Adair County High School's
Graduating Class of Two Thousand Seventeen
Click a Letter to Jump to Last Names Beginning With:
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Note: Email corrections or additions to webmaster@columbiamagazine.com.
If there is missing or incorrect information in your listing, we'll be glad to correct it.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Jacob Wayne Absher is the 18 year old son of David Absher and Candice Potts. During high school his involvement has included NAHS. Jacob's plans after high school are to become an artist.

Christopher Shane Abston is the 18 year old son of Wendy Abston. During high school his involvement has included Boys Basketball. Christopher's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College and play basketball.

Danielle Rhae Adams is the 18 year old daughter of Mark and Angie Adams. During high school her involvement has included FCA. Danielle's plans after high school are to attend Oral Roberts University.
Justin Scott Akers
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Audreanna M. Alley is the 18 year old daughter of Anna Burton and Anthony Alley. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Audreanna's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in nursing.

Faith Ann Anderson is the 17 year old daughter of Nicole Burton. During high school her involvement has included FCA, NAHS, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, and Yearbook. Faith's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Breanna Marie Antone is the 18 year old daughter of Angela Brock. During high school her involvement has included NAHS. Breanna's plans after high school are to attend NOSSI to major in graphic design.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Assisted Transportation Systems

Samantha Jo Appleby is the 18 year old daughter of Jennifer and Christopher Appleby. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Peer Tutoring. Honors and awards received during high school include receiving the FFA Greenhouse Award. Samantha's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College

Selena Xena Badillo is the 18 year old daughter of Francisco and Ana Badillo. During high school her involvement has included FCA and Pep Club. Selena's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in criminal justice.

Kylie M. Bailey is the 18 year old daughter of Amanda and C.J. Hadley. Kylie's plans after high school are to attend technical college.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Bank of Columbia

Olivia Marie Bair is the 17 year old daughter of Jill Roy. During high school her involvement has included NAHS, Pep Club, and Yearbook. Olivia's plans after high school are to attend college to major in art education.

Alesha Dawn Bennett is the 19 year old daughter of Teresa and Donald Bennett. During high school her involvement has included FFA, Track and Field, and Volleyball. Alesha's plans after high school are to attend Western Kentucky University to major in nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Hailey Jo Birdwell is the 18 year old daughter of Billy and Jamie Birdwell. During high school her involvement has included Marching Band, NAHS, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. Hailey's plans after high school are to attend Campbellsville University.

Saige Monroe Bolin is the 18 year old daughter of Brandi Bowers. During high school her involvement has included Beta, Cheerleading, and SADD/Champions. Saige's plans after high school are to attend Campbellsville University and become a registered nurse.

Stanley Addis Roy Bowlin is the 18 year old son of Mary Bowlin. Stanley's plans after high school are to obtain his CDL.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Community Trust Bank

Steven Shymez Brabson is the 18 year old son of Annissa Brabson. During high school his involvement has included Football, Peer Tutoring, and Track and Field. Steven's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Jessica Nicole Braun
Jessica Nicole Braun is the 18 year old daughter of LuEllen Fields. Honors and awards received during high school include being on the A and B Honor Roll. Jessica's plans after high school are to attend college.
Jessica Nicole Braun is the 18 year old daughter of LuEllen Fields. Honors and awards received during high school include being on the A and B Honor Roll. Jessica's plans after high school are to attend college.

Sarah Elizabeth Brockman is the 17 year old daughter of Landon and LeeAnn Parnell and Anthony Brockman. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band, Marching Band, NAHS, and STARS. Honors and awards received during high school include Honorable Mention in Fabric at the regional art competition, three National BOA Championships, and multiple KMEA State Marching Band Competitions. Sarah's plans after high school are to attend college and become a veterinary technician.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Day & Day Feed and Seed

Becca Lynn Brown is the 17 year old daughter of Jessie Brown and Penny Brown. During high school her involvement has included Yearbook. Becca's plans after high school are to attend Western Kentucky University.

Chassidy Paige Bryant is the 17 year old daughter of Jerald and Beverly Bryant. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, NHS, and NAHS. Chassidy's plans after high school are to attend Western Kentucky University.

Christina Kaitlyn Bryant is the 18 year old daughter of Chris and Kelly Bryant. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Beta, FCA, Girls Basketball, GRIT, NHS, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, HOSA, and Indian University. Honors and awards received during high school include CNA certification and being on the A Honor Roll. Christina's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University
Elijah Hunter Bryant
Elijah Hunter Bryant is the 18 year old son of Shanna Bryant. Elijah's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Elijah Hunter Bryant is the 18 year old son of Shanna Bryant. Elijah's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Jeffrey Dylan Bryant is the 18 year old son of Jeff Bryant. During high school his involvement has included the TRACK Program. Jeffrey's plans after high school are to attend Somerset Community College and continue working at Dr. Schneider's.

Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Don Franklin Family Dealerships Columbia - Russell Springs - Campbellsville - Liberty - Somerset - Burkesville - Monticello- London- Bardstown
Christopher Ollie Burriss
Christopher Ollie Burriss is the 18 year old son of Chris Burriss and Crystal Burriss. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. Christopher's plans after high school are to attend the Kentucky Welding Institute.
Christopher Ollie Burriss is the 18 year old son of Chris Burriss and Crystal Burriss. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. Christopher's plans after high school are to attend the Kentucky Welding Institute.

Gregory Lane Burton is the 18 year old son of Greg Burton and Holly Burton. During high school his involvement has included Boys Basketball, FCA, Indian Trust Bank, Peer Tutoring, and SADD/Champions. Gregory's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College and to enter the workforce.

Kaitlynn Lashay Burton is the 17 year old daughter of Kevin and Christy Burton. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Cheerleading, FCA, FFA, Pep Club, and SADD/Champions. Honors and awards received during high school include being named FFA Sweetheart. Kaitlynn's plans after high school are to attend college
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Kyle Madison Burton is the 17 year old son of Leaann Hilton and Steve Burton. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Beta, and NHS. Honors and awards received during high school include Academic All-state. Kyle's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in biology.

Isaac John Carter is the 18 year old son of Johnny and Rita Carter. During high school his involvement has included Beta, FCA, Football, NHS, Pep Club, Student Ambassadors, and Track and Field. Isaac's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Sydney Rachelle Clark is the 18 year old daughter of Shane and Holly Powell. During high school her involvement has included FCA. Sydney's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at United Citizens Bank

Grant Michael Cockerham is the 18 year old son of Susan Miller and Michael Cockerham. During high school his involvement has included Concert Band, FBLA, FCA, and Marching Band. Grant's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College and become a physical therapist.
Trayton Jacob Coe

Matthew Ray Combes is the 18 year old son of Teresa Combes. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Matthew's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Destiny Conley is the 19 year old daughter of Jerry and Jody Conley. During high school her involvement has included HOSA (Future Health Professionals) and Softball. Destiny's plans after high school are to attend the University of Denver to become an ultrasound technician.

Shelby D'Ann Conley is the 18 year old daughter of Leslie Morrison. During high school her involvement has included Drama. Honors and awards received during high school include earning her MNA certification. Shelby's plans after high school are to attend Somerset Community College to major in nursing.

Preston Neal Coomer is the 18 year old son of Neal and Tammy Coomer. During high school his involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, FCA, and Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning his KT DOT 3G Welding Certification. Preston's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from Dr. Ronald Rogers

Daniel Lee Corbin is the 18 year old son of Jennifer Janes and Eric Corbin. During high school his involvement has included Army Club, FBLA, and Junior Guard. Honors and awards received during high school include FBLA President and Staff Sergeant in Junior Guard. Daniel's plans after high school are to enlist in the Marines.

Serena Lynn Corbin is the 19 year old daughter of Michael and Tammy Corbin. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Indian Trust Bank, and NAHS. Honors and awards received during high school include being accepted to the Governor's School for the Arts. Serena's plans after high school are to attend Campbellsville University.

Brady Allen Cowan is the 17 year old son of Jamie and Gale Cowan. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Brady's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at The Barn at Cedar Grove
Karli Morgan Cowan
Karli Morgan Cowan is the 18 year old daughter of Lisa and Tim Cowan. During high school her involvement has included Color Guard and Marching Band. Honors and awards received during high school include three-time BOA Class A National Champions. Karli's plans after high school are to attend the University of Kentucky.
Karli Morgan Cowan is the 18 year old daughter of Lisa and Tim Cowan. During high school her involvement has included Color Guard and Marching Band. Honors and awards received during high school include three-time BOA Class A National Champions. Karli's plans after high school are to attend the University of Kentucky.

Trevor Scott Cowan is the 18 year old son of Angela and Scott Cowan. During high school his involvement has included Academic Team, Beta, and NHS. Trevor's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Dalton Lee Cramer

Sierra Dawn Cross is the 18 year old daughter of Larry Cross. Sierra's plans after high school are to attend Somerset Community College to major in nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

James Collin Curry is the 18 year old son of Michael and Andrea Keith. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Skills USA.

