Adair County High School's
Graduating Class of Two Thousand Fourteen
Click a Letter to Jump to Last Names Beginning With:
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Note: Email corrections or additions to webmaster@columbiamagazine.com.
If there is missing or incorrect information in your listing, we'll be glad to correct it.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Brian Scott Abner is the 17 year old son of Roger and Anita Abner. After graduation, Brian plans to attend the University of Kentucky and complete the Army ROTC Program.

Harley Shane Hollis Adams

Amber Lachae Akers is the 17 year old daughter of Brandy Lawless and the late David Young. During high school her involvement has included FFA and SADD/Champions. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards and being an FFA Jr. Officer for two years. After graduation, Amber plans to attend college to major in Criminal Justice.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Shauna Nicole Akin is the 17 year old daughter of Cathy Long Akin and Thomas Akin. During high school her involvement has included Color Guard, FCA, and NAHS. After graduation, Shauna plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to obtain degrees in physical therapy and nursing.

Austin Christopher Anderson is the 17 year old son of Christopher and Marie Anderson. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include FFA Land Judging, FFA Seed ID, FFA Nursery Judging, and FFA Floriculture. After graduation, Austin plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College and then Western Kentucky University.

Jesse Robert Anderson is the 17 year old son of Nicole Burton and the late Kevin Anderson. During high school his involvement has included FFA, Skills USA, Tennis, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include being NCCER Certified. After graduation, Jesse plans to enlist in the Army.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Michiah Paul Baxter is the 19 year old son of Linae Rice and Gary Baxter. During high school his involvement has included Army Club. After graduation, Michiah plans to join the Navy and enter the workforce.

Tyler Wade Bennett is the 18 year old son of Barry and Marsha Bennett. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Boys Basketball, FCA, and Pep Club. After graduation, Tyler plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College where he will continue to play baseball.

Aaron Michael Bernard

Natalie Sue Bertram is the 18 year old daughter of Irvin and Teresa Bertram. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Beta, FBLA, FCA, Girls Basketball, NHS, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, Softball, STLP, Volleyball, and Student Ambassadors. Honors and awards received during high school include 2013 Governor's Scholar, 2013 All District Softball Team and numerous other softball awards, numerous Volleyball awards, Miss Senior, Freshman Class, Sophomore Class President, and Junior Class President. After graduation, Natalie plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College, where she will be a Begley Scholar.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Drake Bryan Bishop is the 18 year old son of Christina Sidebottom. During high school his involvement has included FBLA, FCA, Football, Pep Club, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous Football awards. After graduation, Drake plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Psychophysiology.

Leane D. Blackwelder is the 18 year old daughter of John and Ruth Blackwelder. During high school her involvement has included Academic Team, Beta, FBLA, FCA, NHS, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include being in the Governor's Scholars Program. After graduation, Leane plans to attend the University of Kentucky.

Brea Ann Blair is the 17 year old daughter of Larry and Patricia Blair. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band, FFA, and Marching Band. Honors and awards received during high school include Superior in Entrepreneurship for Equine Science, 2nd place in Regionals for Entrepreneurship for Equine Science, and numerous Adair County Marching Band Awards. After graduation, Brea plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Psychology, and then attend medical school to become a psychiatrist.

Marian Bogajo is the 18 year old daughter of Fernando Bogajo and Marian Fernandez. During high school her involvement has included Tennis. Honors and awards received during high school include Single Womens Tennis Heartland Conference Winner. After graduation, Marian plans to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Cosmo M. Bosela is the 19 year old son of Mike and Alicia Bosela. During high school his involvement has included FFA, Tennis, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include 1st Place Individual in State Nursery Competition, 3rd Place Individual in State Flouriculture Competition, 5th Place Individual in State Forestry Competition, and being voted "Most Memorable" by the class of 2014. After graduation, Cosmo plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Agribusiness.

Sydney Caroline Bright is the 18 year old daughter of Mark and Teresa Bright. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Beta, Concert Band, FCA, Marching Band, NHS, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and Softball. Honors and awards received during high school include KMEA State Championship (2010, 2011), KMEA State Runner-Up (2009, 2012, 2013), All-State Symphonic Band (2013), Honor Roll, and numerous other academic awards. After graduation, Sydney plans to attend the University of Kentucky to major in Exceptional Education.

Jacob Charles Brockman is the 18 year old son of Jon and Julie Brockman. During high school his involvement has included FFA and STLP. After graduation, Jacob plans to enlist in the Navy.

Ethan Spencer Brown is the 18 year old son of Randy and Janella Brown. During high school his involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, FBLA, FCA, Football, Pep Club, STLP, and Student Ambassadors. Honors and awards received during high school include 2014 FBLA Region 6 Champion in Sports and Entertainment Management, 2013 All-Academic Pioneer Athletic Conference (PAC), and 2013 Pioneer Athletic Conference Champions. After graduation, Ethan plans to attend Western Kentucky University where he will participate in the WKU Student Athletic Training Program for Football and other sports.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Isaiah Nathaniel Bryant is the 17 year old son of Beverly and Jerald Bryant. After graduation, Isaiah plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Bryant, Joseph Lee
Joseph Lee Bryant
Joseph Lee Bryant

