Adair County High School's
Graduating Class of Two Thousand Twelve
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Note: Email corrections or additions to webmaster@columbiamagazine.com.
If there is missing or incorrect information in your listing, we'll be glad to correct it.
Congratulations Seniors from everyone at the Bank of Columbia

Melanie Blake Alexander is the 17 year old daughter of Robert and Autumn Alexander. During high school her involvement has included Beta, Drama, FCCLA, NHS, and Academic Team. Honors and awards received during high school include the Janice Holt Giles Award. After graduation, Melanie plans to attend college to major in Early Childhood Education.

Jordan Micah Alfaro is the 17 year old son of Elby and Shawn Alfaro. During high school his involvement has included FFA, FCA, Pep Club, Boys Basketball, and Football. After graduation, Jordan plans to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Megan Dean Badgley is the 18 year old daughter of Gary and Valera Badgley. During high school her involvement has included Indian Trust Bank.

Jamian Seth Bailey is the 18 year old son of Jimmy and Becky Bailey. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Pep Club, and Baseball. Jamian plans to attend Western Kentucky University after graduation.

Delena Jo Ballou is the 18 year old daughter of Anthony and Anna Lou Ballou. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, NAHS, NHS, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, Volleyball, Girls Basketball, and Softball. Honors and awards received during high school include 2010-2011 All-District Volleyball Team, 2011-2012 All District Volleyball Team, 2011 All-Region Softball Team, 2008-2009 All District Basketball Team, and 2008-2009 All District Tournament Basketball Team. After graduation, Delena plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at United Citizens Bank

Samantha Joanne Ballou is the 18 year old daughter of Teresa Ballou and Michael Ballou. During high school her involvement has included Drama and ETCA. After graduation, Samantha plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Angela Marie Barker is the 17 year old daughter of Danielle and Lee Barker. During high school her involvement has included Drama, FCA, NAHS, Pep Club, and SADD/Champions. After graduation, Angela plans to attend Campbellsville University to major in Nursing.

Robert Logan Barnes is the 18 year old son of Bob and Alissa Barnes. During high school his involvement has included Beta, FCA, NHS, Science Club, Marching Band, and Concert Band. Honors and awards received during high school include two State Marching Band Championships, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade participant, District Honors Band Member, and Distinguished Ensemble. After graduation, Robert plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Business Administration, and then pursue a law degree.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University

Rhoda Faye Baxter is the 19 year old daughter of Linae Rice and Gary Baxter. During high school her involvement has included Concert Band. After graduation, Rhoda plans to become a Massage Therapist.

Lucas Robert Bearden is the 18 year old son of Don Bearden. During high school his involvement has included FFA, Pep Club, and Track and Field. After graduation, Lucas plans to attend Somerset Community College to major in Welding.

Briana Olivia Bertram is the 18 year old daughter of Teresa and Irvin Bertram. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FBLA, FCA, FCCLA, NHS, Pep Club, Volleyball, and Softball. Honors and awards received during high school include Softball District Champions 2011, Most Improved in Softball 2011, Most Points Scored in Volleyball 2010, 110% Award in Volleyball 2011, Best Defense in Volleyball 2011, State Ceramics Contest 2nd Place 2010, Class Secretary 2010 and 2011, Top 10% of Graduating Class, Honor Roll, and Sparklers Video Award-State 1st Place. After graduation, Briana plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Secondary Math Education.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home
Brandon Wade Bloyd
Brandon Wade Bloyd is the 17 year old son of Akalas and Rebecca Bloyd and James and Glenda Snow. During high school his involvement has included ETCA and Football. After graduation, Brandon plans to attend college to become a diesel mechanic.
Brandon Wade Bloyd is the 17 year old son of Akalas and Rebecca Bloyd and James and Glenda Snow. During high school his involvement has included ETCA and Football. After graduation, Brandon plans to attend college to become a diesel mechanic.
Anna Nicole Bolinger
Anna Nicole Bolinger is the 20 year old daughter of Palma Bolinger. Anna's involvement during high school has included Soccer. Anna plans to attend Somerset Community College after graduation.
Anna Nicole Bolinger is the 20 year old daughter of Palma Bolinger. Anna's involvement during high school has included Soccer. Anna plans to attend Somerset Community College after graduation.

Sara Brooke Bragg is the 18 year old daughter of Tony and Melissa Bragg. During high school her involvement has included FFA, FCA, and Pep Club. After graduation, Sara plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University

Jacob Addison Brehm is the 19 year old son of Addison and Debra Brehm. During high school his involvement has included Drama and Army Club. After graduation, Jacob plans on joining the military and then studying Culinary Arts at Sullivan University.

Derek Lewis Brockman is the 18 year old son of Julie Grant and Sam Brockman. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and Baseball. After graduation, Derek plans to attend Western Kentucky University.

Ashley Brooke Brown is the 17 year old daughter of Jacqueline Judd and Joe Brown. During high school her involvement has included Drama, FCA, NAHS, Pep Club, and SADD/Champions. Honors and awards received during high school include 1st Place-Scholastics Art Show. After graduation, Ashley plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Flowers 'N Things
Chasity Paige Burchett
Chasity Paige Burchett is the 17 year old daughter of Melissa Harper and Davy Burchett. During high school her involvement has included FFA, Pep Club, and HOSA. After graduation, Chasity plans to attend Campbellsville University to major in Nursing.
Chasity Paige Burchett is the 17 year old daughter of Melissa Harper and Davy Burchett. During high school her involvement has included FFA, Pep Club, and HOSA. After graduation, Chasity plans to attend Campbellsville University to major in Nursing.

