Adair County High School's
Graduating Class of Two Thousand Eleven
Click a Letter to Jump to Last Names Beginning With:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Note: Email corrections or additions to webmaster@columbiamagazine.com.
If there is missing or incorrect information in your listing, we'll be glad to correct it.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at the Bank of Columbia
Aaron, Jon Clinton
Jon Clinton Aaron is the 21 year old son of Tony and Patricia Aaron. After graduation he plans to enjoy spending time with his family and friends.
Jon Clinton Aaron is the 21 year old son of Tony and Patricia Aaron. After graduation he plans to enjoy spending time with his family and friends.

Johnny Steve Abner is the 20 year old son of Lee Abner. During high school he has been involved in Skills USA. After graduation he plans to attend college.
Adams, Holly Sue Rene
Holly Sue Rene Adams is the 18 year old daughter of Genis Adams and Susan Ashburn. During high school she has been involved in FFA. After graduation she plans to enter the workforce.
Holly Sue Rene Adams is the 18 year old daughter of Genis Adams and Susan Ashburn. During high school she has been involved in FFA. After graduation she plans to enter the workforce.
Adams, Rebecca Anne
Rebecca Anne Adams is the 19 year old daughter of Mike Adams and Debra Adams. During high school she has been involved in SRNA and NAHS. After graduation she plans to attend St. Catherine College to major in nursing.
Rebecca Anne Adams is the 19 year old daughter of Mike Adams and Debra Adams. During high school she has been involved in SRNA and NAHS. After graduation she plans to attend St. Catherine College to major in nursing.

Sierra Nicole Akin is the 17 year old daughter of Todd and Rhonda Akin. During high school she has been involved in Band, FCA, and Pep Club. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in nursing.

Anthony Steven Alley is the 18 year old son of Juanita Scott and Darren Alley. During high school he has been involved in FFA, Skills USA, and SADD/Champions. Honors and awards received during high school include Star Greenhand and other FFA awards. After graduation he plans to attend college to obtain his welding degree.

Alexandria Brooke Antle is the 17 year old daughter of Connie Chapman and Eric Antle. During high school she has been involved in the Pep Club, FCA, and Volleyball. After graduation she plans to attend PJ's School of Cosmetology.

Peyton Nicole Antle is the 18 year old daughter of Gene Antle and Myranda and Ernie Rodgers. During high school she has been involved in Cheerleading, Track and Field, Pep Club, FBLA, STLP, Beta, and NHS. Honors and awards received during high school include 2011 CANAM National Champions. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Biology then transferring to UK to obtain a degree in Physical Therapy.

Ashley Antone is the 18 year old daughter of Theresa Antone. During high school she has been involved in Pep Club. After graduation she plans to attend WKU.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University

Jaylyn Ross Bailey is the 18 year old son of Jimmy and Becky Bailey. During high school he has been involved in Baseball, Pep Club, and the Academic Team. After graduation he plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.

Samantha Danielle Bailey-Chrisman is the 18 year old daughter of Susan Livers and Larry Bailey. During high school she has been involved in Co-Op and Indian Trust Bank. After graduation she plans to attend Somerset Community College.

Bethany Nicole Bault is the 18 year old daughter of Paula Bault. During high school she has been involved in FCA, Pep Club, Volleyball, Beta, NHS, and NAHS (President). After graduation she plans to attend WKU to major in Photojournalism.

Alec Jordan Beard is the 18 year old son of April and Chris Beard. During high school he has been involved in Football and ASL. Honors and awards received during high school include Football and FFA awards. After graduation he plans to go to Africa on a mission trip.

Emily Dawn Bernard is the 18 year old daughter of Billy and Carol Bernard. During high school she has been involved in FCCLA, Drama, Pep Club, and NAHS. Honors and awards received during high schools include 1st Place at the Caveland Regional Art Show and 3rd Place at the Caveland State Art Show. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Education.
Biggerstaff, Decota (Coty) Joe
Decota Joe Biggerstaff is the 18 year old son of Jaime Reece and Robert Biggerstaff. During high school he has been involved in Skills USA. After graduation he plans to enter the workforce.
Decota Joe Biggerstaff is the 18 year old son of Jaime Reece and Robert Biggerstaff. During high school he has been involved in Skills USA. After graduation he plans to enter the workforce.
Birdwell, Coty
Coty Birdwell
Coty Birdwell
Blackwelder, Candace
Candace E. Blackwelder is the 17 year old daughter of John and Ruth Blackwelder. During high school she has been involved with the Academic Team. Honors and awards received during high school include District Governor's Cup Language Arts 3rd Place. After graduation she plans to attend UK to study Mechanical Engineering.
Candace E. Blackwelder is the 17 year old daughter of John and Ruth Blackwelder. During high school she has been involved with the Academic Team. Honors and awards received during high school include District Governor's Cup Language Arts 3rd Place. After graduation she plans to attend UK to study Mechanical Engineering.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at United Citizens Bank

