Adair County High School's
Graduating Class of Two Thousand Thirteen
Click a Letter to Jump to Last Names Beginning With:
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Note: Email corrections or additions to webmaster@columbiamagazine.com.
If there is missing or incorrect information in your listing, we'll be glad to correct it.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Emmalee Brooke Baker is the 18 year old daughter of Timothy Lee and Pamela Dawn Baker. During high school her involvement has included Academic Team, Beta, FCA, NAHS, NHS, Pep Club, STLP, Student Government, and FPS. Honors and awards received during high school include 2011 Rogers Scholar, Honorable Kentucky Colonel, 2012 Janice Holt Giles Award, 2012 Community Service Award, FPS Kentucky Governor's Cup District Champions, FPS Kentucky Governor's Cup Region Champions, FPS Kentucky Governor's Cup State Finalists, FPSPI International Finalists, and Honorable Hero of Adair County. Emmalee's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College and pursue a degree in History, then to earn a Masters and PhD in History, and become a professor of history at a university.

Cole Edward Beard is the 19 year old son of Chris and April Beard. During high school his involvement has included Concert Band, FCA, Marching Band, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Track and Field, and Jazz Band. Honors and awards received during high school include two time KMEA State Marching Band Champion and District Honors Band. Cole's plans after graduation are to attend EKU.

Kayla Brooke Bennett is the 18 year old daughter of Donnie and Teresa Bennett. During high school her involvement has included FCA, FFA, Indian Trust Bank, Pep Club, and SADD/Champions. Kayla's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Emory Gene Bishop is the 18 year old son of Christina Sidebottom. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Football, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and Track and Field. Emory's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky.

Holly Elizabeth Bloyd is the 18 year old daughter of Ronnie Bloyd and Margret Bloyd. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Peer Tutoring. Holly's plans after graduation are to enter the work force.

Matthew Tyler Bolin is the 18 year old son of Daryl and Janet Bolin. During high school his involvement has included Band. Matthew's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in music education.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Erica Jordan Bryson is the 18 year old daughter of Barry Bryson and Debbie Bugle. During high school her involvement has included Co-op. Erica's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College to major in nursing.

Bobby Lee Burton is the 17 year old son of Bobby and Tammy Burton and Deborah Burton. During high school his involvement has included FFA, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. Bobby's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Tyler Glen Burton is the 19 year old son of Glen Dale Burton and Darlene Burton. During high school his involvement has included Army Club and Drama. Tyler's plans after graduation are to continue his military career and to be on active duty within this year.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at United Citizens Bank

Byam Tyler Carter is the 18 year old son of Jennifer Carter and John Carter. During high school his involvement has included Drama and NAHS.

Carrissa Caitlin Carter is the 18 year old daughter of Stacy Carter. During high school her involvement has included Drama and NAHS. Carrisa's plans after graduation are to attend Eastern Kentucky University.

Stephen Tyler Chafin is the 17 year old son of Gerald and Sonja Chafin. During high school his involvement has included FBLA, FCA, and Tennis. Stephen's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in business administration.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College
Chumbley, Michael Cody
Michael Cody Chumbley is the 19 year old son of Steven Chumbley and Regina Collins. Michael's plans after graduation are to attend Lincon Technical College.
Michael Cody Chumbley is the 19 year old son of Steven Chumbley and Regina Collins. Michael's plans after graduation are to attend Lincon Technical College.

Cassandra Paige Cleaver is the 18 year old daughter of Angela Graham and Troy Cleaver. During high school her involvement has included Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, and Tennis. Cassandra's plans after graduation are to attend Eastern Kentucky University, obtain her BSN, and become a nurse practitioner.

Josie Darian Clements is the 18 year old daughter of Mike and Ruthann Clements. During high school her involvement has included FCA, FFA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and Softball. Honors and awards received during high school include several FFA awards and Best Defensive Player 2011. Josie's plans after graduation are to attend Campbellsville University to major in physical therapy.

Audrianna Julia Collins is the 19 year old daughter of Angela Adams and Paul Collins. During high school her involvement has included FFA, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. Audrianna's plans after graduation are to go to college to become a nurse.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Bobbi Leanne Coomer is the 18 year old daughter of Michele Coomer and Clutch Coomer. During high school her involvement has included SADD/Champions and Yearbook.

Samuel Eli Coomer is the 18 year old son of David Coomer and Pat Coomer. During high school his involvement has included Beta, Concert Band, Marching Band, NHS, and STLP. Honors and awards received during high school include Most Artistic, Most Improved--Marching Band, and AAA Marching Band State Championship 1st Place. Samuel's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky to study foreign language and possibly education.

Kaitlyn Elizabeth Cooper is the 17 year old daughter of Teresa Cooper and Bobby England. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA, Indian Trust Bank, and Peer Tutoring. Kaitlyn's plans after graduation are to attend college.

Phillip Charles Cooper is the 18 year old son of Phillip cooper. During high school his involvement has included Army Club, and Skills USA. Phillip's plans after graduation are to join the marines.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Community Trust Bank
Corbin, Johnny Wayne
Johnny Wayne Corbin is the 18 year old son of Betty Key and Aaron Key. During high school his involvement has included Army Club, FFA, Football, and Pep Club. Johnny's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.
Johnny Wayne Corbin is the 18 year old son of Betty Key and Aaron Key. During high school his involvement has included Army Club, FFA, Football, and Pep Club. Johnny's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.
Costello, Amberly Elizabeth
Amberly Elizabeth Costello is the 18 year old daughter of Tina Costello and Bill Costello.
Amberly Elizabeth Costello is the 18 year old daughter of Tina Costello and Bill Costello.