Natalie Caroline Bryant is the 18 year old daughter of Garry Bryant and Marga Miller. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band, FCA, Marching Band, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous Marching and Concert Band awards. After graduation, Natalie plans to attend the University of Kentucky to major in Biology.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Dustin Ryan Buchanan is the 18 year old son of Cindy Jelen Brumitt and Jimmie Wayne Buchanan. During high school his involvement has included FBLA, Indian Trust Bank, and Pep Club. After graduation, Dustin plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Johnathon Mckal Burbridge is the 18 year old son of Sandra Burbridge and Samuel Hughes. During high school his involvement has included Concert Band, FBLA, and Marching Band. After graduation, Johnathon plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Alison Cheyenne Burton is the 17 year old daughter of Tommy and Carolyn Burton. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Peer Tutoring. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation, Alison plans to attend Campbellsville University.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Angel Nashae Burton is the 17 year old daughter of Todd and Danette Burton. During high school her involvement has included Cheerleading, FCA, Indian Trust Bank, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include winning CANAM Nationals (2011). After graduation, Angel plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Cassandra Ann Burton is the 18 year old daughter of April and Timothy Burton. During high school her involvement has included FCA, FFA, and NAHS. Honors and awards received during high school include Honor Roll, Junior FFA Treasurer 2012-2013, and Equine Placement Superior Winner 2014. After graduation, Cassandra plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Nursing and become a Labor and Delivery Nurse.

David Gene Burton is the 19 year old son of Danny and Shatella Burton. After graduation, David plans to enter the workforce.

Elliot Lane Burton is the 18 year old son of Greg and Julie Burton. During high school his involvement has included FBLA, FCA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, STLP, Gifted and Talented, and Student Ambassadors. Honors and awards received during high school include leader of the Student Ambassadors. After graduation, Elliot plans to attend the University of Kentucky to major in Agricultural Economics, with a minor in Political Science, and then to work in real estate.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Pyles Excavating, Inc.

Kyle Evan Burton is the 18 year old son of Mitchell and Lisa Burton. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Boys Basketball, FCA, FFA, and Pep Club. After graduation, Kyle plans to attend the University of Kentucky.
Burton, Sara Brooke
Sara Brooke Burton
Sara Brooke Burton

Kyle Lynn Butler is the 19 year old son of Angela Butler and the late Eric Butler. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation, Kyle plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Criminal Justice.

Madelon Paige Butler is the 18 year old daughter of Glenda Butler. During high school her involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Madelon plans to attend Somerset Community College to major in Nursing.

Tyler James Butler is the 17 year old son of Deborah Peterson. During high school his involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership and Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include 1st Place 4-H Archery, 1st Place 4-H Barebow, 1st Place 4-H Recurve Bow, 1st Place 4-H pistol, being NCCER certified and certified in Auto Mechanics. After graduation, Tyler plans to continue his military career.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Bank of Columbia

Zachary Michael Caldwell is the 18 year old son of Charles and Melissa Caldwell. During high school his involvement has included FCA and Skills USA. After graduation, Zachary plans to attend Somerset Community College to become a Diesel Technician.

Jacob Aaron Campbell is the 18 year old son of Jerry and Sonya Campbell. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA Awards. After graduation, Jacob plans to enter the workforce.

Martisha Rashay Carey is the 18 year old daughter of Shelly Carey and Titus Carey. During high school her involvement has included NAHS. Honors and awards received during high school include First Place Ceramics at Woman's Club Art Show. After graduation, Martisha plans to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Kimberlynn Lee Carter is the 18 year old daughter of Paul and Melissa Carter. During high school her involvement has included Beta, Color Guard, Concert Band, FBLA, FCA, FCCLA, Marching Band, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, and STLP. After graduation, Kimberlynn plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Charles Kyle Castaneda is the 18 year old son of Christi and Freddie Curl. During high school his involvement has included Academic Team, Beta, Concert Band, Marching Band, and NHS. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous Marching Band, Academic Team, and FPS awards and being a 2013 Governor's Scholar. After graduation, Charles plans to attend the University of Louisville to major in Biochemistry.

Morgan Rae Chamness is the 17 year old daughter of Jeff Chamness and Jennifer and Jason Perkins. After graduation, Morgan plans to attend college and enter the workforce.

Chloe Cheng is the 17 year old daughter of Peter and Pauline Cheng. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band and Marching Band. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous ACHS Marching Band Awards. After graduation, Chloe plans to attend the University of Kentucky.
Combs, Raven
Raven Combs
Raven Combs

Eric Franklin Cook is the 19 year old son of Carolyn Cramer and Bobby Cook. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. After graduation, Eric plans to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Jonathan Tyler Coomer is the 19 year old son of John and Margaret Coomer. During high school his involvement has included NAHS. After graduation, Jonathan plans to enter the workforce.

Meagan Elizabeth Coomer is the 18 year old daughter of Anthony and Jodie Janes and Barry and Melissa Coomer. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCCLA, NHS, NAHS, Science Club, and Volleyball. Honors and awards received during high school include 1st Place in Photography at Kentucky Women's Club Regional, 3rd Place in Photography at Kentucky Women's Club State, 2nd Place in Handsewing at Kentucky State Beta Convention, and Numerous ACHS Volleyball Awards. After graduation, Meagan plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Theater Design and Technology, with a minor in Photo Journalism.
Cooper, Laurie Anne
Laurie Anne Cooper is the 18 year old daughter of Phillip N. Cooper. After graduation, Laurie plans to attend college and enter the workforce.
Laurie Anne Cooper is the 18 year old daughter of Phillip N. Cooper. After graduation, Laurie plans to attend college and enter the workforce.
Corbin, Steven Tyler
Steven Tyler Corbin is the 19 year old son of Steven and Lisa Corbin.
Steven Tyler Corbin is the 19 year old son of Steven and Lisa Corbin.