Anthony Jordan Blair is the 17 year old son of Mark and Sherry Blair. During high school he has been involved in Pep Club, Baseball, and STLP. Honors and awards received during high school include Academic Awards. After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in Computer Information Systems.
Blair, James Andrew
James Andrew Blair is the 18 year old son of Jimmy and Sheila Blair. During high school he has been involved in FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include the Star Greenhand Award. After graduation he plans to attend LWC.
James Andrew Blair is the 18 year old son of Jimmy and Sheila Blair. During high school he has been involved in FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include the Star Greenhand Award. After graduation he plans to attend LWC.

Anthony Darren Blankenship is the 17 year old son of Marsha Roy and Jimmy Blakenship. During high school he has been involved in FFA and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous academic and FFA awards. After graduation he plans to attend LWC.
Bledsoe, Justin Kyle
Justin Kyle Bledsoe
Justin Kyle Bledsoe

Brandi Joann Booth is the 19 year old daughter of Thomas Booth and Joann Polk. During high school she has been involved in NAHS and Pep Club. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to become a nurse.

Aaron Travis Bradshaw is the 18 year old son of Nathan and Lynn Bradshaw. During high school he has been involved in NHS, Beta, and Band. Honors and awards received during high school include being named a Govenor's Scholar After graduation he plans to attend UK's College of Engineering.

Lauren Michelle Bridgewaters is the 18 year old daughter of Terrence and Keenan Bridgewaters. During high school she has been involved in the Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Cheerleading, FCA, Upward Bound, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include 2011 Cheerleading CANAM National Winner and being named to the Honor Roll. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Human Services.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Westlake Regional Hospital

Lawrence Alexander Brown, Jr. is the 18 year old son of Anita and Robert Webster. During high school he has been involved in Football, Pep Club, and Co-Op. After graduation he plans to attend WKU.

Tiffany Lynn Bryson is the 17 year old daughter of Barry and Deborah Bryson. After graduation she plans to attend PJ's Cosmetology School.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at First & Farmer's National Bank

Erin Elizabeth Burris is the 18 year old daughter of Justin and Pam Burris. During high school she has been involved in Band, NHS, Beta, Science Club, FCA, and Pep Club. After graduation she plans to attend WKU to major in Communication Disorders.

Rachel Genae Burris is the 18 year old daughter of Randy and Deborah Curry. During high school she has been involved in Cheerleading, FCA, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include Cheer Ltd. CANAM Nationals Winner and KAPOS Regional Champions. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in secondary education.

Megan Jo Burton is the 18 year old daughter of Jeffro and Karen Burton. During high school she has been involved in NAHS, BETA, FBLA, Pep Club, and Cheerleading. Honors and awards received during high school include Honorable Mention at the Caveland Regional Art Show. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to become a nurse.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Flowers 'n Things

Tanner Logan Caldwell is the 18 year old son of Joey and Kelly Caldwell. During high school he has been involved in Band, FCA, Beta, NHS, Pep Club, and Yearbook. Honors and awards received during high school include State and National Band Champions. After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in Pharmacy.

Michael Anthony Campbell is the 19 year old son of Michael Campbell and Lynn Landis. After graduation he plans to attend college.

Jennifer Dylynn Chapman is the 18 year old daughter of Robert and Andrea Chapman. During high school she has been involved in FFA, FCA, Pep Club, and SADD/Champions. After graduation she plans to attend WKU.
Cleaver, Travis A.
Travis A. Cleaver
Travis A. Cleaver

Anthony James Coffey is the 17 year old son of Janice Coffey. During high school he has been involved in Drama Club and Science Club. After graduation he plans to obtain a degree in electrical engineering.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Community Trust Bank

Johnathan Paul Coffey is the 18 year old son of Patsy Person and Gary Coffey. During high school he has been involved in Co-Op and FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include the FFA Greenhand Award. After graduation he plans to enter the workforce.

Brittany Nicole Combs is the 19 year old daughter of Melissa Shillings and Samuel Bingham. During high school she has been involved in the ETCA, FFA, Soccer, and Pep Club. After graduation she plans to attend LWC.