Elizabeth Hope Cowan is the 17 year old daughter of Bonnie Cowan and Dale Cowan. Elizabeth's plans after graduation are to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Leslie Kaylan Cowan is the 18 year old daughter of Doug and Debbie Cowan. During high school her involvement has included Beta, Concert Band, Marching Band, and NHS. Honors and awards received during high school include two-time KMEA State Marching Band Champion. Leslie's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky.

Timothy Blake Cowan is the 18 year old son of Ricky Bault and Mitzi Bault. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Timothy's plans after graduation are to attend the Somerset Lineman School.

Alexa Mercedes Cox is the 18 year old daughter of Kerry and Jeannie Cox. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Girls Basketball, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include 2,000 Point Basketball Club, Most Points Scored In A Game, Most Points Scored In A Season, and Most Rebounds. Alexa's plans after graduation are to attend Bellarmine University.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Don Franklin Family Dealerships Columbia - Russell Springs - Campbellsville - Liberty - Somerset - Burkesville - Monticello- London- Bardstown

Kaitlyn Danette Crawhorn is the 18 year old daughter of Angie and Charlie Crawhorn. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Marching Band, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include KMEA State Marching Band Runner-Up 2009, KMEA State Marching Band Champion 2010, KMEA State Marching Band Champion 2011, KMEA State Marching Band Runner-Up 2012. Kaitlyn's plans after graduation are to attend PJ's Cosmetology School to become a beautician.

Courtney Lashay Cross is the 18 year old daughter of Jason and Amanda Cross and Crystal Hawkins. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Pep Club, and STLP. Courtney's plans after graduation are to attend college, major in English, and eventually go on to law school.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Taylor Jordan Curry is the 18 year old son of Jackie Compton and Shelly Compton. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Taylor's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College to major in criminal justice and become a game warden.

Kada Renee Dalton is the 18 year old daughter of Alison Dalton and Matthew Dalton. During high school her involvement has included Peer Tutoring. Kada's plans after graduation are to go to Somerset Community College to major in nursing.

Ashley Ann Daniels is the 18 year old daughter of David and Sally Daniels. During high school her involvement has included NAHS and Yearbook. Honors and awards received during high school include 1st Place in the Regional and State Women's Club Art Competition. Ashley's plans after graduation are to attend college to obtain masters in art education with a minor in fine arts.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Betty's OK Country Cooking

Sara Elizabeth Davis is the 17 year old daughter of Teresa Ratliff and Richard Davis. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band, FBLA, Marching Band, and Science Club. Honors and awards received during high school include 2010 and 2011 KMEA State Marching Band Champions. Sara's plans after graduation are to attend Paul Mitchell Cosmetology School and to pursue a career as a beautician.

Jared Allen Denton

Mary Lee Denton
Derman, Joshua Dylan
Joshua Dylan Derman
Joshua Dylan Derman

Brittani Ann DeSeive is the 17 year old daughter of Lisa Calvert and Matt Calvert. During high school her involvement has included Pep Club. Brittani's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College initially and to pursue career in criminal justice
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Leslie Rene Dick is the 18 year old daughter of Timothy and Eva Dick. During high school her involvement has included Indian Trust Bank and Peer Tutoring. Leslie's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson college to major in human services.

Alexander Hunter Durham is the 18 year old son of Angela Cook and Robb Durham. During high school his involvement has included Beta, Boys Golf, FBLA, FCA, NHS, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include the Scholar Athlete Award, and 2010 and 2012 State Tournament Golf Team. Alexander's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in psychophysiology.

Cynthia Eaton is the 18 year old daughter of Rhonda Davis and Randy Davis. During high school her involvement has included Drama.
Elliott, Brandon Scott
Brandon Scott Elliott is the 19 year old son of Jerome and Pamela Elliott. During high school his involvement has included Army Club, Science Club, Skills USA, and ETCA. Brandon's plans after graduation are to attend a technical school to obtain a degree in industrial maintenance.
Brandon Scott Elliott is the 19 year old son of Jerome and Pamela Elliott. During high school his involvement has included Army Club, Science Club, Skills USA, and ETCA. Brandon's plans after graduation are to attend a technical school to obtain a degree in industrial maintenance.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Easton Earl Ellis is the 18 year old son of Tim Ellis and Kim Barnett. During high school his involvement has included Boys Golf, FFA, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. Easton's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College to become a lineman.

Joshua Lee Epperson is the 17 year old son of Angela Denham and Stephen Epperson. During high school his involvement has included Concert Band, and Marching Band. Honors and awards received during high school include 2013 All State Musician, KMEA State Marching Band Runner-UP 2009 and 2013, KMBEA State Marching Band Champion 2010 and 2011. Joshua's plans after graduation are to go to Lindsey Wilson College to major in music education.

Autumn Paige Estes is the 18 year old daughter of Carrie Ann Estes and Anthony Wayne Estes. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, and Science Club. Autumn's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in human services.