Dylan Ray Crawhorn is the 19 year old son of Sandy Hilger and Roger Crawhorn. During high school his involvement has included FCA and Football. After graduation, Dylan plans to attend college and become an electrician.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Adair Gun and Pawn

Brandon Wade Curry is the 17 year old son of Dewyane Curry and Elizabeth Turner. After graduation, Brandon plans to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Kaytlyn Deanna Curry is the 18 year old daughter of Steven Curry. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and Yearbook. After graduation, Kaytlyn plans to attend Campbellsville University.
Daniels, Melissa Ann
Melissa Ann Daniels is the 17 year old daughter of Sally Daniels and the late David Daniels. After graduation, Melissa plans to attend college and enter the workforce.
Melissa Ann Daniels is the 17 year old daughter of Sally Daniels and the late David Daniels. After graduation, Melissa plans to attend college and enter the workforce.

Emily Renee Denton is the 18 year old daughter of John and Sandra Denton. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation, Emily plans to attend Somerset Community College to become a PTA.

Terica Nichole Derringer is the 18 year old daughter of Chrystal Sego and Brian Sanford. During high school her involvement has included Drama. After graduation, Terica plans to attend Somerset Community College and then Western Kentucky University to major in Psychology.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College
DeWitt, Tessa Mae
Tessa Mae DeWitt is the 18 year old daughter of Brian and Dana DeWitt. During high school her involvement has included Color Guard, Marching Band, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous Marching Band awards. After graduation, Tessa plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Nursing.
Tessa Mae DeWitt is the 18 year old daughter of Brian and Dana DeWitt. During high school her involvement has included Color Guard, Marching Band, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous Marching Band awards. After graduation, Tessa plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Nursing.

Kate Elizabeth Durham is the 18 year old daughter of Angela Cook and Robb Durham. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Beta, Color Guard, Concert Band, FBLA, FCA, Marching Band, NHS, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Track and Field, and Student Ambassadors. Honors and awards received during high school include KMEA Class 3A State Champion 2010, 2011, KMEA Class 3A State Reserve Grand Champion 2012, 2013, and Bands of America Reserve Grand Champion 2011, 2013. After graduation, Kate plans to attend the University of Kentucky to major in Human Health Sciences, and to minor in Spanish.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Betty's OK Country Cooking

Zachary Lee Estes is the 17 year old son of Angie and Barry Estes. During high school his involvement has included FBLA, FCA, Indian Trust Bank, and Pep Club. After graduation, Zachary plans to join the army and then become a state trooper.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Community Trust Bank

Garrett Nathaniel Fausnaugh is the 18 year old son of Betsy and Gary Fausnaugh. During high school his involvement has included Army Club, Indian Trust Bank, Science Club, and Track and Field. After graduation, Garrett plans to attend Coastal Carolina university.

Sarah Elizabeth Ferguson is the 18 year old daughter of Jimmy and Christina Ferguson. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Concert Band, FCA, Marching Band, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous Concert Band and Marching Band awards and Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade participant. After graduation, Sarah plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major Psychophysiology.

Devan Ray Foster is the 18 year old son of Michele and Stephen Foster. During high school his involvement has included Yearbook. After graduation, Devan plans to enter the workforce.

Matthew Allen Fudge is the 18 year old son of Mark and Denise Fudge. During high school his involvement has included Beta, Boys Basketball, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, and STLP. Honors and awards received during high school include Mr. Freshman, Mr. Senior, 2013-2014 All Region Team (Basketball), 2012-2013 All District Team (Basketball), 2013-2014 All Tournament District Team (Basketball), 2013-2014 All Season District Team (Basketball), and 1000 Point Club Member. After graduation, Matthew plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College and become a pharmacist.

Emily Jo Fuller is the 17 year old daughter of Ryan Fuller and Karen Burton. During high school her involvement has included FFA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, and Track and Field. After graduation, Emily plans to attend Somerset Community College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Day and Day Feed Mill

Ciara Lashaa Gabehart is the 17 year old daughter of Andrea Gayde. During high school her involvement has included FFA and SADD/Champions. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation, Ciara plans to attend Somerset Community College to major in Nursing.

Dylan Michael Godsey is the 17 year old son of Kimberly Bryant and Mike Godsey. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include FFA Spirit and FFA Fundraising. After graduation, Dylan plans to enter the workforce and possibly attend college.

Laci Madison Grant is the 18 year old daughter of Lacy and Jill Grant. During high school her involvement has included Color Guard, Concert Band, FCA, Indian Trust Bank, Marching Band, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include 2011 Class AAA State Marching Band Champions, 2012 and 2013 Class AAA State Marching Band Runner-Up, 2011 and 2013 Class AAA National Runner-Up. After graduation, Laci plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Human Services.

Toby River Green is the 18 year old son of Troy and Cheryl Green. During high school his involvement has included NAHS and earning the Work Ethics Seal. Honors and awards received during high school include receiving Honorable Mention, Caveland Regional KyAEA Show. After graduation, Toby plans to attend Somerset Community College.

Zachary Reid Grider is the 18 year old son of Lee and William Grider. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Football, Pep Club, STLP, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include 2014 Mens Track and Field Team Hartland Conference Runner-Up. After graduation, Zachary plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Mathematics.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Don Franklin Family Dealerships Columbia - Russell Springs - Campbellsville - Liberty - Somerset - Burkesville - Monticello- London- Bardstown

Aaron Deon Hadley

Nicholas Scott Hadley is the 17 year old son of Scott and Sandra Hadley. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Football. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous awards in Football and FFA. After graduation, Nicholas plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Business.