David Jordan Coomer is the 17 year old son of David and Sandra Coomer. During high school he has been involved in Drama. After graduation he plans to attend college to major in Criminal Justice.

James David Coomer is the 18 year old son of James and Michele Coomer. During hi school he has been involved in SADD/Champions and STLP. He is undecided about his plans after graduation.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Franklin Ford

Emily Michelle Corbin is the 17 year old daughter of Timmy and Denissa Corbin. During high school she has been involved in Drama Club. Honors and awards received during high school include receiving the American Red Cross Scholarship. After graduation she plans to attend Somerset Community College.

Joshua Allen Cosby is the 18 year old son of Traci Cosby and Jamie Luttrell. During high school he has been involved in Skills USA and FFA. After graduation he plans to attend college.

Jacob S. Cowan is the 18 year old son of Ricky Bault and Mitzi Bault. During high school he has been involved in FFA. After graduation he plans to attend college.

Megan Hulene Cowan is the 18 year old daughter of Michael and Charlene Cowan. During high school she has been involved in Pep Club, FCA, Yearbook, and Marching Band. Honors and awards received during high school include participating in the 2009 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. After graduation she plans to attend WKU.

Ashley Nicole Crawhorn is the 17 year old daughter of Stacy Corbin and Randy Crawhorn. During high school she has been involved in the Pep Club, NAHS, and Tennis. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Nursing.

Joseph Tyler Curry is the 19 year old son of Carol Ann Kitts and Joe Mcinteer. During high school he has been involved in Pep Club and FFA. After graduation he plans to attend college.

Latisha Ann Curry is the 17 year old daughter of Randy and Rebecca Curry. During high school she has been involved in Pep Club, Beta Club, and FBLA. Honors and awards received during high school include being named to the Who's Who Registry of Academic Excellence. After graduation she plans to attend WKU to major in Psychology.

Nicholas Aaron Curry is the 18 year old son of Donnie and Janie Curry. During high school he has been involved in Pep Club, Indian Trust Bank, Business Co-op, and Service Learning. After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in Elementary Education.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at the Bank of Columbia

Rachael DeLucca is the 19 year old daughter of Kenny and JoAnn DeLucca. During high school she has been involved in SADD/Champions and Pep Club. After graduation she plans to attend Muskingum University.

Tabitha Faye Denton is the 18 year old daughter of John and Sandra Denton. During high school she has been involved in FFA, Pep Club, and FCA. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in nursing.

Zachary Thomas Dial is the 18 year old son of Tommy Dial and Rachel Holmes. After graduation he plans to attend college.

John Richard Michael Doss is the 18 year old son of Michael Doss and Patrisha Alexander. During high school he has been involved in Pep Club. After graduation he plans to attend LWC.

Ryan Tyler Doss is the 18 year old son of Richard and Pam Doss. During high school he has been involved in FFA, Indian Trust Bank, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include FFA Shop Spirit, Small Engine, and Greenhand Degree. After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in Business Administration.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at the Day & Day Feed and Pet

Colton Huett Downey is the 18 year old son of Bobby and Kathy Downey. During high school he has been involved in FFA, FCA, Pep Club, and Yearbook. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in business.

Seth Oliver Dunbar is the 17 year old son of Jeff and Laurie Dunbar. During high school he has been involved in Baseball, Football, NHS, BETA, Yearbook, Pep Club, and FCA. Honors and awards received during high school include Baseball All District Tournament Team (2008, 2010). After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in Secondary Mathematics Education.

Tori Elizabeth Dunbar is the 18 year old daughter of Phillip and Melissa Dunbar. During high school she has been involved in FBLA, FCA, Pep Club, and Chorus. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to study Social Work.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Cafe on the Square
Elliott, Jessica Marie
Jessica Marie Elliott is the 19 year old daughter of Doug and Cathy Grant. After graduation she plans to enter the workforce.
Jessica Marie Elliott is the 19 year old daughter of Doug and Cathy Grant. After graduation she plans to enter the workforce.

Caleb Scott Ezell is the 18 year old son of Scott and Kim Ezell. During high school he has been involved in FCA, Pep Club, FFA (1 Year), and Tennis. Honors and awards received during high school include First Place in Nursery at EKU and Second Place in Nursery at the State Fair. After graduation he plans to attend LWC.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Dallas Adam Fair is the 18 year old son of Dale and Leshia Fair. During high school he has been involved in Theatre. After graduation he plans to enter the work force.