Kasey Marie Fair

Alison Danielle Feese is the 18 year old daughter of Danny and Tammy Feese. During high school her involvement has included Academic Team, Beta, Concert Band, FCA, Marching Band, NHS, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, and Tennis. Honors and awards received during high school include KMEA AAA State Champions 2010, 2011, District Honors Band 2009, 2011, 2012, Saxophone Section Leader 2011,2012, Tennis Team Captain 2011, 2012, 2013. Alison's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Christian ministries and psychophysiology.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Whittney Diane Ford is the 18 year old daughter of Jeff Ford. During high school her involvement has included FCA, FFA, Pep Club, Softball, and Volleyball. Honors and awards received during high school include several FFA awards and 2012 Football Homecoming Queen. Whittney's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in psychophysiology and continue to play volleyball.

Alexis Brooke Foster is the 17 year old daughter of Natasha Smith and Anthony Foster. During high school her involvement has included ETCA and SADD/Champions. Alexis's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Benjamin Dempsey Franklin is the 18 year old son of Eddie Franklin, Sr. and Lillie Franklin. During high school his involvement has included FBLA, FFA, Peer Tutoring and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include receiving 1st place and 2nd Place (twice) Personal Finance at Region 6 FBLA Conference. Benjamin's plans after graduation are to begin work with his family's business.

Whitney Nicole Frost is the 18 year old daughter of Barry and Kaneice Frost. During high school her involvement has included Drama, ETCA, FCA, FFA, NAHS, SADD/Champions, Science Club, and Tennis. Whitney's plans after graduation are to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Nola Mariha Furkins is the 19 year old daughter of Patrick and Deborah Furkins. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA. Nola's plans after graduation are to attend college to become a message therapist or physical therapist.

Cody Wade Gadberry is the 18 year old son of Shannon and Bronson Gadberry. Cody's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.

Logan Trey Garmon is the 18 year old son of Missy and Shane Garmon. During high school his involvement has included Boys Basketball, Boys Golf, FBLA, FCA, Pep Club, and STLP. Logan's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College and to pursue a career in computer science.

Cody Lewis Giles is the 18 year old son of Jeff Giles and Mary Ellen Simpson. During high school his involvement has included Academic Team, Beta, Boys Basketball, FBLA, NHS, STLP, and Tennis. Cody's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky Honors College to major in chemical engineering.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Flowers 'N Things

Jared Wesley Giles is the 18 year old son of Mary Ellen Simpson and Jeff Giles. During high school his involvement has included Concert Band, Marching Band, STLP, and Tennis. Honors and awards received during high school include 2012 All-State Concert Band, 2013 All-State Symphonic Band. Jared's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky.

Ashley Nicole Goodin is the 17 year old daughter of Eric and Jamie Goodin. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, Girls Golf, NAHS, NHS, Pep Club, and Science Club. Honors and awards received during high school include 2012 Girls State Golf Tournament Qualifier, 2010 All Region Golf Team, 2012 All Region Golf Team, 2011 All Conference Team, and 2012 All Conference Team. Ashley's plans after graduation are to attend Campbellsville University, continue to play golf, and participate in the pre-engineering program with an emphasis in Chemistry.
Goodpastor, Chasity Michelle
Chasity Michelle Goodpastor is the 18 year old daughter of Lee Marcum. Chasity's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.
Chasity Michelle Goodpastor is the 18 year old daughter of Lee Marcum. Chasity's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.
Gould, Devin Alexander
Devin Alexander Gould is the 18 year old son of Mattew Gould and Gina Gould. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, FFA, Pep Club, and SADD/Champions. Devin's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major physical therapy and start a small farm.
Devin Alexander Gould is the 18 year old son of Mattew Gould and Gina Gould. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, FFA, Pep Club, and SADD/Champions. Devin's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major physical therapy and start a small farm.

Brittany Renea Grant
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Christian Jayce Grant is the 18 year old son of Jason and Wendy Grant. During high school his involvement has included Drama and NAHS. Christian's plans after graduation are to attend college and start a band.

Derek Michael Grant is the 18 year old son of Eric and Marianne Grant. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Boys Basketball, FCA, Football, Pep Club, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include two All District Team Awards and State Honor Mention. Derek's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College where he will continue to play football.

Taylor Wynne Grant is the 17 year old daughter of Joey Preston Keith and the late Rebecca Lynn Keith and George Randy Grant. During high school her involvement has included FFA, Pep Club, and SADD/Champions. Taylor's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in accounting.

Hannah Blair Greer is the 18 year old daughter of Rhonda Beck and Daryl Greer. During high school her involvement has included SADD/Champions.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Tristan Tamon Grider is the 18 year old son of Rebecca Grider and Timmy Miller. During high school his involvement has included Yearbook. Tristan's plans after graduation are to attend college.

Chaseton Douglas Hadley is the 18 year old son of Stacy Estes & Doug Hadley. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Lake Cumberland ATC (Welding). Honors and awards received during high school include the Green Hand Award, and 1, 2, 3 and 4G welding certifications. Chaseton's plans after graduation are to attend Elizabethtown Technical School to major in welding technology.

Darienne Leigh Hall is the 18 year old daughter of Lisa Hall and Rodney Hall. During high school her involvement has included FCA, FFA, Pep Club, Softball, and Volleyball. Honors and awards received during high school include Softball Offensive Award 9th, 10th, and 11th grades and the FFA Spirit Award 2009-2010. Darienne's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College, play volleyball and softball, and to major in primary education.