Chaz Tyler Burress is the 19 year old son of Doug Burress and Rene Sylvester. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Pep Club. Chaz's plans after graduation are undecided at this time.

Brooklynn Paige Burton is the 18 year old daughter of Kevin and Christina Burton. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Pep Club, and 4-H Teen Leadership. After graduation, Brooklynn plans to attend Linsdey Wilson College to major in Elementary Education.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Franklin Ford

Emily Anne Burton is the 17 year old daughter of Eddie and Annetta Burton. During high school her involvement has included FFA, FCA, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include serving as Adair County FFA Treasurer 2010-2011, FFA Sweetheart 2011-2012, and ACHS Football Homecoming Queen 2011-2012. After graduation, Emily plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Haley Machelle Burton is the 18 year old daughter of Mark and Angie Burton. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FBLA, FCA, FCCLA, Pep Club, Science Club, Volleyball, and Softball. Honors and awards received during high school include Varsity Softball Pitching Award, Varsity Softball Most Improved, Varsity Volleyball Most Aces, Varsity Volleyball Most Blocks, All-District Softball Team, and KHSAA Academic All-State. After graduation, Haley plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Elementary Education, with a minor in Christian Ministries.

Nathan Alan Burton
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Elizabeth Carol Ann Caldwell is the 18 year old daughter of Charles and Melissa Caldwell. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, NAHS, NHS, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. After graduation, Elizabeth plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Biology, and then to attend dental school.

Kishia Nicole Carey is the 17 year old daughter of Shelly Carey and Titus Carey. During high school her involvement has included FBLA, Peer Tutoring, and Chorus. After graduation, Kishia plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Nursing.

David Allen Carter is the 18 year old son of Jennifer Carter. After graduation, David plans to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Franklin Ford

Brandon Jared Catron is the 18 year old son of Jack and Karen Catron. During high school his involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Brandon plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Allie Rae Chadwell
Allie Rae Chadwell is the 19 year old daughter of Andrew and Robin Chadwell. Allie plans to work at the family business after graduation.
Allie Rae Chadwell is the 19 year old daughter of Andrew and Robin Chadwell. Allie plans to work at the family business after graduation.

Dylan Ray Harper Claiborne is the 18 year old son of Kevin and Shamarie Claiborne. During high school his involvement has included Marching Band and Concert Band. Honors and awards received during high school include 2009 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, 2010 KMEA Class AAA State Finals Champion, and 2011 KMEA Class AAA State Finals Champoin. After graduation, Dylan plans to attand Lindsey Wilson College to major in Computer Information Systems.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Betty's OK Country Cooking

Kansas Marie Clemmons is the 19 year old daughter of Patricia Keith and Curtis Keith. During high school her involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Kansas plans to attend Somerset Community College.

Cheyayne Marie Coffey is the 18 year old daughter of Chris Coffey, Janice Tucker and Poochie Tucker. During high school her involvement has included Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, Marching Band, and Concert Band. Honors and awards received during high school include Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2009, 2010 KMEA State Champions Class 3A, 2011 KMEA State Champions Class 3A, 2010 Grand Nationals Class 1A 3rd Place, 2011 Grand Nationals Class 1A 2nd Place. After graduation, Cheyayne plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Nursing.

Roger Lucas Coffey is the 18 year old son of Roger and Kay Coffey. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include the FFA Shop Award. After graduation, Roger plans to attend Somerset Community College to major in Diesel Mechanics.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Joshua Dylan Collins is the 18 year old son of Jeff Collins and Brenda Vanarsdale. During high school his involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Joshua plans to attend college.

Wesley Aaron Compton is the 18 year old son of Bridgett Chapman and Jerry Compton. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Pep Club. After graduation, Wesley plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Criminal Justice.

Alexis Christine Cook
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Dustin Lee Coomer is the 18 year old son of John Coomer and Margaret Coomer. During high school his involvement has included Football, Track and Field, FCA, and SkillsUSA. Honors and awards received during high school include Football Most Improved Sophomore, Football Most Outstanding Defensive Back, and Football CoachÕs Award. After graduation, Dustin plans to attend college.

Mary Susan Coomer is the 18 year old daughter of Neal and Tammy Coomer. During high school her involvement has included SADD/Champions, Marching Band, Concert Band, Academic Team, 4-H Teen Leaership, and Yearbook.Honors and awards received during high school include 2009 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, 2011 and 2012 Class 3A KMEA State Champion, 2009, 2010, and 2012 District Honors Band, 2011 Distinguished Rating Solos and Ensembles, and 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Distinguished Rating KMEA Concert Festival. After graduation, Mary Susan plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College and then Western Kentucky University to major in Communication Disorders.