Justin Robert Farmer is the 18 year old son of Robert and Trina Farmer. During high school he has been involved in Pep Club and FCA. After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in Biology.

Marissa Lashay Feese is the 18 year old daughter of Miki and Gary Feese. During high school she has been involved in NAHS. After graduation she plans to attend LWC.

Hannah Brooke Flatt is the 18 year old daughter of Terry and Laura Flatt. During high school she has been involved in Marching Band Colorguard, FCA, Pep Club, and Yearbook. After graduation she plans to attend WKU to major in nursing.

Jamie Gail Flatt is the 18 year old daughter of James and Brenda Flatt. During high school she has been involved in FBLA and Pep Club. After graduation she plans to attend Somerset Technical School to major in nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Betty's OK Country Cooking

Christian Devin Ford is the 17 year old son of Troy and Sandra Ford. During high school he has been involved in FFA. After graduation he plans to attend the Nashville Auto Diesel College to become a heavy equipment and diesel mechanic.

Deshay Lee Franklin is the 17 year old daughter of Judy Gardner and David Franklin. During high school she has been involved in Co-Op, SADD/Champions, Pep Club, FCA, and FFA. After graduation she plans to join the National Guard.

Jeremy Thomas Franklin is the 17 year old son of Edgar and Ramona Franklin. During high school he has been involved in Boys Basketball and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include First and Farmers National Bank Holiday Bank Holiday Classic All Tournament team. After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in Criminal Justice.

Lindsey Marie Furkin is the 18 year old daughter of Barry Furkin and Sonia Tweedy. During high school she has been involved in Pep Club. After graduation she plans to attend LWC.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Presley Ann Gaskin is the 18 year old daughter of Kathy and David Gaskin. During high school she has been involved in Marching Band, Track and Field, FCA, Pep Club, and STLP. After graduation she plans to attend WKU.

Chirstopher Ray Gilbert is the 18 year old son of Frona Murrell and Keith Gilbert. During high school he has been involved in Co-Op. After graduation he plans to attend Somerset Community College

Haley Briana Golden is the 18 year old daughter of Chris and Carol Golden. During high school she has been involved in Chorus and Pep Club. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Human Services

Brooke Lashea Grant is the 17 year old daughter of Timmothy Morris and Lisa Morris. During high school she has been involved in SADD/Champions. After graduation she plans to attend Somerset Community College.

Shelby Alyson Grant is the 18 year old daughter of Michelle Grant. During high school she has been involved in NAHS. Honors and awards received during high school include ceramic works being placed in multiple art shows. After graduation she plans to attend WKU to major in Psychology.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University

Amanda Tela Michelle Green is the 17 year old daughter of Todd and Donna Green. During high school she has been involved in FFA and Pep Club. After graduation she plans to attend WKU.

Molly Elizabeth Green is the 19 year old daughter of Chris and Cathy Green. After graduation she plans to enter the work force.

Toby Lee Greene is the 18 year old son of Sherman Greene and Ruthie Turner. During high school he has been involved in NAHS. Honors and awards received during high school include two first place awards, one second place award, and one third place award at three art shows. After graduation he plans to join the military and attend the University of Kentucky.

Timmy Trey Shawn Grider is the 17 year old son of Doris Miller. During high school he has been involved in Boys Basketball, Pep Club, FCA, and STLP. Honors and awards received during high school include 5th Region Basketball Championship, First and Farmers National Bank Holiday Classic All-Tournament Team, and Outstanding Defensive Player Award. After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in Computer Information Systems.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Brittany Leigh Hadley is the 17 year old daughter of Barry and Minnie Smith. During high school she has been involved in FFA, FCA, Pep Club, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards and holding three FFA offices. After graduation she plans to attend LWC.

Jessica Ann Hadley is the 17 year old daughter of Greg and Donna Rogers and the late Joey Hadley. During high school she has been involved in Marching Band--Color Guard, Beta, FCA, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include two KMEA State Championships, 1 BOA Grand Nationals Championship, and participating in the 2009 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Nursing.

Jordan Bruce Hadley

Jonathan Ty Hansel is the 18 year old son of David and Phyllis Hansel. During high school he has been involved in Football, Basketball, Pep Club, FCA, Yearbook, and STLP. Honors and awards received during high school include the 2010-11 Basketball All Academic Award. After graduation he plans to attend WKU to major in Biology.