Anna Kathryn Harris is the 18 year old daughter of Mike and Laura Harris. During high school her involvement has included Beta, Cheerleading, Concert Band, FBLA, FCA, Marching Band, NHS, Pep Club, Science Club, Softball, and STLP. Honors and awards received during high school include Honor Roll All Four Years, Top 10% of Class, Softball Most Improved Award, Coach's Award, and Defensive Award, Lady Lakers Classic All Tournament Team, and Miss Senior. Anna's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Bank of Columbia

Jacob Aaron Harris is the 18 year old son of James Harris and Melissa Harris. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Jacob's plans after graduation are to attend college.

Makayla Dawn Harrison

Jessica Le Anne Helm is the 18 year old daughter of Brenda Gail Helm and the late Billy Dean Helm. During high school her involvement has included Peer Tutoring and Pep Club. Jessica's plans after graduation are to attend college.

Keishia Mae Helm is the 18 year old daughter of Tamra Lynn Helm and William Darrell Helm. During high school her involvement has included FFA, Peer Tutoring, and SADD/Champions. Keishia's plans after graduation are to obtain her CNA license, attend Somerset Community College to earn her Associates Degree in nursing, and possibly go into the field of phlebotomy.
Hendrickson, Brandon Payne
Brandon Payne Hendrickson
Brandon Payne Hendrickson
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University
Hensley, Donnie Allen
Donnie Allen Hensley is the 18 year old son of Donnie Hensley and Connie Hensley. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. Donnie's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.
Donnie Allen Hensley is the 18 year old son of Donnie Hensley and Connie Hensley. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. Donnie's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.

Cody Alexander Herbst is the 17 year old son of David Herbst and Rosie Herbst. During high school his involvement has included Academic Team, Beta, Concert Band, Marching Band, NHS, STLP, and Tennis. Honors and awards received during high school include Most Improved--Marching Band, District Honors Band, and AAA Marching Band State Championship 1st Place. Cody's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky to major in chemical engineering and possibly medicine after graduating college.

William Wyatt Hixson is the 17 year old son of Barry and Angie Hixson. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, FBLA, FCA, Football, Pep Club, STLP, and Yearbook. Honors and awards received during high school include Football: Defensive MVP, Best Linebacker, Academic All-American, 2nd Team All-District, Baseball 2012: 26-14 record, Best Team in School History, 20th District Runner-Up, 5th Region Semi-Finals. William's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in education and continue to play baseball.

Sara Jene Hodge is the 18 year old daughter of Pat and Richard Hodge. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA, FFA, Indian Trust Bank, and Peer Tutoring. Sara's plans after graduation are to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Destiny Rae Holman

Benjamin Lee Holt is the 18 year old son of C.J. Holt and Shirley Holt. During high school his involvement has included Drama. Benjamin's plans after graduation are to become a musician.

Jena Claire Hopkins is the 18 year old daughter of Jeff Hopkins and Tara Hopkins. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include 2012-2013 FFA President and Miss ACHS. Jena's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in business.

Sara Grace Howard is the 18 year old daughter of Deborah and Barry Howard. During high school her involvement has included Cheerleading, Color Guard, Concert Band, FCA, FFA, Marching Band, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, and STLP. Honors and awards received during high school include KMEA State Champion, KMEA State Marching Band Championship Runner-Up, BOA National Runner-Up, CANAM National Champion, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, BOA Regional Class A Champion, and KMEA Marching Band State Finalist. Sarah's plans after graduation are to attend Western Kentucky University to major in nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Jordan Issac Humphress is the 18 year old son of Charles and Rebecca Humphress. During high school his involvement has included Concert Band, FBLA, Marching Band, and STLP. Honors and awards received during high school include Most Improved--Marching Band, District Champions--Freshmen Basketball, District Honors Band--Concert Band, State Champion--Marching Band. Jordan's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College for two years and transfer to another university to finish a degree in engineering.

Jacob Matthew Irvin is the 18 year old son of David Irvin and Lisa Vanarsdale. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Lake Cumberland ATC. Jacob's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.

Kali Ann Irvin is the 18 year old daughter of Bradley & Sandra Irvin. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Pep Club. Kali's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College to major in physical therapy.

Heather Lauren Jackson is the 18 year old daughter of Trish Zatkoff and Robert Jackson. During high school her involvement has included Academic Team, Beta, FBLA, FCA, and NHS. Honors and awards received during high school include Language Arts Regional Champion, Arts and Humanities Regional Champion, 3rd Place Language Arts Governor's Cup State, 5th Place International Scenario Writing, Governor's Scholar, and Horatio Alger National Scholar. Heather's plans after graduation are to attend Vanderbilt University to double major in political science and English.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Day & Day Feed and Seed
Jones, Jessica Sue Ann
Jessica Sue Ann Jones is the 19 year old daughter of Joey Keith and the late Valerie Keith. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Jessica's plans after graduation are to attend college.
Jessica Sue Ann Jones is the 19 year old daughter of Joey Keith and the late Valerie Keith. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Jessica's plans after graduation are to attend college.
Joseph, Amber Nichole
Amber Nichole Joseph
Amber Nichole Joseph

Tyler Blake Karnes

Jessica Paige Keith is the 18 year old daughter of Joey Keith and the late Valerie Keith. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Jessica's plans after graduation are to attend college.

Katlyn Lashay Keltner is the 18 year old daughter of Richie and Kim Keltner. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Girls Basketball, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and Science Club. Honors and awards received during high school include All Time Leading Scorer at ACHS 1,000 Point Club, All-Region (2 years), All-District (3 years), All-District Tournament (3 years), and All-State Honorable Mentions. Katlyn's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College, continue playing basketball, and major in Biology to become an Occupational Therapist.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Megan Renee Keltner is the 18 year old daughter of Lisa Ann Keltner and Ricky Darrell Keltner. During high school her involvement has included FFA, Peer Tutoring, SADD/Champions, and Yearbook. Megan's plans after graduation are to attend Elizabethtown Community College and then attend Empire Beauty School.