Katherine Glenn Curry is the 17 year old daughter of Mike and Alice Curry. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, Girls Basketball, NHS, Pep Club, STLP, Student Ambassadors, and Yearbook. Katherine's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in elementary education

Evan Wesley Darnell is the 17 year old son of Adam Darnell and Karen Darnell. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning his 3G DOT Welding Certification. Evan's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Adair Gun and Pawn

Tori Ann Davis is the 20 year old daughter of Joanne Davis and Joseph Wayne Davis. During high school her involvement has included FCA. Tori's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.

Zachary Alexander Davis is the 19 year old son of Randy and Rhonda Davis. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Boys Basketball, and Football. Honors and awards received during high school include Most School Spirit, Prom King, and the Boys Basketball Manager Award. Zachary's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Kareisha Lynn Derman
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University
Joshua Michael Dial
Christopher Austin Dickson

Jacob Todd Doss is the 18 year old son of Brian and Carolyn Doss. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Football, Pep Club, Student Ambassadors, and Track and Field. Jacob's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Stotts Construction

Sara Marie Dunbar is the 18 year old daughter of Jeff and Laurie Dunbar. During high school her involvement has included Pep Club, SADD/Champions, STLP, Student Ambassadors, and Yearbook. Honors and awards received during high school include Pep Club Representative. Sara's plans after high school are to attend Western Kentucky University.
Kaylie Renee Edwards

Kathleen Jo Ellis is the 17 year old daughter of Robert and Tammy Ellis. Kathleen's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Dylan Thomas Feese is the 18 year old son of Bryan and Angie Feese. During high school his involvement has included Boys Basketball, Football, and Track and Field. Dylan's plans after high school are to attend Kentucky Christian University and play football.

Roy Flores is the 18 year old son of Roy Flores and Wanda Giles. Roy's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Congratulations Seniors from everyone at United Citizens Bank

Courtney Lee Foster is the 18 year old daughter of Telenia Dobbs. During high school her involvement has included FCA, FCCLA, GRIT, NAHS, and SADD/Champions. Honors and awards received during high school include Student of the Week and Community Voice Student of the Months. Courtney's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College and become a forensic psychologist.

Christopher Lynn Franklin is the 18 year old son of Timmy and April Franklin. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Christopher's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Nathaniel Lee Franklin is the 17 year old son of Dan and Melinda Franklin. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Beta, FBLA, FCA, Indian Trust Bank, NHS, Pep Club, and Student Ambassadors. Honors and awards received during high school include being a Rogers Scholar. Nathaniel's plans after high school are to attend the University of Kentucky.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Assisted Transportation Systems

Timothy Mason Franklin is the 17 year old son of Timmy and Tara Franklin. During high school his involvement has included Army Club and Junior Guard. Honors and awards received during high school include being on the Honor Roll and promotion to Staff Sergeant in Junior Guard. Timothy's plans after high school are to enlist in the Air Force.

Kelly Gail Fudge is the 18 year old daughter of Gene and Vonda Fudge. During high school her involvement has included HOSA (Future Health Professionals). Kelly's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Don Franklin Family Dealerships Columbia - Russell Springs - Campbellsville - Liberty - Somerset - Burkesville - Monticello- London- Bardstown

Aaron Wade Gaskins is the 18 year old son of Shane and Teresa Gaskins. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Skills USA. Aaron's plans after high school are to attend Somerset Community College

Andrew David Gayde is the 18 year old grandson of David and Danae Gayde. During high school his involvement has included Football. Andrew's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Linsey Jo Grant is the 17 year old daughter of Anthony and Keena Grant. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, Softball, STLP, Student Ambassadors, and Yearbook. Honors and awards received during high school include President of Beta/NHS and Class Secretary. Linsey's plans after high school are to attend the University of Kentucky.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Lonnie Dwight Grant is the 17 year old son of Eric and Marianne Grant. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Football. Lonnie's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Abby Jo Gunter is the 18 year old daughter of Daughter of the late Bobby Joe Gunter and niece of Brian and Brandy Hargrove. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning her industry certification in Greehouse Tech. Abby's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.

Elliot Jansen Hare is the 17 year old son of Eric and Charlotte Hare. During high school his involvement has included STARS. Elliot's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Bank of Columbia

Savannah Lee Harlan is the 17 year old daughter of Robert and Emma Harlan. Savannah's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Michael Brandon Harp is the 18 year old son of Tina Harp. During high school his involvement has included Academic Team and Drama. Honors and awards received during high school include First place in Mathematics Written Assessments at 2016-2017 District. Michael's plans after high school are to enlist in the Air Force.