Ashlee Meridith Corbin is the 18 year old daughter of Greg Corbin and LaGene Sexton. During high school her involvement has included FCA, NAHS, Pep Club, and Softball. Honors and awards received during high school include Softball All District Team 2010 and 2011 and Softball All Region Team 2009. After graduation, Ashlee plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Courtney Lynn Curry is the 18 year old daughter of Carol Kitts and Joe McInteer, Jr. During high school her involvement has included Skills USA. After graduation, Courtney plans to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Hunter DeLucca is the 18 year old daughter of Joann and Kenneth DeLucca. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Girls Basketball, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include Varsity Letter. After graduation, Hunter plans to attend Eastern Washington University to major in Criminal justice.

Jared Wade Denton is the 17 year old son of Troy and Carla Denton. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, Football, and Baseball. After graduation, Jared plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College where he will continue to play baseball.

Sarah Renea Derman is the 18 year old daughter of Vonda and Tony Derman. During high school her involvement has included FFA, FCA, and Peer Tutoring. Honors and awards received during high school include FFA awards. After graduation, Sarah plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College or Campbellsville University to major in Nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Community Trust Bank

Barkley Payton Edwards is the 17 year old daughter of Lisa and Tommy Edwards. During high school her involvement has included NAHS and Yearbook. After graduation, Barkley plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Psychology.

Jacob Scott Estes is the 18 year old son of Carrie and Andy Estes. During high school his involvement has included NAHS, Pep Club, and Baseball. After graduation, Jacob plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Biology, and then to pursue a doctorate in Physical Therapy from Western Kentucky University.

Laura Willis Feese is the 17 year old daughter of Jaime and Bruce White and Gordon Feese. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, Marching Band, and Concert Band. Honors and awards received during high school include 2011 KMEA Marching Band 1st Place Class AAA, 2010 KMEA Marching Band 1st Place Class AAA, 2009 KMEA Marching Band 2nd Place Class AAA, 2008 KMEA Marching Band 2nd Place Class AAA, 2011 BOA Grand National 2nd Place Class A, 2010 BOA Grand National 3rd Place Class A, 2008 BOA Regional 2nd Place Class A, 2010 BOA Regional 2nd Place Class A, 2011 BOA Regional 2nd Place Class A, 2009 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Participant. After graduation, Laura plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Business Administration.

Monessa Lavonne Feese is the 17 year old daughter of Gary and Miki Feese. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA, NAHS, SADD/Champions, and Science Club. After graduation, Monessa plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Jordan Matthew Lynn Ford is the 18 year old son of Jeff Ford and Regina Fuller. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. After graduation, Jordan plans to attend college to become a personal trainer.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Franklin Ford

Danielle Lashay Foster is the 17 year old daughter of Tralisa Foster and Michael Dial. During high school her involvement has included FFA, FCA, Pep Club, and Cheerleading. Honors and awards received during high school include 2011 Canam National Champions, numerous Cheerleading awards, and FFA Awards. After graduation, Danielle plans to attend Somerset Community College to major in Nursing.

Michael John Foster

Eddie Doyle Franklin is the 18 year old son of Eddie and Lillie Franklin. During high school his involvement has included Beta, FBLA, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, Science Club, Tennis, Academic Team, and National Society of High School Scholars. Honors and awards received during high school include the Governor's Scholar Program, 1st Place Mathematics--Academic Team District, 1st Place Social Studies--Academic Team District, 1st Place Quick Recall--Academic Team District, 1st Place Quick Recall--Academic Team Regions, 1st Place Social Studies--Green River Regions, 1st Place Global Business--FBLA Regions, 2nd Place Heartland Conference Tennis Doubles, and 3rd Place National History Bowl--Nationals, and Top 1% of Graduating Class. After graduation, Eddie plans to attend Vanderbilt University to major in Chemistry with a Pre-Med focus.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Stephen Van Giles is the 18 year old son of Briann Eastridge and Charles Giles. During high school his involvement has included Beta, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, and Boys Golf. After graduation, Stephen plans to attend the University of Kentucky to major in Chemical Engineering.

Cory Russell Greene is the 17 year old son of Darlene Green and Les Greene. During high school his involvement has included Army Club. Honors and awards received during high school include Leader of the Army Club. After graduation, Cory plans to attend college.
Andrew Blake Greer
Andrew Blake Greer is the 18 year old son of Felicia and Keith Greer. After graduation, Andrew plans to attend college.
Andrew Blake Greer is the 18 year old son of Felicia and Keith Greer. After graduation, Andrew plans to attend college.

Jerrod Edward Grider is the 18 year old son of Pamela Calhoun and Billy Grider. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Boys Golf. After graduation, Jerrod plans to attend Somerset Community College.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at the Bank of Columbia

Casey Janae Hadley is the 18 year old daughter of Jamie and Annette Hadley. During high school her involvement has included Indian Trust Bank, FCA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, STLP, and Cheerleading. Honors and awards received during high school include 5th Region All Academic Squad and CANAM National Championship 2011. After graduation, Casey plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Elementary Education with a minor in Spanish.

Samantha Jo Hadley is the 17 year old daughter of Gerald and Tina Hadley. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, Science Club, STLP, and Softball. After graduation, Samantha plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Elementary Education with a minor in Christian Ministries.