Gabrielle Brooke Harmon is the 18 year old daughter of Johnny and Gina Harmon. During high school she has been involved in FFA, Beta Club, NHS, Pep Club, Softball, and the Leadership Team. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards, JV Most Improved Softball Player, and 2010-2011 FFA President. After graduation she plans to attend LWC in the fall and earn a degree in Early Childhood Education.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at United Citizens Bank

Haylee Case Harmon is the 18 year old daughter of Steve and Dana Harmon. During high school she has been involved in Band, Pep Club, and FCA. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Biology.

Alayna Michelle Harris is the 17 year old daughter of Mike and Laura Harris. During high school she has been involved in FFA, Pep Club, Beta Club, FCA, and Co-Op. After graduation she plans to attend WKU to major in Nursing.

Ashley Nicole Harris is the 18 year old daughter of Ricky and Teresa Harris. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Nursing.

Malisha Lynn Hatcher is the 18 year old daughter of Jeff and Vicki Hatcher. During high school she has been involved in FFA, Pep Club, and Cheerleading After graduation she plans to attend WKU to major in Nursing.

Laura Joann Henry is the 18 year old daughter of Nedra and David Henry. During high school she has been involved in Drama. After graduation she plans to attend college.

Teagan Suzann Hensley is the 17 year old daughter of Doyle and Darlene Bunch and Sybil Couch. During high school she has been involved in Peer Tutoring and Indian Trust Bank. After graduation she plans to attend LWC.

Corinna Shanice Hughes is the 18 year old daughter of Alvina Burton and the late Santana Hughes. During high school she has been involved in the Adair County Marching Band, FCA, Pep Club, SADD/Champions, Science Club, and 4-H Teen Leadership. Honors and awards received during high school include 2011 Miss Kentucky County Fair, Carter G. Woodson Legacy Award, and she was elected President of the Senior Class. After graduation she plans to attend U of L with a major in nursing and then further pursue a doctorate in nursing.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Emily Paige Irvin is the 17 year old daughter of Larry and Julie Irvin. During high school she has been involved in FFA and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards and holding 3 FFA Offices. After graduation she plans to attend LWC and later transfer to WKU to obtain a degree in Agriculture.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Franklin Ford

Samantha Jo Janes is the 18 year old daughter of Barry and Stacie Jones and the step-daughter of Scott Crouch and Jenny Judd. During high school she has been involved in Co-Op, NAHS, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include awards at the Caveland Regional Art Show. After graduation she plans to continue working and attend Somerset Community College to major in nursing.

Kenton Elis Jessie is the 18 year old son of Dwayne and Debbie Jessie. During high school he has been involved in FFA and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA achievements. After graduation he plans to attend college.

Brittany Leann Jones is the 18 year old daughter of Jennifer and Brad Valentine. After graduation she plans to attend college and enter the workforce.

Brandon Shane Joseph is the 18 year old son of Cheyenne and Melissa Joseph. After graduation he plans to join the Marines.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University

Molly Travis Keen is the 17 year old daughter of Stephen and Mary Keen. During high school she has been involved in Beta, NHS, Pep Club, FCA, Yearbook, and Cheerleading. Honors and awards received during high school include being named Miss ACHS, serving as Co-Captain of the 2010-11 Cheerleading Squad, and being Co-Editor of the 2011 Yearbook. After graduation she plans to attend WKU.

Brandon Michael Kelley is the 18 year old son of Tim and Sherri Kelley. During high school he has been involved in FFA and Skills USA. After graduation he plans to enter a trade school to further his education.

Bryan Lee Kelsay is the 18 year old son of Melissa Matthews and Bryan Kelsay. During high school he has been involved in Skills USA and FFA. After graduation he plans to attend college.

Amber Nicole Keltner is the 18 year old daughter of Lisa and Rick Keltner. During high school she has been involved in FFA, Pep Club, the Indian Trust Bank, and Co-Op. Honors and awards received during high school include FFA Notebook Award, FFA Scholastic Award, and earning All A's. After graduation she plans to major in Communications.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Barger Insurance

Brittany Cassandra Kenyon is the 17 year old daughter of James and Sharon Kenyon. During high school she has been involved in Pep Club, Beta Club, NHS, and Business Co-Op. Honors and awards received during high school include the Beta PRIDE Clean-Up Recognition Award. After graduation she plans to attend Somerset Community College to major in Radiography.

Danielle Erika Kerekes is the 18 year old daughter of Thomas and Angie Kerekes. After graduation she plans to attend SCC to become a registered nurse.