Hayley Olivia Knifley is the 17 year old daughter of Chris and Shay Knifley. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band, FCA, Marching Band, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, Tennis, and Jazz Band. Honors and awards received during high school include KMEA State Champion, KMEA State Champion Runner-Up, BOA National Runner Up, BOA Regional Class A Champion, Macy's Thanksgiving's Day Parade Participant, District Honors Band, First Round All-State Band, Outstanding Musician Award, Drum Major Award, and Leadership Award. Hayley's plans after graduation are to attend Western Kentucky University to major in chemistry with a focus in pre-pharmacy.

Jessica Kay Kuhn is the 18 year old daughter of Beverly and Jeryl Kuhn. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Peer Tutoring. Jessica's plans after graduation are to attend college.

Artis Cleatis Lane is the 19 year old son of Artis Cletaus Lane, Jr, and Samantha Sunshine Lane. During high school his involvement has included Football, Pep Club, and Yearbook. Artis's plans after graduation are to attend Elizabethtown Community College to major in real estate.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Kyle Wayne Lucas is the 17 year old son of Gerald and Kim Lucas. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and STLP. Kyle's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Shelby Alexandria Maggard is the 18 year old daughter of Rodney and Clara Maggard. During high school her involvement has included Beta, Cheerleading, Concert Band, FCA, Marching Band, NHS, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and STLP. Honors and awards received during high school include Honor Roll all four years and Top 10% of Class. Shelby's plans after graduation are to attend Eastern Kentucky University.
Malone, Danielle
Danielle Malone is the 18 year old daughter of Shelia Ruczienski and Dennis Malone. Danielle's plans after graduation are to attend college to become a nurse.
Danielle Malone is the 18 year old daughter of Shelia Ruczienski and Dennis Malone. Danielle's plans after graduation are to attend college to become a nurse.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at United Citizens Bank

Destiny Brook Mardis is the 17 year old daughter of Jason and Anita Mardis. During high school her involvement has included Color Guard, Drama, and NAHS. Destiny's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College.

Aliza Bliss Martin is the 17 year old daughter of Glenn and Jodi Martin. During high school her involvement has included Cheerleading, FCA, FFA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and Track and Field. Aliza's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in human services.

Kayla Danielle Martin is the 18 year old daughter of Shannon Martin and Daniel Martin. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCCLA, NHS, and Track and Field. Kayla's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Brittany Lee Martinez is the 18 year old daughter of Brenda Meyer and Danny Hoover. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band and Marching Band.

Jarret Ari-Jan Martinez is the 18 year old son of Marty Martinez and Kathleen Martinez. During high school his involvement has included Army Club, FFA, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include Mr. Junior (2011-12) and Mr. ACHS (2012-13). Jarret's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky.

Sarah Payton Massie is the 20 year old daughter of Thomas and Patty Gentry. During high school her involvement has included Army Club. Sarah's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky and to become a Dentist.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College
Maston, Keirra Renee
Keirra Renee Maston
Keirra Renee Maston
Maybrier, Jordan Tyler
Jordan Tyler Maybrier
Jordan Tyler Maybrier

Jessee James Maynard

Christopher Michael McCasland is the 18 year old son of Jennifer Hernandez. During high school his involvement has included ETCA. Christopher's plans after graduation are to attend college to to major in accounting.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Bank of Columbia
McClister, Stanley Ray
Stanley Ray McClister is the 18 year old son of Hope Cross and Donnie McClister. Stanley's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky to major in computer science and earn a Ph.D. in computer science, as well.
Stanley Ray McClister is the 18 year old son of Hope Cross and Donnie McClister. Stanley's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky to major in computer science and earn a Ph.D. in computer science, as well.

Madison Brooke McCloud is the 17 year old daughter of Stacy Melton. During high school her involvement has included FCA and Pep Club. Madison's plans after graduation are to attend Western Kentucky University to major in exceptional education.

Letha Jade Lynn McElroy is the 18 year old daughter of Ambika Pyles. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA, Peer Tutoring, SADD/Champions, and Track and Field. Letha's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in elementary education.

Brittany M. McGuffin
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Don Franklin Family Dealerships Columbia - Russell Springs - Campbellsville - Liberty - Somerset - Burkesville - Monticello- London- Bardstown

Ronnie Dewayne McGuffin is the 17 year old son of Mary McGuffin. During high school his involvement has included ETCA, FFA, and Science Club. Honors and awards received during high school include 2009 FFA Spirit Award, 2010 FFA Spirit Award, and 2013 NCCER Certification in Industral Maintenance. Ronnie's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College to major in the lineman program and also become a preacher.

Kasey Lynn McInteer is the 18 year old daughter of Tammy & Glenn McInteer. Kasey's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.

William Jacob McKinley is the 18 year old son of Lynda and Joe B. McKinley. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, FBLA, FFA, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include 2012 1st Place WKU Floriculture Team, 2013 1st Place UK Nursery/Landscape Team, 2013 UK High Individual Nursery/Landscape, 2012 2nd Place EKU Floriculture Team, 2013 3rd Place WKU Nursery/Landscape. William's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.