Sarah Kathryn Hadley is the 18 year old daughter of Doug Hadley and Shelly Grady. During high school her involvement has included Co-Op, Indian Trust Bank, NAHS, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and SADD/Champions. After graduation, Sarah plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Biology, and then attend the University of Kentucky to become a Physical Therapist.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University

Daniel Howard Hagerty is the 18 year old son of Kathy and Randy Carter. During high school his involvement has included Indian Trust Bank and FCCLA. After graduation, Daniel plans to attend college to begin coursework toward a Ph.D. in Counseling.

Briana Jade Hagy is the 17 year old daughter of Dana Hagy and Kevin Jackson. During high school her involvement has included FCA, NAHS, Pep Club, Marching Band, and Concert Band. Honors and awards received during high school include Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Participant 2009, State Champion 2010, State Champion 2011, National Runner-Up 2011, 4 years of District Honors Band, 2008-2011 BOA Reserve Grand Champion. After graduation, Briana plans to attend college to major in Criminal Justice.

Rachel Danielle Hancock is the 18 year old daughter of Alex and Pam Hancock. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Marching Band, and Concert Band. After graduation, Rachel plans to attend Somerset Community College.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Michael Fred Harris

Jacob Shawn Hatcher is the 17 year old son of Shawn Hatcher and Tabitha Giles. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Football. Honors and awards received during high school include Second Team All-District, Most Outstanding Defensive Line, 2012 Leadership Award, and 2010 Football Academic Award. After graduation, Jacob plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Kayla Shawntel Nicole Hicks is the 17 year old daughter of Angela Denise Morgan and Jackie David Morgan. During high school her involvement has included Indian Trust Bank. After graduation, Kayla plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Day & Day Feed and Seed

Jack William Hobbs is the 18 year old son of Andrea Furkin and William Hobbs. During high school his involvement has included Beta, FBLA, Science Club, Army Club, Tennis, Marching Band, and Concert Band. Honors and awards received during high school include all Distinguished scores on CATS testing, 2012 Kentucky All-State Concert Band 3rd Chair, One National Championship and Three State Championships in Marhcing Band, 2012 Tennis Captain, and Senior Class Clown. After graduation, Jack plans to attend the University of Kentucky to major in Mechanical Engineering.

Taylor Nicole Hodges is the 17 year old daughter of Tony and Chonda Hodges. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, NAHS, NHS, Pep Club, and Cheerleading. Honors and awards received during high school include 2011 Cheerleading CANAM National Champions and 2011 Cheerleading CANAM Nationals Individual Stunt Group Champions. After graduation, Taylor plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Nursing.

Kayla Brea Holmes is the 17 year old daughter of Marissa and Douglas Holmes. During high school her involvement has included NAHS. Honors and awards received during high school include being a Central Kentucky Scholar. After graduation, Kayla plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Human Services and Counseling.

Brie DeShae Hughes is the 18 year old daughter of Pam Hughes. During high school her involvement has included Co-Op, FBLA, FCA, NAHS, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, and STLP. After graduation, Brie plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College and continue at Campbellsville University to major in Social Work.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College
Bethany Renee Inscho
Bethany Renee Inscho
Bethany Renee Inscho
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University

Christopher Lee Janes is the 18 year old son of Tricia and Wendell Janes. Honors and awards received during high school include Carpentry Senior of the Year Award and KOSSA Silver Certificate. After graduation, Christopher plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Criminal Justice.

Courtney Lashay Janes is the 17 year old daughter of Dolphus and Angela Janes. During high school her involvement has included NAHS. After graduation, Courtney plans to attend Somerset Community College to become an Ultrasound Technician.

Lauren Marie Janes is the 17 year old daughter of Lisa and Brandon Janes. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, and Cheerleading. After graduation, Lauren plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at First and Farmers National Bank

Megan Renee Danielle Janes is the 18 year old daughter of LuAnne Janes. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA and Science Club. After graduation, Megan plans to attend college.

Ashley Elizabeth Jeffries is the 18 year old daughter of Deborah Kerkeslager and Danny Jeffries. During high school her involvement has included Marching Band and Concert Band. Honors and awards received during high school include Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2009, 2010 KMEA State Champions Class 3A, 2011 KMEA State Champions Class 3A, 2010 BOA Grand Nationals Class 1A 3rd place, and 2011 BOA Grand Nationals Class 1A 2nd place. After graduation, Ashley plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Health Sciences.

Karli Michelle Jessie is the 17 year old daughter of David and Holly Jessie. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FFA, FCA, NHS, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include Adair County FFA President, Lake Cumberland Regional FFA President, and Miss Adair County High School. After graduation, Karli plans to attend the University of Kentucky to major in Agriculture.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Briana Nicole Johnson is the 18 year old daughter of Shane and Vicki Johnson and Iva Johnson. During high school her involvement has included Skills USA. Awards and honors received during high schools include DOT Welding Certification. After graduation, Briana plans to attend ECC to major in Welding.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Betty's OK Country Cooking

Kayla Darnell Kelsay is the 18 year old daughter of Michael and Tammy Kelsay. During high school her involvement has included NAHS, Peer Tutoring, and Pep Club. After graduation, Kayla plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Early Childhood Development.