Dustin Ray Knight is the 17 year old son of Robert and Julie Knight. During high school he has been involved in Skills USA and FFA. After graduation he plans to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at First & Farmer's National Bank

Daniel Liston Lawless is the 17 year old son of Anthony Lawless and Danette Lawless. During high school he has been involved in Pep Club, Tennis, FEA, Band, and FCA. Honors and awards received during high school include BOA Champions and marching in the 2009 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in Nursing.

Keri Ann Legg is the 18 year old daughter of Debbie and Shane Legg. During high school she has been involved in Cheerleading, FCA, Beta, Pep Club, Track and Field, and Yearbook. Honors and awards received during high school include 2011 Cheerleading CANAM National Champion, 2011 Stunt Group Champion, KAPOS All Academic Team member, and Beta PRIDE Clean-Up Recognition. Award After graduation she plans to attend WKU to major in Radiology.

Jacob Arlo Leibeck is the 18 year old son of Jon and Barbara Leibeck. During high school he has been involved in Beta, Academic Team, Band, and NHS. Honors and awards received during high school include John Philip Sousa Award, Pinnacle Scholar, BOA Grand National Championship, NAQT National Championship. After graduation he plans to attend Berea College with a major in Computer Engineering.

Harley Danielle Lewis is the 17 year old daughter of Doug and Michelle Lewis. During high school she has been involved in FFA, Pep Club, and FCA. After graduation she plans to attend WKU to major in nursing.
Livingston, JaVonte Lee
JaVonte Lee Livingston is the 18 year old son of Dave and Vicky Pierce and Henrietta Livingston. During high school he has been involved in Basketball, Baseball, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include basketball and track awards. After graduation he plans to join the National Guard or attend college.
JaVonte Lee Livingston is the 18 year old son of Dave and Vicky Pierce and Henrietta Livingston. During high school he has been involved in Basketball, Baseball, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include basketball and track awards. After graduation he plans to join the National Guard or attend college.

Dillan Thomas Long
Loy, Jessica Renee
Jessica Renee Loy is the 18 year old daughter of David Harrell and Becky Corhn. During high school she has been involved in Co-Op. After graduation she plans to take care of her husband and son.
Jessica Renee Loy is the 18 year old daughter of David Harrell and Becky Corhn. During high school she has been involved in Co-Op. After graduation she plans to take care of her husband and son.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Grissom-Martin Funeral Home

Zachary Chris Mann is the 18 year old son of Gregory Mann and Deanna Mann. During high school he has been involve in Tennis, Baseball, Academic Team, Pep Band, STLP, Marching Band, and FEA. Awards and honors received during high school include Marching Band State Champions 2005, 2006, 2010, and BOA Grand National Champions 2005, 2007. After graduation he plans to become a doctor.

McKenzie Brooke Martin is the 18 year old daughter of David and Cathy Martin. During high school she has been involved in Softball, Basketball, NHS, Beta, Pep Club, Science Club, STLP, Yearbook, and FCA. After graduation she plans to attend LWC.

Phillip Jayedward Martin is the 17 year old son of Dorcas Martin and Starr Brown. During high school he has been involved in FFA, Pep Club, and Track and Field. Honors and awards received during high school include Distinguished Math, Proficient Science, and Proficient Social Studies test scores. After graduation he plans to attend college or enlist in the Marines.

Alexandria Bryann Matney is the 18 year old daughter of Michelle Matney. During high school she has been involved in FCA and Yearbook. Honors and awards received during high school include 2011 CANAM Nationals Champions. After graduation she plans to attend WKU and get a degree with dental hygiene.

Luke Chandler Maupin is the 17 year old son of Gary and Bridget Maupin. During high school he has been involved in Band, Academic Team, Beta, and NHS. After graduation he plans to attend Centre College to study History.

Joy Naomi McAlpine is the 19 year old daughter of Timothy McAlpine and Misuzu McAlpin. During high school she has been involved in NAHS. Honors and awards received during high school include First Place in Caveland Art Show. After graduation she plans to attend Brescia University to major in Art.

Jessy James McClintock is the 19 year old son of James McClintock and Rachael Debore. After graduation he plans to join the Marines.
McGuffin, James Author
James Author McGuffin is the 17 year old son of James and Tammy McGuffin. After graduation he plans to enter the workforce.
James Author McGuffin is the 17 year old son of James and Tammy McGuffin. After graduation he plans to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Franklin Ford

Macey Marrie McInteer is the 18 year old daughter of Tammy McInteer and Glenn McInteer. During high school she has been involved with Indian Trust Bank. After graduation she plans to attend WKU.