Ryan Clayton Hadley is the 19 year old son of Clayton Hadley and Debbie Keltner. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation, Ryan plans to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Trenton Wayne Hadley is the 18 year old son of Jim and Jan Hadley. During high school his involvement has included Pep Club. After graduation, Trenton plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to become an English teacher.

Erica Denise Hagan is the 18 year old daughter of Jessie and Carol Hagan. During high school her involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Erica plans to enter the workforce and eventually become a paramedic.

Ashtin Diane Hancock is the 18 year old daughter of Ronnie Hancock and Margo Gray. During high school her involvement has included Indian Trust Bank and Peer Tutoring. After graduation, Ashtin plans to attend college to become a radiologist.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home
Harrell, Charles Dale Lewis
Charles Dale Lewis Harrell is the 17 year old son of Stephanie Wolfe. During high school his involvement has included Academic Team, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, Skills USA, Tennis, and N.J.R.O.T.C.. Honors and awards received during high school include Drill Competition Trophies, Purple Heart Award (ROTC), 18 ribbons (ROTC), full scholarship to Lindsey Wilson College. After graduation, Charles plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to obtain degrees in teaching and accounting, and also plans to enlist in the Navy.
Charles Dale Lewis Harrell is the 17 year old son of Stephanie Wolfe. During high school his involvement has included Academic Team, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, Skills USA, Tennis, and N.J.R.O.T.C.. Honors and awards received during high school include Drill Competition Trophies, Purple Heart Award (ROTC), 18 ribbons (ROTC), full scholarship to Lindsey Wilson College. After graduation, Charles plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to obtain degrees in teaching and accounting, and also plans to enlist in the Navy.
Harrison, Trevor Curtis
Trevor Curtis Harrison is the 18 year old son of William B. Harrison and Priscilla A. Greer. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. After graduation, Trevor plans to attend college.
Trevor Curtis Harrison is the 18 year old son of William B. Harrison and Priscilla A. Greer. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. After graduation, Trevor plans to attend college.

Breanna Marie Hatcher
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University
Helinger, Hayley Alicia
Hayley Alicia Helinger is the 18 year old daughter of Margaret Helinger. Honors and awards received during high school include receiving her ServSafe certification. After graduation, Hayley plans to pursue a career in Cosmetology.
Hayley Alicia Helinger is the 18 year old daughter of Margaret Helinger. Honors and awards received during high school include receiving her ServSafe certification. After graduation, Hayley plans to pursue a career in Cosmetology.

Edmond Henry is the 17 year old son of Jamie and Ed Henry. During high school his involvement has included Football and Peer Tutoring. After graduation, Edmond plans to join the Military.

Toni Claudia Hickman is the 19 year old daughter of Claudia and O'Shaughnessy Frazier. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous awards. After graduation, Toni plans to attend college.

Jacob Gary Daniel Hixson is the 18 year old son of Gary and Dana Hixson. During high school his involvement has included Boys Basketball, FCA, Football, Pep Club, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include Mr. Sophomore, Mr. Junior, Student Ambassador, Most School Spirit Award, 2nd team all district 2012 (Football), 1st Team All District 2013 (Football), 1st Team All Conference (Football), P.A.C Quarterback of the Year, and 1st QB to pass for 1,000 yards. After graduation, Jacob plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Education, and to continue to play football.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Community Trust Bank

Christopher Lei Hobaugh is the 18 year old son of William and leila Hobaugh. During high school his involvement has included Drama, Skills USA, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include being NCCER Certified. After graduation, Christopher plans to attend college to major in History and become a teacher.

Ellen Hodge

James Leslie Holman

James Frank Jordan Howard is the 17 year old son of Rebecca Harmon. After graduation, James plans to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Flowers 'N Things

Alex Tyler Janes is the 18 year old son of Anthony Janes and Donna Janes. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation, Alex plans to enter the work force.

Emily Ann Janes is the 18 year old daughter of Jeff Janes and Marilyn Wheeler. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, FFA, NHS, Pep Club, and Softball. Honors and awards received during high school include 2013 FFA 1st Place Region Superior Specialty Crop Production and other numerous FFA awards, and 2012-2013 Softball Defensive Alayer Award. After graduation, Emily plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Nursing.

Rebecca Lynn Johnson is the 18 year old daughter of Gerald and Kathy Bailey. After graduation, Rebecca plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Counseling.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Tyler Preston Karnes is the 17 year old son of Mark Karnes and Tonya Stephens. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Football. After graduation, Tyler plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College in to major in English.

Jameson Daniel Keen is the 18 year old son of Daniel and Tamara Keen. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA Awards. After graduation, Jameson plans to attend college.

Luke Willis Keen is the 18 year old son of Stephen and Mary Keen. During high school his involvement has included FBLA. After graduation, Luke plans to attend Western Kentucky University.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Don Franklin Family Dealerships Columbia - Russell Springs - Campbellsville - Liberty - Somerset - Burkesville - Monticello- London- Bardstown

Charlotte Keezer is the 18 year old daughter of Claudette Curry and Curtis Keezer. During high school her involvement has included Army Club, Pep Club, Skills USA, and Volleyball. After graduation, Charlotte plans to attend Somerset Community College to obtain her electrical construction degree and become a master electrician.