Bryson Isaiah Harris is the 17 year old son of Mindy and Scott Wilkerson. Bryson's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Kaitlyn Marie Harvey is the 18 year old daughter of Bryan Harvey and Laura Harvey. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band, FCCLA, and Marching Band. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous Band awards. Kaitlyn's plans after high school are to attend Somerset Community College.

Shelby Rachelle Hatcher is the 18 year old daughter of Gary and Terri Hatcher. During high school her involvement has included FCA and FFA. Shelby's plans after high school are to attend PJ's School of Cosmetology.

Christina Marie Hayden is the 18 year old daughter of Bob and Kimberly Spears. During high school her involvement has included Beta, NHS, and HOSA. Christina's plans after high school are to attend Berea College to major in nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Adair Gun and Pawn

Wendy Allison Helm is the 18 year old daughter of Rex and Debbie Helm. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Volleyball. Wendy's plans after high school are to attend Somerset Community College to major in radiology.

Victoria Marie Hernandez is the 17 year old daughter of Jaime and Jennifer Hernandez. During high school her involvement has included NAHS, Yearbook, HOSA, and MNA. Victoria's plans after high school are to attend Western Kentucky University.

Landon Thomas Herren is the 18 year old son of Rhonica and Larry Patterson and Rick Herren. During high school his involvement has included FFA, Football, Pep Club, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include 2nd Team All-District, KHSAA Academic All-State, P.A.C. All Academic Team, and the National Society of High School Scholars. Landon's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Houston Clint Hestand
Houston Clint Hestand is the 17 year old son of Tammy Burton and Clint Hestand. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning his NCCER Certificate. Houston's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Houston Clint Hestand is the 17 year old son of Tammy Burton and Clint Hestand. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning his NCCER Certificate. Houston's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Brady Colton Hixson is the 18 year old son of Gary and Dana Hixson. During high school his involvement has included Football, Pep Club, and SADD/Champions. Honors and awards received during high school include Football All District Academic all four years, Mr. Junior, and Mr. ACHS. Brady's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Chloe Hayes Hixson is the 17 year old daughter of Barry and Angie Hixson. During high school her involvement has included Beta, Cheerleading, ETCA, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, STLP, Student Ambassadors, Yearbook, Indian University, and STARS. Honors and awards received during high school include Class President for four years. Chloe's plans after high school are to attend Western Kentucky University to major in psychology and then become a school psychologist.

Tyler Blake Hodges is the 17 year old son of Chonda and Tony Hodges. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Skills USA. Tyler's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Nicholas Alan Honaker is the 17 year old son of Crystal Kimbler and Jay Johnson. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Indian Trust Bank, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include becoming CPR certified. Nicholas's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in computer information systems.

Raysean Maurice Hughes is the 19 year old son of Tina Lawhorn and Juan Hughes. During high school his involvement has included FCA, SADD/Champions, and Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning his Carpentry Certification. Raysean's plans after high school are to attend Campbellsville University.

Rodney Dalton Hundley is the 18 year old son of Jennifer Matney and Rodney Hundley. During high school his involvement has included Beta, Boys Basketball, FCA, Indian Trust Bank, NHS, Pep Club, and STARS. Honors and awards received during high school include earning his MOS Certification. Rodney's plans after high school are to attend Eastern Kentucky University to major in accounting.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Austin Samuel Irby is the 18 year old son of Alama Kay Haupt. During high school his involvement has included FCA and Pep Club. Austin's plans after high school are to attend Sullivan University.

Wesley Allen Johnson is the 18 year old son of Jason Harral. Wesley's plans after high school are to attend welding school.

Savannah Danielle Joseph is the 18 year old daughter of Melissa and Cheyenne Joseph. Savannah's plans after high school are to attend college to become a nurse.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at United Citizens Bank

Kelsie Mazee Keltner is the 17 year old daughter of Troy and Kathie Keltner. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Pep Club, Softball, Student Ambassadors, HOSA, and STARS. Honors and awards received during high school include becoming a certified Medicaid Nurse Aide. Kelsie's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in nursing.
Robert Alan Thomas Key

Robert Harrison Knifley is the 18 year old son of Shay and Chris Knifley. During high school his involvement has included Concert Band, Jazz Band, and Marching Band. Honors and awards received during high school include KMEA State Champions 2010, 2011, and 2015, Class A National Champs 2014, 2015, and 2016. Robert's plans after high school are to attend the University of Kentucky.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Don Franklin Family Dealerships Columbia - Russell Springs - Campbellsville - Liberty - Somerset - Burkesville - Monticello- London- Bardstown

Cameron Jermaine Lasley is the 18 year old son of Nathan and Quinn Lasley. During high school his involvement has included Boys Basketball, Football, and Pep Club. Cameron's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson and play football.