Joe Bishop McKinley is the 18 year old son of Joe and Lynda McKinley. During high school he has been involved in STLP, Pep Club, FCA, and Baseball. After graduation he plans to attend WKU.

Bethany Marie McLean is the 18 year old daughter of Judy and Phil McLean. After graduation she plans to attend WKU to major in Chemistry and later attend Pharmacy school.

Elizabeth Maxine McLean is the 18 year old daughter of Judy and Phillip McLean. During high school she has been involved in Indian Trust Bank, SADD/Champions, Pep Club, FCA, and Co-Op. After graduation she plans to join the National Guard.

Breanna Nicole Meeks is the 17 year old daughter of Carmella Mings and Ronald Meeks. During high school she has been involved in Varsity Cheerleading (5 years), Track and Field, Pep Club, and FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include 2008 and 2011 CANAM Individual Champion, State Track Championship Qualifier (2 years), and numerous FFA, Track, and Cheerleading awards. After graduation she plans to attend WKU to major in Biology and later pursue a career as a physical therapist.

Emily N. Melson is the 18 year old daughter of Tonya Melson and Tommy Melson. After graduation she plans to attend college to become a nurse.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Thomas Meyer is the 17 year old son of Pam Meyer and Jeff Meyer. During high school he has been involved in Skills USA. After graduation he plans to attend college or join the military.

Leslie Ann Mings is the 18 year old daughter of Russell James and Donna Mings. During high school she has been involved in Volleyball, FFA, Pep Club Honors and awards received during high school include After graduation she plans to attend LWC.

Ryan Curtis Montgomery is the 18 year old son of Steve and Jackie Montgomery. During high school he has been involved with the Academic Team, NHS, and Beta. Honors and awards received during high school including being named a Kentucky Colonel and 7th Place in Quiz Bowl at NAQT Nationals. After graduation he plans to attend UK.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Community Trust Bank

Brandi Vanee Moore

Matthew Harrison Moss is the 18 year old son of Harrison and Shirley Moss. During high school he has been involved in Skills USA and FFA. After graduation he plans to enter the workforce for a time period and join the police force.
Mullins, Ashley Dianne
Ashley Dianne Mullins
Ashley Dianne Mullins

Candace Michelle Mullins is the 18 year old daughter of Pamela Mullins and Jayson Ford. During high school she has been involved in the ETCA, Upward Bound, and NAHS. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to obtain a degree in the field of energy.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Betty's OK Country Cooking

Chasity Leann Murphy is the 17 year old daughter of Chris and Christy Murphy. During high school she has been involved in FFA. After graduation she plans to attend Somerset Community College to major in sign language.

Charlotte Renee Murrell is the 18 year old daughter of Joe Murell and Leslie Keltner. During high school she has been involved in Concert Band, Marching Band, NHS, Beta, Pep Club, FCA, and Science Club. Honors and awards received during high school include KMEA State Grand Champions (2006, 2007, 2010), BOA Regional Grand Champions (2008), BOA Grand National Champions (2007), and participating in the 2009 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. After graduation she plans to attend UK and become a pharmacist.

Keith Wayne Glen Kevin Murrell is the 18 year old son of Dorslen Kean. During high school he has been involved in Skills USA. After graduation he plans to enter the workforce.

Joshua Ray Myers is the 18 year old son of Larry and Devella Watson and Roger Myers. After graduation he plans to attend Somerset Community College to become a Pharmacy Technician.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at United Citizens Bank

Jeremy Joseph Norris is the 18 year old son of George Ray Norris and Julie Lynn Grott. During high school he has been involved in NAHS and Drama. Honors and awards received during high school include 3rd place in the Scholastic Art Expo. After graduation he plans to join the workforce before attending WKU.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at the Bank of Columbia

Lauren Paige Ollery is the 19 year old daughter of Darrell and Donna Ollery. During high school she has been involved in FFA, Pep Club, FCA, and Softball. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation she plans to attend WKU to major in communication disorders.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Franklin Ford

Derek Allen Padgett is the 18 year old son of Ricky Padgett and Tammy Loy. During high school he has been involved in Yearbook, Help Desk, Pep Club, and STLP. After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in Criminal Justice.

Tyler Dewayne Patton is the 17 year old son of Lee and Danielle Barker. During high school he has been involved in FFA, Pep Club, and Co-Op. After graduation he plans to join the Navy.