Jacob Reid Keltner is the 18 year old son of Ann and Brad Keltner. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Boys Golf, FBLA, FCA, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. After graduation, Jacob plans to attend the University of Kentucky to major in Business.

Samantha Jo Paige Kemp is the 17 year old daughter of Don and Vicki Kemp. During high school her involvement has included Girls Basketball, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and Softball. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous sports awards. After graduation, Samantha plans to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Desiree Nicole Kerekes is the 17 year old daughter of Thomas and Angie Kerekes. During high school her involvement has included Color Guard, Concert Band, Drama, Marching Band, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, and Tennis. Honors and awards received during high school include KMEA State Champion (2011), and KMEA State Runner-up (2012, 2013). After graduation, Desiree plans to attend Eastern Kentucky University.
Kern, Samuel David
Samuel David Kern
Samuel David Kern
King, Jacob Ryan
Jacob Ryan King
Jacob Ryan King

Alex Matthew Kulac
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at United Citizens Bank

Preslie Anne Lawless is the 18 year old daughter of Anthony Lawless and Danette Hancock. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Girls Basketball, Indian Trust Bank, and Pep Club. After graduation, Preslie plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Human Services.

Samuel Darrin Locker

Christa Nicole Loy is the 18 year old daughter of Rodney Loy and Bonnie Loy. During high school her involvement has included Cheerleading, Color Guard, Concert Band, FCA, Marching Band, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and Yearbook. Honors and awards received during high school include KMEA Class 3A State Champion 2010, 2011, KMEA Class 3A Stater Reserve Grand Champion 2012, 2013, Bands of America Reserve Grand Champion 2011, 2013. After graduation, Christa plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Luster, Anthony Austin
Anthony Austin Luster
Anthony Austin Luster

Chelsey Jo Luttrell is the 18 year old daughter of Jamie Luttrell and Traci Cosby. During high school her involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Chelsey plans to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Alexander Mark Magsam is the 18 year old son of Kevin and Melissa Magsam. During high school his involvement has included Drama and FBLA. After graduation, Alexander plans to enter the work force and to attend Campbellsville University to major in Business Technology.

Tabitha Jane Mann is the 18 year old daughter of Bobby and Michelle Mann. During high school her involvement has included Drama. After graduation, Tabitha plans to attend college.

Dylan Tyler McCarol is the 19 year old son of Fred McCarol, Jr. and Katrinna McCarol. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include receiving NCCER certification. After graduation, Dylan plans to attend Somerset Community College to major in Welding.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Tristian McCarol is the 18 year old son of Gail Walker and Roger McCarol. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include being NCCER Certified. After graduation, Tristian plans to attend Somerset Community College and UTI Tech Institute and work in collision repair.

Joseph David McDowell is the 18 year old son of Mike and Dawnlyn Stamper. During high school his involvement has included Concert Band and Marching Band. Honors and awards received during high school include being voted Senior Class Clown. After graduation, Joseph plans to attend Shawnee State University.

Wanda Elizabeth McGaha is the 17 year old daughter of Kim and Greg Dykes and Keith McGaha. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Beta, ETCA, FCA, NHS, NAHS, Pep Club, and the Student Ambassador Program. Honors and awards received during high school include Rogers Scholar 2012, Taylor County RECC Washington Youth Tour-Adair County Representative, 4-H Leadership Award, KyAEA Caveland Regional Art Show 1st place Ceramics, KyAEA Caveland Regional Art Show 2nd Place Drawing, KyAEA State Art Show Honorable Mention. After graduation, Wanda plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Mechanical Engineering.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Bank of Columbia

Terry Wayne McGuffin is the 17 year old son of Mary Thomas. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include FFA Spirt Award and FFA Shop Award. After graduation, Terry plans to enter the work force.

Brittany Paige McLean is the 18 year old daughter of Teresa and David McLean. During high school her involvement has included NAHS. After graduation, Brittany plans to attend college.

Andrew Arthur Lee Melson is the 17 year old son of Mike and Jennifer Wall. During high school his involvement has included FFA.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College
Mendoza, Roberto Carlos
Roberto Carlos Mendoza is the 18 year old son of Antonio Mendoza. During high school his involvement has included Football. Honors and awards received during high school include 2nd Team All PAC Team. After graduation, Roberto plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Roberto Carlos Mendoza is the 18 year old son of Antonio Mendoza. During high school his involvement has included Football. Honors and awards received during high school include 2nd Team All PAC Team. After graduation, Roberto plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Garrett Evan Miller

Brianna Marie Morgan

Cody Lee Morrison
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Stotts Construction

Keisha Ann Moss is the 18 year old daughter of Reed and Cathy Moss. During high school her involvement has included FFA, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation, Keisha plans to attend Somerset Community College.

Madelyn Kate Murrell is the 18 year old daughter of Randal and Jamie Murrell. During high school her involvement has included Beta, Cheerleading, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, Science Club, and Student Ambassador. Honors and awards received during high school include Miss Junior 2012-2013, Miss ACHS 2013-2014, and Governor's Scholar 2013. After graduation, Madelyn plans to attend the Honors College at Western Kentucky University to major in Communication Disorders.

Lucas Matthew Myers is the 17 year old son of Jeff and Kellie Herron. After graduation, Lucas plans to attend Western Kentucky University.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University
Neat, Tristan Cody
Tristan Cody Neat is the 18 year old son of Jamey and Myra Neat. During high school his involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, FFA, and Peer Tutoring. Honors and awards received during high school include being FFA Sentinel and FFA Treasurer. After graduation, Tristan plans to attend Campbellsville University to complete the pre-vet program.
Tristan Cody Neat is the 18 year old son of Jamey and Myra Neat. During high school his involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, FFA, and Peer Tutoring. Honors and awards received during high school include being FFA Sentinel and FFA Treasurer. After graduation, Tristan plans to attend Campbellsville University to complete the pre-vet program.