Dametress J. Kirkendolph is the 19 year old son of Sandy Parson and Anthony Parson. During high school his involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Dametress plans to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University
Reilly Alaine Leslie
Reilly Alaine Leslie is the 17 year old daughter of Joel Leslie, Robin Leslie and Steve Sanders. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include Ag l Notebook Award, Ag l Quiz Contest Award, Ag ll Scholastics Award, Ag ll Livestock Judging Award, Ag ll Shop Award, and Ag lll Dairy Judging Award. After graduation, Reilly plans to attend college to become a veterinarian.
Reilly Alaine Leslie is the 17 year old daughter of Joel Leslie, Robin Leslie and Steve Sanders. During high school her involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include Ag l Notebook Award, Ag l Quiz Contest Award, Ag ll Scholastics Award, Ag ll Livestock Judging Award, Ag ll Shop Award, and Ag lll Dairy Judging Award. After graduation, Reilly plans to attend college to become a veterinarian.

Leanna Elizabeth Lewis is the 18 year old daughter of Leon and Ann Lewis. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, NHS, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and STLP. After graduation, Leanna plans to attend the University of Kentucky to major in Animal Science and Media Arts and Science.

Cortney Shea Long is the 17 year old daughter of Tammy Thrasher and Thomas Long. During high school her involvement has included FFA, FCA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, SADD/Champions,Volleyball, Softball, and Cheerleading. Honors and awards received during high school include Ag II Scholastics Award, Ag II Notebook Award, Ag II Shop Award, Ag III Notebook Award, and Livestock Judging Award. After graduation, Cortney plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Radiology.

Riley Lane Loy is the 18 year old daughter of Mike and Tonya Loy. During high school her involvement has included FBLA, FCA, Pep Club, Marching Band, Concert Band, and Color Guard. Honors and awards received during high school include 2010 KMEA State Championship Class 3A First Place, 2011 KMEA State Championship Class 3A First Place, 2010 BOA Grand Nationals Class 1A Third Place, 2011 BOA Grand Nationals Class 1A Second Place, and 2009 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. After graduation, Riley plans to attend the University of Kentucky to major in either Food Science or Education.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at the Bank of Columbia

Jeremy Landon Mackin is the 17 year old son of Sandra Moore and Micheal Mackin. During high school his involvement has included Drama, ETCA, and Army Club. After graduation, Jeremy plans to join the Army Rerserves, and then to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Keisha L. Mann is the 18 year old daughter of Tonya Stapleton and Michael Meeks. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA. After graduation, Keisha plans to attend Somerset Community College to study Criminal Justice.

Kyle Brent Mann is the 17 year old son of Gary and Brenda Mann. During high school his involvement has included Beta, FBLA, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, Science Club, Tennis, and Academic Team. Honors and awards received during high school include 3rd place FBLA State Emerging Business Issues, 4th Place FBLA Digital Video Production, 1st Place Sparklers Video Contest, Top 10 Percent of Graduating Class, and scoring Distinguished every year in state testing. After graduation, Kyle plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Biochemistry and double minor in Health Care Administration and History.
Lonnie Lee Mann
Lonnie Lee Mann is the 17 year old son of the late Jeff Mann and Amy Mann. During high school his involvement has included Football. After graduation, Lonnie plans to attend Somerset Community College.
Lonnie Lee Mann is the 17 year old son of the late Jeff Mann and Amy Mann. During high school his involvement has included Football. After graduation, Lonnie plans to attend Somerset Community College.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Hailey Catherine McBeath is the 18 year old daughter of Ron McBeath and Tammy Reece. During high school her involvement has included Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, and Softball. After graduation, Hailey plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College, where she will continue playing softball and major in Nursing.

Erin Gail McClister is the 17 year old daughter of Sonia Helm and Terry McClister. During high school her involvement has included FFA, FCA, and Pep Club. After graduation, Erin plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Tyler Lawson McGaha is the 18 year old son of Kim Dial and Darrell McGaha. During high school his involvement has included FFA, FCA, Pep Club, and Football. After graduation, Tyler plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Civil Engineering.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Franklin Ford

Russell James Mings is the 17 year old son of Donna Mings and James Mings. During high school his involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Russell plans to attend college.
Cassandra Lynn Mitchum
Cassandra Lynn Mitchum is the 18 year old daughter of Stevie and Cheryl Mitchum. During high school her involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Cassandra plans to enter the workforce.
Cassandra Lynn Mitchum is the 18 year old daughter of Stevie and Cheryl Mitchum. During high school her involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Cassandra plans to enter the workforce.

Charles Tyler Moody is the 19 year old son of Charles "Chip" Moody and Rebecca Moody. During high school his involvement has included Football. Honors and awards received during high school include Senior Football Award. After graduation, Charles plans to become a truck driver.

Felicia Ann Morgan is the 17 year old daughter of Betsy and Michael Morgan. During high school her involvement has included Drama and ETCA. After graduation, Felicia plans to attend Sullivan University to major in Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts.

Lauren Brooke Murphy is the 18 year old daughter of Timmy and Deena Murphy. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Pep Club. After graduation, Lauren plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Human Services.

Samantha Jo Murphy is the 17 year old daughter of Kim Murphy and James Murphy. During high school her involvement has included Peer Tutoring and Pep Club. After graduation, Samantha plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Photojournalism.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Meredith Payton Murrell is the 18 year old daughter of Randal and Jamie Murrell. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, Science Club, Marching Band, Concert Band, Color Guard, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include 2 KMEA Class 3A State Championships, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Participant, Senior Class Treasurer, National Honor Society Club Secretary, Colorguard Captain, Track Team Captain, and Miss Senior. After graduation, Meredith plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Pre-Pharmacy.