Jordan Craig Lasley is the 18 year old son of Craig and Felicia Lasley. During high school his involvement has included Boys Basketball, Football, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include Football District Player of the (sophomore year). Jordan's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College and play football.

Taylor Ashton Lawhorn is the 18 year old daughter of Larry and Terra White and Randy Lawhorn. During high school her involvement has included HOSA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning her MNA certification. Taylor's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Jaykob Robert MaKhaine Lee is the 18 year old son of Jeff and Annita Barnett and the late Keith Lee. During high school his involvement has included FFA, Skills USA, and Welding. Honors and awards received during high school include 1st place FFA Creed Speaking contest and earning three certifications in welding (3G, 4G, and 3G Dual Shield Flux Core). Jaykob's plans after high school are to enlist in the Air Force.

Conway Glenn Loy is the 17 year old son of Ronnie and Leighann Loy. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Conway's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College and then Western Kentucky University to major in agricultural business.

Madelyn Grace Loy is the 18 year old daughter of Jerry Loy and Rhonda Loy. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Pep Club, Softball, STLP, and Yearbook. Madelyn's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in education.

Michael Irvin Mackenzie is the 18 year old son of Mike and Jodi Irvin. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Michael's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Community Trust Bank

Bradley Ray Maslen is the 17 year old son of Ray and Angel Maslen. Honors and awards received during high school include earning three welding certifications. Bradley's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.

Erika Danielle McClintock is the 17 year old daughter of Jason and Rebecca McClintock and Chasity Williams. During high school her involvement has included Drama and NAHS. Honors and awards received during high school include Second Place in Fabric and Textiles in the regional art competition. Erika's plans after high school are to attend college.
Tabitha Ann McElroy

Mary Nicole McGuffin is the 19 year old daughter of Mary McGuffin and Mike Thomas. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Mary's plans after high school are to attend Somerset Community College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Makayla Ann Melson is the 18 year old daughter of Krishana Jessie and Donnie Melson. During high school her involvement has included Beta and NHS. Makayla's plans after high school are to attend the University of Kentucky.
Christopher Chance Melton
Christopher Chance Melton is the 19 year old son of Chris and Amy Melton. During high school his involvement has included Boys Basketball, FCA, FFA, and Football. Honors and awards received during high school include PAC Player of the Year, two-time PAC Quarterback of the Year, numerous All District and All Region Teams in Basketball. Christopher's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Christopher Chance Melton is the 19 year old son of Chris and Amy Melton. During high school his involvement has included Boys Basketball, FCA, FFA, and Football. Honors and awards received during high school include PAC Player of the Year, two-time PAC Quarterback of the Year, numerous All District and All Region Teams in Basketball. Christopher's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Gretchen Emery Miles is the 17 year old daughter of Richard and Dawn Miles. During high school her involvement has included Drama. Gretchen's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at The Barn at Cedar Grove

Jameson Brock Miller is the 18 year old son of Bradley and Stacy Miller. During high school his involvement has included Boys Golf, FCA, and Pep Club. Jameson's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Tyler James Miller is the 19 year old son of Julia Kaylor and Jason Miller. During high school his involvement has included STLP, Junior Guard, and Orchestra. Honors and awards received during high school include Outstanding Achievement from Orchestra. Tyler's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Zakia Lashae Miller is the 17 year old daughter of Valeka and Kerrick Miller. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Volleyball, and HOSA. Honors and awards received during high school include Medicaid Nurse Aide certification. Zakia's plans after high school are to attend Western Kentucky University to major in nursing.

Michael Allen Montgomery is the 18 year old son of Robert and Joann Montgomery. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Beta, Boys Basketball, FCA, Indian Trust Bank, NHS, and Pep Club. Michael's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Rebecca Jane Morgan is the 17 year old daughter of Michael and Betsy Morgan. Rebecca's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.

Shelby Nichole Morrison is the 18 year old daughter of Billy and Joyce Morrison. During high school her involvement has included NAHS, HOSA, and MNA. Shelby's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in nursing.
Jordan Thomas Murry
Jordan Thomas Murry is the 18 year old son of Jessica Watson. Jordan's plans after high school are to earn a degree in funeral services.
Jordan Thomas Murry is the 18 year old son of Jessica Watson. Jordan's plans after high school are to earn a degree in funeral services.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Bank of Columbia

William Ballou Myers is the 18 year old son of Chad and Jenny Myers. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Beta, FCA, FFA, NHS, and Pep Club. William's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in education.