Ashton Nicole Nixon is the 18 year old daughter of Ann Marie Austin and Steve Nixon. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, FBLA, FCA, and Yearbook. After graduation, Ashton plans to attend Northern Kentucky University.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Bank of Columbia
Otine, Marina Tia
Marina Tia Otine is the 19 year old daughter of Michael and Aleluia Smith. During high school her involvement has included FCA, SADD/Champions, and Track and Field. After graduation, Marina plans to attend Western Kentucky University.
Marina Tia Otine is the 19 year old daughter of Michael and Aleluia Smith. During high school her involvement has included FCA, SADD/Champions, and Track and Field. After graduation, Marina plans to attend Western Kentucky University.

Allison Mckenzie Owens is the 18 year old daughter of Jeff and Missy Owens. During high school her involvement has included Drama, FCA, and Volleyball. After graduation, Allison plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Psychophysiology and play volleyball and then attend Somerset Community College to major in Physical Therapy.
Owens, Christian Matthew
Christian Matthew Owens is the 19 year old son of Lisa Smith. During high school his involvement has included Drama, FBLA, and Indian Trust Bank. After graduation, Christian plans to begin a career in Theater.
Christian Matthew Owens is the 19 year old son of Lisa Smith. During high school his involvement has included Drama, FBLA, and Indian Trust Bank. After graduation, Christian plans to begin a career in Theater.

Wichita Aaron Owens is the 17 year old son of Sheila Forsee and Allen Owens. After graduation, Wichita plans to attend a program for culinary arts and become a chef.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Don Franklin Family Dealerships Columbia - Russell Springs - Campbellsville - Liberty - Somerset - Burkesville - Monticello- London- Bardstown

Jordan James Parnell is the 17 year old grandson of Donnie Parnell. After graduation, Jordan plans to enter the workforce.

Emily Kathleen Peck is the 19 year old daughter of John and Susan Peck. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, Girls Basketball, NHS, NAHS, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, Softball, and STLP. Honors and awards received during high school include 2013 Governor's Scholar, Freshman, Sophomore, and Senior Class Treasurer, office holder in numerous organizations, 2nd Runner-Up in Basketball Homecoming, 2012-13 and 2013-14 Basketball All-District Academic Award, numerous Basketball and Softball team awards. After graduation, Emily plans to attend Western Kentucky University where she will be a member of the Honors College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Collin Matthew Pendleton is the 17 year old son of Matt and Tracy Pendleton. During high school his involvement has included Track and Field. After graduation, Collin plans to pursue a career as a 3D modeler for video games.

Jacklyn Jade Perdue is the 18 year old daughter of Kim Curry. During high school her involvement has included SADD/Champions and the Sewing Club. After graduation, Jacklyn plans to attend Campbellsville University obtain her masters degree in Social Work.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Ana Lilia Perez Cardenas is the 17 year old daughter of Francisco and Ana Maria Badillo. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA, FFA, NAHS, and SADD/Champions. Honors and awards received during high school include Junior FFA Chaplain 2012-2013, Senior FFA Sentinel 2013-2014, Basketball Homecoming, numerous FFA awards, National Art Honor Society Sectary 2013-2014, SADD/Champions President 2013-2014, and Student Ambassadors. After graduation, Ana plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to double major in Nursing and Foreign Language.

Ashley Leeann Perkins is the 18 year old daughter of Gary and Amy Perkins. During high school her involvement has included Cheerleading, FCA, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous ACHS cheer awards. After graduation, Ashley plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in nursing.

Amber Lynn Phillips is the 18 year old daughter of Bobby and Treva Phillips. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include being on the Honor Roll and numerous FFA Awards. After graduation, Amber plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Rachel Mikaela Phipps is the 18 year old daughter of Donnie and Pam Phipps. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Color Guard, Concert Band, FCA, Girls Golf, Marching Band, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, and Gifted and Talented. Honors and awards received during high school include Miss Freshman, Miss Sophomore, and 2013-2014 Golf Team Representative. After graduation, Rachel plans to attend college to pursue a degree in the medical field.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Matt Douglas Pickett is the 18 year old son of Mark and Sharon Pickett. During high school his involvement has included Peer Tutoring. After graduation, Matt plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Nicholas Charles Pippin is the 17 year old son of Laura Pippin. During high school his involvement has included Army Club and Skills USA.

Samuel Joseph Pippin is the 17 year old son of Dale and Laura Pippin. After graduation, Samuel plans to join the Kentucky National Guard and then attend Western Kentucky University.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Don Franklin Family Dealerships Columbia - Russell Springs - Campbellsville - Liberty - Somerset - Burkesville - Monticello- London- Bardstown

Kyle Auston Powell is the 19 year old son of Tammy Powell and David Powell. During high school his involvement has included Drama. After graduation, Kyle plans to enter the workforce and become a professional musician.

Kelsey Lynn Pyles is the 17 year old daughter of Jeff and Jennifer Pyles. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FFA, and NHS. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous awards, 2013-2014 FFA Sweetheart, and Football Homecoming Queen. After graduation, Kelsey plans to attend Somerset Community College.