Alexander Michael Myers is the 17 year old son of Kellie Herron, Jeff Herron, and Michael Myers. During high school his involvement has included Indian Trust Bank, Pep Club, ETCA, Marching Band, and Concert Band. Honors and awards received during high school include Marching Band National Championship and Marching Band State Championship. After graduation, Alexander plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Counseling.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University

Ashley Nicole Neat is the 17 year old daughter of Sean Neat and Angie Neat. During high school her involvement has included Beta, Drama, NHS, and Academic Team. After graduation, Ashley plans to obtain an Engineering degree.

Chelsea Danielle Nowlin is the 19 year old daughter of David Nowlin and Velinda Nowlin. During high school her involvement has included NAHS, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, and Volleyball. After graduation, Chelsea plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Cora Denise Nowlin is the 18 year old daughter of David Nowlin and Velinda Nowlin. During high school her involvement has included NAHS and SADD/Champions. After graduation, Cora plans to attend Bowling Green Technical College to become an Ultrasound Technician.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Chanley Nikko Otterson is the 17 year old daughter of Juanita Hutchison. During high school her involvement has included FCC, Pep Club, Girls Basketball, and Softball. Honors and awards received during high school include All District Softball 2008/2009, All Region Basketball 2009/2010, All Season Team Basketball 2011/2012, and All District Team Softball 2010/2011. After graduation, Chanley plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Radiology.

Derrick Jordan Overstreet is the 17 year old son of William and Betty Overstreet. During high school his involvement has included Drama, Yearbook, and Inspired Prose. After graduation, Derrick plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to become a Theatre teacher.

Brandy Nicole Parson is the 18 year old daughter of Lisa Courtney and William Parson. During high school her involvement has included NAHS. Honors and awards received during high school include President of NAHS and 1st Place Woman's Club for Ceramics. After graduation, Brandy plans to attend Somerset Community College to major in Radilogy.

Curtis Justin Pavlik is the 19 year old son of Theresa and Rodney Pavlik. During high school his involvement has included Drama. After graduation, Curtis plans to enter the workforce.

Bethany Lee Pepper is the 18 year old daughter of James Pepper and Zenda Pepper. During high school her involvement has included FFA, FCA, and HOSA. Honors and awards received during high school include 1st Place in Diversified Ag Production. After graduation, Bethany plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University

Rachel Jo Pescosolido is the 18 year old daughter of Steve and Karen Pescosolido. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FFA, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, and Science Club. Honors and awards received during high school include Top 2% of the Graduating Class, Regional Land Judging Team Champion, and 1st Place Regional Proficiency. After graduation, Rachel plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Biology Education.
Whitley Paige Phillips
Whitley Paige Phillips is the 17 year old daughter of Jackie and Steve Phillips. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Pep Club. After graduation, Whitley plans to attend Campbellsville University to major in Nursing.
Whitley Paige Phillips is the 17 year old daughter of Jackie and Steve Phillips. During high school her involvement has included FFA and Pep Club. After graduation, Whitley plans to attend Campbellsville University to major in Nursing.

Jonathan Edward Preston is the 18 year old son of Kristi Carroll. After graduation, Jonathan plans to enter the workforce.

Tessa Starr Prim is the 19 year old daughter of Joey Keith and the late Beccy Keith. During high school her involvement has included Peer Tutoring and Pep Club. After graduation, Tessa plans to attend collage to become a parole officer.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University

Levi Ballou Ramage is the 18 year old son of Marlin and Janice Ramage. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Tennis, Marching Band, Concert Band, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include 2007 BOA Class A Grand National Champion, 2007 KMEA Class AAA State Finals Champion, 2007 BOA class A Regional Grand Champion, 2009 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Participant, 2010 KMEA Class AAA State Finals Champion, and 2011 KMEA class AAA State Finals Champion. After graduation, Levi plans to enlist in the Navy.

Emily Shay Redmon is the 17 year old daughter of Robbin and Beverly Redmon. During high school her involvement has included FBLA, FCA, Pep Club, Marching Band, Concert Band, and Color Guard. After graduation, Emily plans to atend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Biology before entering medical school.

Jeran Blake Redmon is the 18 year old son of Mark Anthony Redmon and Elizabeth Gail Hadley Ferrill. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Pep Club. After graduation, Jeran plans to enter the workforce.