Ricky Isaac Neat is the 17 year old son of Ricky and Brenda Neat. During high school his involvement has included Drama. Ricky's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Montanna Cheyenne Norris
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Jonathan Noah Ollery is the 18 year old son of Mike and Melanie Ollery. During high school his involvement has included Academic Team, Beta, and NHS. Jonathan's plans after high school are to attend college.

Austin Shawn Owens is the 18 year old son of Jovina Slone. During high school his involvement has included Concert Band, Jazz Band, and Marching Band. Austin's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in science and then Eastern Kentucky University to major in occupational therapy.

Mikayla Venessa Palmer is the 18 year old daughter of Arthur and Belinda Palmer. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band and Marching Band. Honors and awards received during high school include Marching Band State and National Champions. Mikayla's plans after high school are to attend Campbellsville University
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Don Franklin Family Dealerships Columbia - Russell Springs - Campbellsville - Liberty - Somerset - Burkesville - Monticello- London- Bardstown

Dylan Wade Pendleton is the 18 year old son of Matt and Tracy Pendleton. During high school his involvement has included Academic Team. Dylan's plans after high school are to enlist in the Air Force.
Derrick Shane Pickett
Derrick Shane Pickett is the 20 year old son of Lisa Petty Cooper.
Derrick Shane Pickett is the 20 year old son of Lisa Petty Cooper.

Joslyn Gale Pickett is the 17 year old daughter of Lisa Cooper. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Joslyn's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at United Citizens Banks
Alex James Pierce
Alex James Pierce is the 18 year old son of James and Michele Pierce. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning his NCCER certification. Alex's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Alex James Pierce is the 18 year old son of James and Michele Pierce. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning his NCCER certification. Alex's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.

Katelyn Renea Ploss is the 17 year old daughter of Cindy Ploss. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FFA, NHS, and SADD/Champions. Honors and awards received during high school include Greenhand and Girl Scout Silver Award. Katelyn's plans after high school are to attend Murray State University and become a veterinarian.
Nicholas Pogozelski
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Joshua Lee Polanco is the 18 year old son of Marry McCoy and Jackie McCoy. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning his NCCER, Brakes, Diesel Engines, and Batteries certifications. Joshua's plans after high school are to attend Somerset Community College.

Jessica Dawn Powell is the 17 year old daughter of David and Tammy Powell. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band, FCA, HOSA (Future Health Professionals), Marching Band, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous Band awards. Jessica's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Nicholas G. Radford is the 18 year old son of James and Kellie Radford. Nicholas's plans after high school are to attend the Kentucky Welding Institute.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Roberto James Ramirez is the 17 year old son of Margie Renee Handy. During high school his involvement has included STLP. Roberto's plans after high school are to enlist in the Air Force.

Lindsay Faith Redmon is the 18 year old daughter of Jacqueline Judd and Brian Redmon. During high school her involvement has included SADD/Champions. Honors and awards received during high school include being College and Career ready. Lindsay's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Hayley Marie Reynolds is the 18 year old daughter of Rodney and Tiffany Reynolds. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Cheerleading, FFA, and HOSA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning her Medicaid Nurse Aide certification. Hayley's plans after high school are to attend Campbellsville University and enter the pre-physical therapy program.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Sadie Dale Reynolds is the 18 year old daughter of Rodney and Tiffany Reynolds. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership and FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include I have been on the Honor Roll all four years of high school. Sadie's plans after high school are to attend Campbellsville University to major in elementary education.

Adam Chandler Roberts is the 17 year old son of Nikki Vitatoe and Bobby Roberts. Adam's plans after high school are to attend basic training and Johnson City Bible College.
Taylor Pearl Roberts
Taylor Pearl Roberts is the 19 year old daughter of Twila Clark and David Roberts. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Junior Guard. Taylor's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Taylor Pearl Roberts is the 19 year old daughter of Twila Clark and David Roberts. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Junior Guard. Taylor's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Kasey Tyler Robinson is the 17 year old son of Misty Hatcher. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Kasey's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
David Joseph Hansford Rooks

Kassidy Faith Roy is the 17 year old daughter of Bo and Sonya Biggs and Ricky and Tressie Roy. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Softball, Student Ambassadors, Yearbook, and STARS. Kassidy's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in elementary education and minor in communication.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Bank of Columbia

Katlyn Neal Roy is the 17 year old daughter of Gary and Lee Ann Roy. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, and STARS. Honors and awards received during high school include being on the A-B Honor Roll, earning her Medicaid Nurse Aide certification, and SADD Treasurer. Katlyn's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in nursing.