Lucas Conner Pyles is the 18 year old son of Doug and Tammy Pyles. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Football, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include First Team All Conference selection in Varsity Football. After graduation, Lucas plans to attend the University of Kentucky.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Pyles Excavating, Inc.

Tessa Marie Pyles is the 18 year old daughter of Danny and Sandy Pyles. During high school her involvement has included Cheerleading, FCA, NAHS, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and Student Ambassadors. Honors and awards received during high school include Senior Class President, 2011 Canam National Champions, and Junior Prom Committee. After graduation, Tessa plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from Dr. Ronald P. Rogers

Daniel Jay Rarey is the 18 year old son of John and Maureen Rarey. During high school his involvement has included Boys Golf, Pep Club, and STLP. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous Varsity Golf accomplishments. After graduation, Daniel plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Kelsie Rae Redmon is the 17 year old daughter of Kenny and Donna Redmon. During high school her involvement has included Cheerleading, FCA, Indian Trust Bank, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include winning CANAM Nationals 2011. After graduation, Kelsie plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Human Services.
Rivere, Krystal Lee
Krystal Lee Rivere
Krystal Lee Rivere

Jeremey Matthew Rogers has been involved in Academic Team, Drama, and FBLA. After graduation, Jeremey plans to attend college.

Michael Tyler Rowe is the 18 year old son of Michael and Amy Rowe. During high school his involvement has included ETCA, NAHS, and Science Club. After graduation, Michael plans to attend the University of Kentucky.

Daniel Austin Roy is the 18 year old son of Gary and LeeAnn Roy. During high school his involvement has included Boys Basketball, FCA, FFA, Football, Pep Club, Track and Field, and Yearbook. Honors and awards received during high school include All-District 1st Team for Football, All-District 2nd Team Junior Year, and numerous FFA awards. After graduation, Daniel plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Communications.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Stephen Austin Sallee is the 17 year old son of Paul and Kim Taylor and Steve Sallee. After graduation, Stephen plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Computer Science.

Moses Jessie Sanchez is the 18 year old son of Moises and Dawn Sanchez. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Football, Track and Field, and Yearbook. Honors and awards received during high school include Football Senior Award, Prom King, and Track and Field Senior Award. After graduation, Moses plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Business Administration and then open a restaurant.

Garet Edward Sandusky is the 17 year old son of Amy Sandusky and Tracy Sandusky. During high school his involvement has included Drama and FFA. After graduation, Garet plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Business.

Jonathan Michael Scott is the 17 year old son of Juanita and Doug scott. During high school his involvement has included Drama and Skills USA. After graduation, Jonathan plans to enlist in the military.
Scott, Michael Walton
Michael Walton Scott
Michael Walton Scott

John Marshall Shelley is the 18 year old son of John Shelley and Carla Varney. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Boys Basketball, FCA, Pep Club, STLP, and Student Ambassadors. Honors and awards received during high school include 2012 Varsity Baseball Most Runs Scored, 2013 Varsity Baseball Most Runs Scored, 2013 Varsity Basketball Most Outstanding Defensive Player, 2014 Varsity Basketball Most Outstanding Defensive Player, 2012 American Legion Baseball All-State Team. After graduation, John plans to attend the University of Kentucky.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Adair Gun and Pawn

Evan Tyler Shirley is the 17 year old son of Shawn Shirley and Crystal Dillingham. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation, Evan plans to enter the work force.

Ashley Paige Simpson is the 17 year old daughter of Sammy and Angela Dean and Jason Simpson. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Beta, Concert Band, FCA, Marching Band, NHS, and the Student Ambassador Program. Honors and awards received during high school include State Marching Band Champion: 2010, 2011, State Marching Band Runner Up: 2012, 2013, Bands of America National Runner Up: 2011, 2013, Distinguished Solo Player: 2010, Most Improved: 2010, 2011, Overall Best Drum Major: 2013, Distinguished Concert Band: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. After graduation, Ashley plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Nursing.

Emily Belle Smith is the 18 year old daughter of Regina Thompson. During high school her involvement has included SADD/Champions. After graduation, Emily plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

James Allen Smith is the 18 year old son of Shawn Smith and Diana Smith. During high school his involvement has included FFA, STLP. After graduation, James plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Biology and minor in Criminal Justice.

Kristina Nicole Smith is the 18 year old daughter of Charles and Vickie Smith. During high school her involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Kristina plans to attend Somerset Community College.

Leonard Gerard Smith

Robert Karl Smith is the 18 year old son of Gary and Sandy Coffey.

Charles Trent Sparks is the 18 year old son of Charles and Tammy Sparks. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous awards in FFA. After graduation, Charles plans to attend Eastern Kentucky University to major in Fire Protection and Administration and pursue a career in Fire and Emergency Services.

Ronny Glenn Spinks is the 18 year old son of Ronny and Julie Spinks. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation, Ronny plans to attend college to major in Criminal Justice and then become a Game Warden.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Jordan Thomas Spoon is the 17 year old son of Terry and Crystal Spoon. During high school his involvement has included FBLA, Pep Club, and Track and Field. After graduation, Jordan plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Hannah Rae Stanley is the 18 year old daughter of Fonso Stanley, Jr. and Sheila Hutcheson. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation, Hannah plans to attend Campbellsville University.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

William Joseph Steinhilber is the 19 year old son of Bill and Joann Steinhilber. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Boys Basketball, FBLA, FCA, Indian Trust Bank, Pep Club, and STLP. After graduation, William plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Rachel Elaine Stephens is the 18 year old daughter of Leslie Stephens. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership, Beta, Cheerleading, FBLA, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, and Student Ambassadors. Honors and awards received during high school include 2011 Canam National Champion along with numerous other cheerleading awards. After graduation, Rachel plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Biology and then become an optometrist.