Justin Neal Reeder is the 18 year old son of Chris Reeder and Tammy Reeder. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Pep Club, Baseball, and Boys Basketball. After graduation, Justin plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Hunter Renae Rich is the 18 year old daughter of Tammy K. Rich and Dwight A. Rich. During high school her involvement has included FBLA, NAHS, Marching Band, Concert Band, and 4-H Teen Leadership. Honors and awards received during high school include 1st Place in Sculpture Caveland Regional Art Show, Honorable Mention in Sculpture State Art Show, 2 Marching Band State Grand Championships, 2 Marching Band State Reserved Grand Championships, 4 Preformances with All District Band, 3 Distinguished Solo Ratings, 1 Distinguished Ensemble Rating, BOA National Reserve Grand Championship Class A. After graduation, Hunter plans to attend the University of Louisville to major in Music Therapy.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Franklin Ford

Randy Travis Richards is the 18 year old son of Randy and Lois Richards. After graduation, Randy plans to enter the workforce.
Kasey Bruce Risinger
Kasey Bruce Risinger is the 17 year old son of Jenifer Alley. During high school his involvement has included Drama. After graduation, Kasey plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Kasey Bruce Risinger is the 17 year old son of Jenifer Alley. During high school his involvement has included Drama. After graduation, Kasey plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Charles Jamison Roberts is the 18 year old son of James and Marsha Roberts. During high school his involvement has included BETA, FBLA, FCA, NHS, Peer Tutoring, Science Club, and Tennis. Honors and awards received during high school include 3rd place in Technology Concepts at FBLA Regionals (2009), 3rd place in Computer Problem Solving at FBLA Regional (2012), Distinguished Indian, Who's Who Among American High School Students, Tennis Captain, National Society of High School Scholars, and being a Kentucky Colonel. After graduation, Charles plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to double major in Biology and History, and then attend the University of Kentucky to become an orthopedic surgeon.

Portia Brianne Roberts is the 18 year old daughter of Allen Roberts and Melinda Rhoads. During high school her involvement has included NAHS and ETCA. After graduation, Portia plans to attend cosmetology school.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Kara Dawn Rodenbrock is the 18 year old daughter of Angie Atnip. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA and ETCA. After graduation, Kara plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Brittany Nicole Rowe
Brittany Nicole Rowe is the 17 year old daughter of Karen Lawhorn and Jeff Franklin. During high school her involvement has included FFA, FCA, and Peer Tutoring. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA Awards. After graduation, Brittany plans to attend either Lindsey Wilson College or Somerset Community College to major in Nursing or Social Work.
Brittany Nicole Rowe is the 17 year old daughter of Karen Lawhorn and Jeff Franklin. During high school her involvement has included FFA, FCA, and Peer Tutoring. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA Awards. After graduation, Brittany plans to attend either Lindsey Wilson College or Somerset Community College to major in Nursing or Social Work.

Emilee Ann Royse is the 18 year old daughter of Timmy and Gidget Royse. During high school her involvement has included Co-Op, FBLA, FCA, NAHS, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, STLP, and Girls Golf. After graduation, Emilee plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Criminal Justice.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

David Logan Sandusky is the 18 year old son of David and Donna Sandusky. During high school his involvement has included FCA and Pep Club. After graduation, David plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in the film or the technology fields.

Bradley Chance Scholl is the 18 year old son of Brad and Lachana Scholl. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Marching Band, Concert Band, and Track and Field. After graduation, Bradley plans to attend the University of Kentucky to major in Psychology.

Kayla Mae Shelton

Courtney Michelle Shuck is the 18 year old daughter of Stephanie Shuck. During high school her involvement has included Drama, FCCLA, and SADD/Champions. After graduation, Courtney plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Culinary Arts.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at South Central Printing

Natiaha Nichole Sigurbjartsson is the 18 year old daughter of Donald and Direnda Richards. During high school her involvement has included Pep Club and Volleyball. Honors and awards received during high school include the Volleyball Spirit Award and the Volleyball Coach Award. After graduation, Natiaha plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Criminal Justice.

Elisabeth Renae Smith is the 18 year old daughter of Barry and Renae Smith. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, Softball, Marching Band, and Concert Band. Honors and awards received during high school include Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Particpant, 2010 and 2011 KMEA Class 3A State Championship, 2008 and 2009 KMEA Class 3A Reserve State Championship, and 20th District Softball Championship. After graduation, Elisabeth plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Biology or Education.

Elliot Gregory Smith is the 18 year old son of Greg Smith and Kathy Shelton. During high school his involvement has included FFA. After graduation, Elliot plans to enlist in the United States Air Force.

Joshua Dewayne Smith is the 17 year old son of Jimmy and Julie Smith. During high school his involvement has included FBLA, FCA, Pep Club, Football, and Track and Field. After graduation, Josh plans to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Emily Jo Sneed is the 17 year old daughter of Brad and Jennifer Sneed. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, Science Club,Volleyball, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include Most Assists for Volleyball, Spirit Award for Volleyball, and Academic Award for Volleyball. After graduation, Emily plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Biology/Pyschophysiology before attending pharmacy school.

Tyler Neal Spoon is the 17 year old son of Christie Brown and Joe brown. After graduation, Tyler plans to enter the workforce.

Randell Joe Streeval is the 19 year old son of Louellen and Jerry Streeval. During high school his involvement has included NAHS. After graduation, Randell plans to attend Somerset Community College.

John William Brendel Stubbs is the 19 year old son of Jackie Brendel and Chris Stubbs. During high school his involvement has included FFA. After graduation, John plans to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University

Brandon Louis Thompson is the 17 year old son of Rodney Thompson and Amy Lane Chaney. During high school his involvement has included FFA and Pep Club. After graduation, Brandon plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Kanassa'ai Ali Thompson is the 18 year old son of James Miller and Faye Thompson. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Pep Club, Army Club, Football, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include First Team All-District Freshman Year, First Team All-District Junior Year, Most Outstanding Running Back Freshman Year, Most Outstanding Running Back Junior Year, Most Outstanding Linebacker Freshman Year, Most Outstanding Linebacker Junior Year, Most Outstanding Linebacker Senior Year, and Second Team All-District Senior Year. After graduation, Kanassa'ai plans to enlist in the Army and to attend college.

