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Governor issues executive order on non-discrimination

By Crystal Staley/Sebastian Kitchen

Frankfort, KY - Gov. Andy Beshear has issued an executive order to ensure that all Kentuckians are treated fairly by the state when it comes to matters of employment, services and contracting in the commonwealth.

"When I ran for this office I pledged to be a Governor for all Kentuckians, and when I took my oath I swore to use my position to protect all of our citizens equally," the Governor said. "This executive order ensures that no Kentuckian has to tolerate being discriminated against because of who they are when it comes to dealing with the state. I'm proud to sign this."

The new executive order builds on previous protections by adding provisions to clearly cover gender expression; pregnancy or related medical conditions; and marital or familial status.

According to the executive order: "It shall be the policy of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to prohibit discrimination in employer-employee relations or in the provision of public services because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, ancestry, age, pregnancy or related medical condition, marital or familial status, disability or veteran status. Employer-employee relations shall include but not be limited to hiring, promotion, termination, tenure, recruitment and compensation."

"The challenges Kentucky faces with a global health pandemic and the widespread financial fallout requires that we draw on the full spectrum of knowledge, skills and talent of our people," Gov. Beshear said. "This executive order sends the right message about our compassion and our priorities. It establishes the expectation that everyone in Kentucky is treated fairly and ensures that our commonwealth welcomes and benefits from the contributions of all our citizens."

This story was posted on 2020-06-30 07:48:09
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