Trevor Aden Stonecypher is the 18 year old son of Shane and Michele Stonecypher. During high school his involvement has included Beta, FCA, NHS, and Track and Field. After graduation, Trevor plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Stotts, Andrew William
Andrew William Stotts is the 18 year old son of James and Anita Stotts. During high school his involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Andrew plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Andrew William Stotts is the 18 year old son of James and Anita Stotts. During high school his involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Andrew plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Stotts Construction

Cody Larson Stotts is the 18 year old son of Barry Stotts and Tracy Hatton. During high school his involvement has included FBLA, FFA, and Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include SMAW DOT 3G and 4G Bridge Certification. After graduation, Cody plans to attend the Hobart Institute of Welding.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Cassandra Ann Taylor is the 17 year old daughter of Wesley and Julie Taylor. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation, Cassandra plans to attend Somerset Community College.

Kassidi Denae Taylor is the 19 year old daughter of Brian Taylor and Heather Taylor. During high school her involvement has included FFA, Girls Basketball, Pep Club, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include Basketball Homecoming Queen (2014) and State for Track and Field (2013 & 2014). After graduation, Kassidi plans to attend Somerset Community College to major in Sonography.

Jason Lee Thrasher is the 17 year old son of Greg and Tammy Thrasher. During high school his involvement has included FFA, Pep Club, and Skills USA. After graduation, Jason plans to enter the workforce.

Jessica R. True is the 18 year old daughter of Crystal Cobb and Russell True. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Peer Tutoring. After graduation, Jessica plans to attend Sullivan University to major in Culinary Arts.

Savannah Jo Tweedy
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Betty's OK Country Cooking

Karen Jo Upchurch is the 18 year old daughter of Mark and Charlotte Upchurch. During high school her involvement has included 4-H Teen Leadership and FBLA. After graduation, Karen plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in History and then to attend law school at Northern Kentucky University.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at United Citizens Bank

Donald Wadley is the 18 year old son of Donald Wadley and Tammy Ingram. During high school his involvement has included FBLA and Football. After graduation, Donald plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Criminal Justice.

Julia Lynette Wallace is the 18 year old daughter of Larry and Sandy Wallace. During high school her involvement has included Drama. After graduation, Julia plans to attend Western Kentucky University.

Carrie Brianne Warrington
Wathen, Zachary Thomas
Zachary Thomas Wathen is the 18 year old son of Joanna Wathen. During high school his involvement has included Football. Honors and awards received during high school include three certificates for Art and a plaque for Art. After graduation, Zachary plans to join the National Guard and attend college to become a computer animator.
Zachary Thomas Wathen is the 18 year old son of Joanna Wathen. During high school his involvement has included Football. Honors and awards received during high school include three certificates for Art and a plaque for Art. After graduation, Zachary plans to join the National Guard and attend college to become a computer animator.

Trenton Brody Watson is the 18 year old son of Steve Watson and Jerri Nixon. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, FCA, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. After graduation, Trenton plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Psychophysiology.

Caitlan Micaela Willis is the 18 year old daughter of Steve and Connie Willis. During high school her involvement has included Pep Club. After graduation, Caitlan plans to attend Eastern Kentucky University.

Dustin A. Willis is the 17 year old son of Melinda and Leslie Willis. After graduation, Dustin plans to attend college.
Willis, Jayden Chandler
Jayden Chandler Willis is the 18 year old son of Jarrod Willis and April Tarter. During high school his involvement has included Boys Basketball. Honors and awards received during high school include All 18th District Team and 18th District Champion. After graduation, Jayden plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Jayden Chandler Willis is the 18 year old son of Jarrod Willis and April Tarter. During high school his involvement has included Boys Basketball. Honors and awards received during high school include All 18th District Team and 18th District Champion. After graduation, Jayden plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Tyler Dennis Willis is the 18 year old son of Terry Willis and Denise Richards. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include being NCCER certified. After graduation, Tyler plans to attend Lineman School.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Cally Paige Wilson is the 18 year old daughter of Stacy Wilson and Todd Wilson. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Yearbook. After graduation, Cally plans to attend Campbellsville University and pursue a career in Cosmetology.

Jordan Blake Wood is the 18 year old son of Steven and Tonya Wood. During high school his involvement has included STLP. After graduation, Jordan plans to attend college.

Kayla Ranell Wood is the 18 year old daughter of David Wood and Marsha Wood. During high school her involvement has included FCA, FFA, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include FFA Scholastic Award, 2nd place for Ag Sales (FFA), Baseball Representative for 2013-2014 Homecoming, and Beauties and Beaus Calendar Pageant. After graduation, Kayla plans to attend Eastern Kentucky University to major in Nursing, and then to attend the University of Kentucky.

Destiny Blaze Wooten is the 18 year old daughter of Danny Wooten and Michelle Clark. During high school her involvement has included Drama. After graduation, Destiny plans to attend Western Kentucky University and become an Anthropologist.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Cody Landon Yates is the 18 year old son of Dennis and Angie Yates. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, FCA, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. After graduation, Cody plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Bank of Columbia

Jordan Charles Zimmerman is the 17 year old son of Charles and Denette Zimmerman. During high school his involvement has included Yearbook. After graduation, Jordan plans to enlist in the military.