Charles Alex Tooley is the 18 year old son of Charles and Amanda Tooley. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Pep Club, Football, and Boys Basketball. Honors and awards received during high school include Most Improved--Basketball, Second Team All Conference--Football, and Special Teams Award--Football. After graduation, Charles plans to attend Somerset Community College to major in Criminal Justice.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at United Citizens Bank

Audra Nicole Turner is the 18 year old daughter of Rodney and Nicole Turner. During high school her involvement has included Beta, Drama, NHS, Academic Team, and Inspired Prose. After graduation, Audra plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Human Services and Counseling.

Clay Madison Turner is the 18 year old son of James and Alice Turner. During high school his involvement has included Indian Trust Bank, FCA, Pep Club, Football, Baseball, and Boys Basketball. After graduation, Clay plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Jounalism with a minor in Christian Ministries.

Heather Nacole VanArsdale is the 17 year old daughter of Alan and Beth VanArsdale. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Marching Band, and Concert Band. After graduation, Heather plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Elementary Education.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at the Bank of Columbia

Destanie Nacole Webster is the 17 year old daughter of Jimmy and Patti Branham. During high school her involvement has included FCA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, ETCA, and Yearbook. After graduation, Destanie plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Education.
David Duane Wheat
David Duane Wheat is the 19 year old son of David and Brenda Wheat. During high school his involvement has included FFA. After graduation, David plans to enter the workforce.
David Duane Wheat is the 19 year old son of David and Brenda Wheat. During high school his involvement has included FFA. After graduation, David plans to enter the workforce.

Hali Dyani Wheat is the 17 year old daughter of Dana Taylor and Russ Wheat. During high school her involvement has included Beta, FCA, NHS, Pep Club, and Girls Basketball. After graduation, Hali plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Business Administration.
Dakota Lynn Wheeler
Dakota Lynn Wheeler is the 18 year old son of Dwight and Kathy Staten. After graduation, Dakota plans to enter the workforce.
Dakota Lynn Wheeler is the 18 year old son of Dwight and Kathy Staten. After graduation, Dakota plans to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Trenton Dale Wheeler is the 18 year old son of Jason Wheeler and Shannon Strode. During high school his involvement has included Skills USA. After graduation, Trenton plans to attend college.

Canaan Seth Williams is the 19 year old son of Tina Graves. During high school his involvement has included Drama, FBLA, NAHS, Peer Tutoring, SADD/Champions, Boys Basketball Support Staff, Tennis, and Track and Field.

Kaleb Christopher Willis is the 18 year old son of Lloyd and Melanie Willis. During high school his involvement has included FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include the Small Engine Award and the Kevin Corbin Award. After graduation, Kaleb plans to attend college.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Kyle Anthony Willis is the 18 year old son of Tony and LaDonna Willis. After graduation, Kyle plans to attend Somerset Community College to major in Structural Engineering.

Brooklyn Nicole Wilson is the 17 year old daughter of Dennis and Deana Wilson and Ryan and Karen Fuller. During high school her involvement has included FFA, FCA, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, and Cheerleading. Honors and awards received during high school include 2012 Canam National Cheerleading Competition. After graduation, Brooklyn plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to majoring in Nursing.

Leslie Caroline Wolford is the 18 year old daughter of Shawna and Colin Wolford. During high school her involvement has included NAHS and Pep Club. After graduation, Leslie plans to attend Western Kentucky University to major in Biology.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at First and Farmers National Bank

Jesse Robert Woods is the 18 year old son of Marsha A. Woods and Robert D. Woods. During high school his involvement has included Indian Trust Bank, SADD/Champions, and Academic Team. After graduation, Jesse plans to attend Bellarmine University.

Andrew S. Wooley is the 17 year old son of Dennis Wooley and Manuela Wooley. During high school his involvement has included Beta, FBLA, Indian Trust Bank, Pep Club, Science Club, STLP, Tennis, and Marching Band.

Andrew Wayne Wright is the 17 year old son of Beth Wright and Michael Wright. After graduation, Andrew's plans are undecided.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University
Ashleigh Nicole Rae Yoebstl
Ashleigh Nicole Rae Yoebstl is the 18 year old daughter of Juliana Partridge. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA. After graduation, Ashleigh plans to become a Family Consumer Science teacher.
Ashleigh Nicole Rae Yoebstl is the 18 year old daughter of Juliana Partridge. During high school her involvement has included FCCLA. After graduation, Ashleigh plans to become a Family Consumer Science teacher.

Allan Kyle Young is the 19 year old son of Teena Young. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Pep Club, and Boys Basketball.

Earl Gordon Young is the 18 year old son of Gordon and Sharon Young. During high school his involvement has included FCA, Peer Tutoring, Pep Club, Football, and Baseball. After graduation, Earl plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Latasha Shay Bryant was the 17 year old daughter of Mark and Ruby Janes. During high school she was involved in FFA, Drama, FCCLA, and Science Club.