Savannah Devyn Roy is the 18 year old daughter of Keith and Debra Breeding and Danny Roy. During high school her involvement has included FCA, FFA, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, and HOSA (Future Health Professionals). Honors and awards received during high school include earning her Medicaid Nurse Aide certification. Savannah's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Erwin Richard Ruczienski II is the 17 year old son of John Ruczienski and Andrea Stremmell. During high school his involvement has included Academic Team, NAHS, and STLP. Erwin's plans after high school are to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University
Tiffany Jane Samuell
Tiffany Jane Samuell is the 18 year wife of Zack Samuell. During high school her involvement has included Beta, Drama, and NHS.
Tiffany Jane Samuell is the 18 year wife of Zack Samuell. During high school her involvement has included Beta, Drama, and NHS.
Zack Louis Samuell
Zack Louis Samuell is the 19 year old husband of Tiffany Samuell. During high school his involvement has included Army Club, FCA, FFA, Football, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, STLP, and Track and Field. Zack's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Zack Louis Samuell is the 19 year old husband of Tiffany Samuell. During high school his involvement has included Army Club, FCA, FFA, Football, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, STLP, and Track and Field. Zack's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.

Joseph Andres Sanchez is the 18 year old son of Moises and Dawn Sanchez. Honors and awards received during high school include being voted Class Clown and earning his carpentry certification. Joseph's plans after high school are to attend Somerset Community College and work in carpentry.

Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Brandon Michael Lee Scheyer is the 18 year old son of John Scheyer and Delilah Wright. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning 10 ASE certifications. Brandon's plans after high school are to attend the University of Kentucky to major in mechanical and electronic engineering.

Cole Schmidt is the 18 year old son of Chris and Rebecca Schmidt. During high school his involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Baseball, Beta, FBLA, NHS, and Student Ambassadors. Honors and awards received during high school include being a Rogers and Governor's Scholar. Cole's plans after high school are to attend Western Kentucky University.

Hanna Marie Scott is the 17 year old daughter of James and Charlene Scott. During high school her involvement has included Color Guard, Concert Band, Drama, Marching Band, and NAHS. Honors and awards received during high school include Scholastic Gold Key in Ceramics. Hanna's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in theatre arts.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Stotts Construction
Ilene Marie Shab
Ilene Marie Shab is the 19 year old daughter of Lisa Gullett. During high school her involvement has included Drama. Ilene's plans after high school are to attend college.
Ilene Marie Shab is the 19 year old daughter of Lisa Gullett. During high school her involvement has included Drama. Ilene's plans after high school are to attend college.
Raven Victoria Shaffer
Raven Victoria Shaffer is the 17 year old daughter of Katee Helinger and Kenny Shaffer. Raven's plans after high school are to attend college to major in photography.
Raven Victoria Shaffer is the 17 year old daughter of Katee Helinger and Kenny Shaffer. Raven's plans after high school are to attend college to major in photography.

Jacob Austin Smith is the 17 year old son of Tammy Hatcher and Mark Hatcher. Jacob's plans after high school are to attend college.

Makayla Grace Smith is the 18 year old daughter of Patrick and Angie Smith. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, FCA, Student Ambassadors, HOSA (Future Health Professionals). Honors and awards received during high school include being named WBKO Today's Leader, 4-H'er of the year, 2017 Basketball Homecoming second runner-up (FCA), and earning her Medicaid Nurse Aide certification. Makayla's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University
Trevor Donald Smith
Trevor Donald Smith is the 17 year old son of Donna Hatcher and Robert Smith. Trevor's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Trevor Donald Smith is the 17 year old son of Donna Hatcher and Robert Smith. Trevor's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.

Zachary Lynn Smith is the 18 year old son of Greg and Angie Smith. During high school his involvement has included Pep Club and Track and Field. Zachary's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to work towards an engineering degree.

Taylor Christine Smock is the 18 year old daughter of Stan and Sharon Smock. Taylor's plans after high school are to attend Western Kentucky University.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Flowers 'n Things

Ashley Nicole Sneed is the 18 year old daughter of Mike and Karen Sneed. Ashley's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Samuel Lee Sneed is the 18 year old son of Heather Sneed and Dan Sneed. During high school his involvement has included Drama. Honors and awards received during high school include earning a scholarship from Lindsey Wilson College. Samuel's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Elizabeth Carolina Spoon is the 17 year old daughter of Amanda Spoon and Bruce Spoon. During high school her involvement has included NAHS. Honors and awards received during high school include being on the Honor Roll and numerous art awards. Elizabeth's plans after high school are to attend Campbellsville University to major in cosmetology.