Hayley Nicole McQueary is the 17 year old daughter of Tera Mcqueary. During high school her involvement has included Cheerleading, FCA, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include CANAM Cheerleading National Champion 2011. Hayley's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College and to pursue a career as a physical therapist.

Aaron Wade Melson is the 18 year old son of Tommy Melson and Tonya Melson. During high school his involvement has included Army Club and FFA. Aaron's plans after graduation are to enlist in the National Guard.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Jessica Lauren Melson is the 18 year old daughter of Richie Melson and Angela Melson. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Jessica's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College to major in radiology.

Elizabeth Marie Melton is the 18 year old daughter of Ron and Leslie Melton. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band, FCA, Marching Band, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, STLP, and Jazz Band. Honors and awards received during high school include KMEA State Marching Band Champion, KMEA State Marching Band Champion Runner-Up, BOA Regional Class A Champion, BOA Nationals Runner-Up, Macy's Thanksgiving's Day Parade Participant, First Round All-State Band, District Honors Band, and Leadership Award. Elizabeth's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky to major in biology and become a nurse.

Francisco Javier Mendoza is the 18 year old son of Jose Antonio Mendoza and Enriqueta Mendoza. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Football. Honors and awards received during high school include Mr. Senior. Francisco's plans after graduation are to go the college to major in the medical field.
Mendoza, Jose Antonio
Jose Antonio Mendoza is the 19 year old son of Jose Antonio Mendoza and Enriqueta Agirrue Mendoza. During high school his involvement has included Football. Jose's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Jose Antonio Mendoza is the 19 year old son of Jose Antonio Mendoza and Enriqueta Agirrue Mendoza. During high school his involvement has included Football. Jose's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Merritt, Brandie Lodinia
Brandie Lodinia Merritt is the 17 year old daughter of Melissa Mathews and James Gullion. Brandie's plans after graduation are to attend SCAD to major in animation and then earn her master's degree in Sequential Art.
Brandie Lodinia Merritt is the 17 year old daughter of Melissa Mathews and James Gullion. Brandie's plans after graduation are to attend SCAD to major in animation and then earn her master's degree in Sequential Art.

Jaimilya Shannah Merriwether is the 18 year old daughter of Tammy Ingram and James Merriwether and the granddaughter of Mike Ingram and Shirlene Ingram. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA, NAHS, and Peer Tutoring. Jaimilya's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in art education and become an elementary art teacher.

Derrick Martell Miller is the 17 year old son of Kerrick and Valeka Miller. During high school his involvement has included Football. Derrick's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Taylor Alexis Mitchell is the 17 year old daughter of Angela Morgan and Jackie Morgan. During high school her involvement has included Pep Club, and Skills USA. Honors and awards received during high school include Certified SRNA. Taylor's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson.
Morey, Austin James
Austin James Morey
Austin James Morey
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Alexandra Kay Morgan is the 18 year old daughter of Tammy Pree and Randy Morgan. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA and NAHS. Honors and awards received during high school include Scholastics Art Show 2012, Women's Club Art Show 2012 and 2013. Alexandra's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College and open a photo studio.

Jessica Marie Morgan is the 19 year old daughter of Donna Furkin and Jackie Morgan. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Jessica's plans after graduation are to attend Campbellsville University to major in zoology and veterinary medicine.

Lacey Jane Morgan

Cassidy Anne Morrison is the 18 year old daughter of Alesha Morrison and James Morrison. Cassidy's plans after graduation are to attend Western Kentucky University.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Heather M. Morrison is the 18 year old daughter of Billy Morrison and Mary Merlin. During high school her involvement has included Peer Tutoring. Heather's plans after graduation are to attend Eastern Kentucky University and to become a cosmologist.

Thomas Joseph Murrell is the 18 year old son of Joe Murrell and Leslie Keltner. During high school his involvement has included Beta, Concert Band, Marching Band, and NHS. Thomas's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky.

Alexander Matthew Nickerson is the 18 year old son of Andrea Waggener and Roy Nickerson. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, FBLA, FCA, Football, Pep Club, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include 1st Team All-District Football (2 years). Alexander's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Caitlyn Alyssa Nuckolls is the 18 year old daughter of Scotty and Joyce Nuckolls. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Pep Club, and Softball. Caitlyn's plans after graduation are to attend Eastern Kentucky University and become an occupational therapist.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Betty's OK Country Cooking

Jamika Leann Payne is the 17 year old daughter of George and Joanne Payne. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band, FCA, Marching Band, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, STLP, and Jazz Band. Honors and awards received during high school include KMEA State Marching Band Champion, KMEA State Marching Band Championship Runner-Up, BOA Regional Class A Champion, BOA National Runner-Up, Senior District Honors Band, 1st Round All State Band, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Participant. Jamika's plans after graduation are to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Communication Disorders.

Dustin Michael Pegg is the 18 year old son of Chad Pegg and Nicole Pegg. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Skills USA. Dustin's plans after graduation are to attend college or enter the workforce.

John Walker Perry is the 18 year old son of Donnie and Cindy Perry. During high school his involvement has included FFA. John's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Dylan Ray Phillips is the 17 year old son of Michelle Phillips and Kevin Phillips. Dylan's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce and possibly attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Bank of Columbia

Michael Allen Pierce is the 18 year old son of Mark and Tracey Pierce. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. Michael's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in counseling.

