "Brain Dating", which forms two circles, one inner circle and one outer circle, the inner circle rotates every two minutes in order to go around and get to know everyone on the outside.

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