William Parker Staten is the 18 year old son of Bill Staten and Andrea VanArsdale. During high school his involvement has included Football and Welding. Honors and awards received during high school include earning his welding certification. William's plans after high school are to attend the Kentucky Welding Institute.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Weston Lucas Stone is the 18 year old son of Lenny and Karla Stone. During high school his involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Academic Team, Beta, Drama, GRIT, NHS, NAHS, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Track and Field, and STEM. Weston's plans after high school are to attend Freed-Hardeman University and pursue a career in youth ministry.

Kalob Michael Stotts is the 19 year old son of Greg Lundy and Jennifer Stotts-Lundy. During high school his involvement has included Boys Basketball. Honors and awards received during high school include All District/Region Basketball and Third Team All State. Kalob's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in physical education and play basketball.

Trey Steven Strange is the 18 year old son of Troy and Tonia Strange. During high school his involvement has included Beta, FCA, FFA, and NHS. Honors and awards received during high school include Honorable Mention for Basketball and FFA Nursery and Floriculture awards. Trey's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in vocational ministries.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Lauren Elizabeth Talley is the 18 year old daughter of Mike and Dana Talley. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Beta, Concert Band, Marching Band, NHS, Pep Club, Softball, Student Ambassadors, STARS, and Indian University. Honors and awards received during high school include three-time BOA Grand National Champion, and KMEA State Champion. Lauren's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Easton Tyler Turner is the 18 year old son of Steve and Tammy Turner. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Boys Basketball, FCA, and FFA. Easton's plans after high school are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Trenton Jayce Upchurch is the 18 year old son of Kris and Tera Knight and Jason and Tabitha Upchurch. During high school his involvement has included Beta and NHS. Trenton's plans after high school are to attend the University of Kentucky.

Cheyenne H. Waddle is the 18 year old daughter of Terry and Wendy Waddle. During high school her involvement has included Color Guard, Marching Band, Peer Tutoring, SADD/Champions, and HOSA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning her Medicaid Nurse Aide certification, CPR certification, and 2017 nationals champions. Cheyenne's plans after high school are to attend Greenville Technical College and then the University of South Carolina to major in nursing.

Garret Douglas Waggener is the 17 year old son of Andrea Waggener and Doug Waggener. During high school his involvement has included Yearbook. Garret's plans after high school are to attend Somerset Community College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Michaela Elizabeth Walker is the 18 year old daughter of Dana Walker and Bryan Walker. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Cheerleading, FCA, FFA, Pep Club, and HOSA. Honors and awards received during high school include Distinguished Young Woman of Adair County and earning her Medicaid Nurse Aide certification. Michaela's plans after high school are to attend Campbellsville University and become a registered nurse.
Michaela Deanne Watson

Chdara Russan Wheat is the 18 year old daughter of Russ and Verchelle Wheat. During high school her involvement has included Cheerleading and HOSA. Honors and awards received during high school include earning her Medicaid Nurse Aide certification. Chdara's plans after high school are to attend Campbellsville University to major in nursing.
Gary Lee Wheeler
Gary Lee Wheeler is the 19 year old son of Melissa Wheeler and Lemual Flatt. Gary's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Gary Lee Wheeler is the 19 year old son of Melissa Wheeler and Lemual Flatt. Gary's plans after high school are to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Gabriel Ethan Wilson is the 19 year old son of Stephanie Wilson and Gabriel Wilson. During high school his involvement has included Art. Gabriel's plans after high school are to attend college.

Katelynn Cierra Woodrum is the 18 year old daughter of Jeff and Pam Woodrum. During high school her involvement has included FCA, FFA, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Tennis, and STARS. Honors and awards received during high school include KOSSA, ASVAB, and Greenhand Certificate in FFA. Katelynn's plans after high school are to attend the University of Kentucky to major in agriculture education.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Arrylle Ch'Ronn Woolridge is the 17 year old daughter of Brandy Taylor and Ronnie Woolridge. Arrylle's plans after high school are to attend cosmetology school.

Matthew Wayne Wright is the 17 year old son of Jason Wright and Paula Lawson. Matthew's plans after high school are to attend college.

Miller Wade Young is the 18 year old son of Toby and Ann Young. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Beta, FCA, FFA, and NHS. Honors and awards received during high school include Land Judging District 1st, Beef Cattle Judging District 1st, and Best All Around English III. Miller's plans after high school are to attend the University of Kentucky to major in animal science.