Jennifer Ann Pilkington

Adam Seth Polston is the 18 year old son of Timmy and Tammy Polston. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. Adam's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in criminal justice to become a game warden.

Willis Tanner Pooler is the 17 year old son of Willis and Traci Pooler. During high school his involvement has included Baseball, Boys Basketball, FCA, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include All-District Baseball Team 2012. Willis's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Chassity Lee Price is the 17 year old daughter of Deanna Price and Darrell Price. During high school her involvement has included Pep Club, Skills USA, Volleyball, and Leadership. Honors and awards received during high school include Volleyball awards. Chassity's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College to major in radiology.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Alexa Quiroz is the 18 year old daughter of Tony and Gena Grider. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, FCCLA, Girls Basketball, NAHS, NHS, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, Softball, Tennis, Track and Field, and Volleyball. Honors and awards received during high school include Honor Roll All 4 Years, Top 10% of Class, JV Volleyball--Rookie of the Year Award, Varsity Volleyball Highest GPA, and Varsity Volleyball Best Defensive Player. Alexa's plans after graduation are to attend Transylvania University to take pre-med courses to become a cardiologist.

Kylie Beth Rayburn is the 18 year old daughter of Vickie and Willam Karnes, and Darren and Tabitha Rayburn. During high school her involvement has included Army Club, Concert Band, Marching Band, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, and Service Learning. Kylie's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in nursing.

Trista Calyn Jenee' Reynolds is the 19 year old daughter of Jerry and Carolyn Reynolds. During high school her involvement has included Peer Tutoring. Trista's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College to become a CNA.
Richard, Mekensie Nicole
Mekensie Nicole Richard is the 18 year old daughter of James Douglas Richard. During high school her involvement has included FFA, Peer Tutoring, SADD/Champions, and Yearbook. Mekensie's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College.
Mekensie Nicole Richard is the 18 year old daughter of James Douglas Richard. During high school her involvement has included FFA, Peer Tutoring, SADD/Champions, and Yearbook. Mekensie's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Don Franklin Family Dealerships Columbia - Russell Springs - Campbellsville - Liberty - Somerset - Burkesville - Monticello- London- Bardstown

Noah Guthrie Richard is the 18 year old son of Wallace and Teresa Richard. During high school his involvement has included Academic Team, Beta, Concert Band, FBLA, Marching Band, NHS, Science Club, and 4-H Leadership. Honors and awards received during high school include Kentucky Governor's Scholar, Salvation Army Volunteer of the Year, ACHS Distinguished Student, Front Ensemble Section Leader, Honorable Order of the Kentucky Colonels, Governor's Cup District Medalist, and State Marching Band Champions. Noah's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky to major in journalism and history with a minor in anthropology.

Lynnsey Kaitlin Rodgers is the 18 year old daughter of Kevin and Sherry Rodgers. During high school her involvement has included Beta, NHS, SADD/Champions, Science Club, and 4-H Leadership. Lynnsey's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to double major in Psychophysiology and Christian Ministries and then attend the University of Kentucky to major in physical therapy.
Rogers, Celina Richelle

Dylan Ray Rooks is the 18 year old son of Melissa Ann Rooks and Daryl Ray Rooks. During high school his involvement has included Yearbook. Dylan's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in media studies.

Heather Annmarie Rowe
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Campbellsville University

Keri Beth Rowe is the 18 year old daughter of Terry and Teresa Rowe. During high school she has been involved in Cheerleading, FCA, Pep Club, and 4-H Leadership. Honors and awards received during high school include 2011 CANAM National Cheerleading Award. Keri's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in nursing.

Brendan David Scott Rowland is the 19 year old son of Brenna Humphress and Kerry Humphress and Shannon Rowland. During high school his involvement has included FFA Brendan's plans after graduation are to join the Marines.

Abby Caroline Royse is the 17 year old daughter of Jan and Mark Royse. During high school her involvement has included FFA, Girls Golf, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include several FFA Awards. Abby's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College and major in Recreation, Tourism, and Sports Management and then pursue a career as a park ranger or in fish and wildlife.

Brittany Rae Scott is the 17 year old daughter of James Scott and Charlene Scott. During high school her involvement has included Color Guard, Concert Band, Marching Band, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include KMEA Marching Band 2010 and 2011 State Championships. Brittany's plans after graduation are to dance.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Christopher Corey-Allen Scott

Michael Walton Scott
Shelpman, Travis James
Travis James Shelpman is the 18 year old son of Jon Shelpman and Jennie Shelpman. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Travis's plans after graduation are to go to the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology to become a welder.
Travis James Shelpman is the 18 year old son of Jon Shelpman and Jennie Shelpman. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Travis's plans after graduation are to go to the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology to become a welder.

Linsey Nichole Sheridan is the 18 year old daughter of Fred Sheridan and Donna Sheridan. During high school her involvement has included FFA and SADD/Champions. Linsey's plans after graduation are to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Megan Danielle Shuck

Cynthia Jean Smith is the 18 year old daughter of Odell and Joann Smith. During high school her involvement has included Cheerleading, FCA, and Pep Club. Cynthia's plans after graduation are to attend the University of Kentucky to major in nursing.

Vakerria Mcquaide Smith is the 18 year old daughter of Fay Smith and Aundrie Smith. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Pep Club. Vakerria's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College to major in cosmetology.

Latasha Ann Stinson is the 18 year old daughter of Renee' Stinson and Ronald Stinson. During high school her involvement has included ETCA, Pep Club, and Yearbook. Latasha's plans after graduation are to attend Elizabethtown Community and Technical College to major in interdisciplinary early childhood education.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Community Trust Bank

Katherine Leigh Stone is the 17 year old daughter of Karla and Lenny Stone. During high school her involvement has included Cheerleading, FCA, Pep Club, and 4-H Leadership. Honors and awards received during high school include the 2011 CANAM National Cheerleader Award. Katherine's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major psychophysiology.
Streeval, Joshua Kenneth
Joshua Kenneth Streeval is the 17 year old son of Louellen Streeval. During high school his involvement has included Army Club.
Joshua Kenneth Streeval is the 17 year old son of Louellen Streeval. During high school his involvement has included Army Club.

Jaden Ashley Tann is the 18 year old son of Peggy Wethington and Jason Wethington.
Thacker, Nicholas James
Nicholas James Thacker
Nicholas James Thacker

Diana Laura Trejo is the 18 year old daughter of Nestor and Carmen Trejo. During high school her involvement has included FCA, FFA, and Pep Club. Diana's plans after graduation are to attend Saint Catherine College to major in physical therapy.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Scott Colten Tucker is the 18 year old son of Gary and Lisa Tucker. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Pep Club. Scott's plans after graduation are to join the military.

Nicholas Adam Tupman is the 17 year old son of John and Marie Tupman. During high school his involvement has included Concert Band and Marching Band. Honors and awards received during high school include KMBE State Marching Band Champions, KMEA State Marching Band State Runner-Up, BOA Runner-Up, BOA Regional Class A Champions, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and District Honors Band. Nicholas's plans after graduation are to attend college.

Cody Wayne Turner is the 19 year old son of Carlos and Sherry Turner. During high school his involvement has included Football. Cody's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College enter into the law enforcement field.

Stephen Jakob Turner is the 17 year old son of Stephen and Tammy Turner. During high school his involvement has included FBLA, FFA, and Track and Field. Stephen's plans after graduation are to attend Campbellsville University to major in Spanish.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Don Franklin Family Dealerships Columbia - Russell Springs - Campbellsville - Liberty - Somerset - Burkesville - Monticello- London- Bardstown

Eric Paul VanArsdale is the 17 year old son of Joe and Anita Vanarsdale. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Skills USA. Eric's plans after graduation are to attend Elizabethtown Technical College to major in fire science and rescue technology.

Deanna Paige Waddle is the 19 year old daughter of Terry and Wendy Waddle. During high school her involvement has included Color Guard, Concert Band, Marching Band, Pep Club, and Service Learning. Deanna's plans after graduation are to attend to Lindsey Wilson College.

Whitney Carol Wade is the 17 year old daughter of Thomas Gordon Wade and Leslie Dawn Wade. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Pep Club, and Volleyball. Whitney's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to obtain her BSN.

Abigail Anne Walker is the 17 year old daughter of Dicky and Amy Walker. During high school her involvement has included Academic Team, ETCA, and FBLA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous Academic Team awards, 2013 Basketball Homecoming Queen, 2013 Senior Class President, Most Outgoing Class Favorite, and 3rd at State for FBLA. Abigail's plans after graduation are to attend Somerset Community College to major in nursing and then further her education by transferring to the University of Kentucky to obtain her bachelors.
Warren, Kadedra
Kadedra Warren is the 18 year old daughter of Lee Marcum. Kadedra's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.
Kadedra Warren is the 18 year old daughter of Lee Marcum. Kadedra's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Bank of Columbia

Lolita Webb is the 18 year old daughter of Cathy Shelton and Ron Webb. During high school her involvement has included ETCA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and Yearbook. Lolita's plans after graduation are to attend Elizabethtown Community and Technical College to major in interdisciplinary early childhood education.

Jared Dewayne Wheat is the 18 year old son of Cindy and Jason Wheeler. During high school his involvement has included FCA, and Football. Jared's plans after graduation are to attend Nashville Auto Diesel College.

Mary Kate White is the 18 year old daughter of Charlene Jackson and Bruce White. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band, FCA, Marching Band, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. Mary's plans after graduation are to attend Eastern Kentucky University to study occupational science and to become an occupational therapist.
Willis, Candise Marie
Candise Marie Willis is the 18 year old daughter of Tracy Willis and Sueann Judd. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Candise's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.
Candise Marie Willis is the 18 year old daughter of Tracy Willis and Sueann Judd. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Candise's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Roslin Faith Wilson is the 17 year old granddaughter of are Donnie and Patty Bunch and the daughter of Robin Lewis. During high school her involvement has included Academic Team, Beta, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, Science Club, and Future Problem Solving. Honors and awards received during high school include Kentucky Colonel, Hero of Adair County, Kentucky Governor's Cup Academic Champion, Future Problem Solving Program International Champion, and Individual Governor's Cup Top Ten in Kentucky. Roslin's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in nursing with an emphasis in forensic nursing.

Dakota J. Wolfe is the 18 year old son of Sharen Wolfe and Bill Wolfe. Dakota's plans after graduation are to attend the Somerset Lineman Tech Center.

Jared Dakota Wright is the 18 year old son of Roslin Keith and Wayne Wright. Jared's plans after graduation are to enter the workforce.

Miranda Nicole Wright is the 18 year old daughter of Angela Buis. During high school her involvement has included ETCA and NAHS. Miranda's plans after graduation are to attend Lindsey Wilson College for two years and then transfer to the University of Kentucky.