Ethen Lee Pelly
Penick, Luke Douglas
Luke Douglas Penick is the 18 year old son of Robbie Penick and Debra Penick. During high school he has been involved in Skills USA. After graduation he plans to join the Army.
Luke Douglas Penick is the 18 year old son of Robbie Penick and Debra Penick. During high school he has been involved in Skills USA. After graduation he plans to join the Army.

Devon Maxwell Perkins is the 17 year old son of Felicia Perkins. After graduation he plans to attend college.

Sarah Kathleen Pippin is the 18 year old daughter of Laura and Dale Pippin. During high school she has been involved in SADD/Champions, Science Club, Track, and FCA. After graduation she plans to attend Somerset Community College and then transfer to EKU.

Jonathan Adam Poff is the 18 year old son of Mitchell and Pam Poff. During high school he has been involved in the Pep Club. After graduation he plans to attend LWC.

Heather Nicole Powell is the 18 year old daughter of Bobby and Jennifer Powell. During high school she has been involved in Pep Club, Beta Club, Softball, and Band. Honors and awards received during high school include Marching Band BOA Regional Runner-Up (2008 and 2010), Class 3A State Runner-Up (2008, 2009), Class 3A State Champion (2010), and being elected 2011 Basketball Homecoming Queen. After graduation she plans to attend WKU to major in Biology.
Pulley, Dustin Gene
Dustin Gene Pulley
Dustin Gene Pulley
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Landon Neal Rayburn is the 18 year old son of Landon Rayburn and Georgina Roy. During high school he has been involved in Pep Club, FCA, NHS, and Beta Club. Honors and awards received during high school include being a Distinguished Senior. After graduation he plans to major in History at Western Kentucky University, go to law school or get a Ph.D. in History.

Whitney Paige Redmon is the 17 year old daughter of Kenny and Donna Redmon. During high school she has been involved in FFA, Pep Club, Beta Club, NHS, and Co-Op. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Nursing.

Jon William Rich is the 17 year old son of Bryan and Alma Rich. During high school he has been involved in Beta, NHS, Pep Club, Baseball, FCA, and Student Leadership. Honors and awards received during high school include JV Co-Pitcher of the Year. After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in Secondary Education and be a student baseball coach.

Justin Kyle Roberts is the 18 year old son of Jimmy and Roxanne Roberts. During high school he has been involved in NAHS, Science Club, Pep Club, FCA, and Yearbook. Honors and awards received during high school include 1st Place in the Caveland Art Show. After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in Biology with a minor in Chemistry.

Colby Bryan Robertson is the 17 year old son of Bryan and Tammy Robertson. During high school he has been involved in Golf, FFA, Track, and Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include competing at the State Golf Tournament. After graduation he plans to attend WKU to major in Physical Education.

Jazmyn Alexis Rodgers is the 17 year old daughter of Jeff and Kathy Rodgers. During high school she has been involved in FFA. After graduation she plans to attend Somerset Community College.

Cassie Jo Rogers is the 18 year old daughter of Joe and Sandy Rogers. During high school she has been involved in Beta, NAHS, FCA, Science Club, Colorguard, and 4-H Teen Leadership. Honors and awards received during high school include 2007 Bands of America National Champion and 2010 Marching Band State Championships. After graduation she plans to attend LWC with a future career in the medical field.

Joshua Lucas Allen Rowe is the 17 year old son of Allen and Annette Rowe. During high school he has been involved in FFA. After graduation he plans to enter the workforce.
Rufus, Kemet Imhotep
Kemet Imhotep Rufus is the 17 year old son of pat Rufus. During high school he has been involved in Football. After graduation he plans to enter the workforce.
Kemet Imhotep Rufus is the 17 year old son of pat Rufus. During high school he has been involved in Football. After graduation he plans to enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at United Citizens Bank

Kaylee Tennison Sanders is the 18 year old daughter of Sherry and Terry Phillips and Leland and Chasity Sanders. During high school she has been involved in Track and Field, Pep Club, FCA, FFA, and Cross Country. Honors and awards received during high school include being chosen FFA Sweetheart and elected the 2010 Football Homecoming Queen. After graduation she plans to attend LWC.

Noah John Schwika is the 18 year old son of Angela Schwika. During high school he has been involved in the ETCA. After graduation he plans to attend college.

Jordan Seth Shelton is the 18 year old son of Robby and Tammy Shelton. During high school he has been involved in Football and Baseball. Honors and awards received during high school include 2010 Football MVP, Baseball 2008 All District Team, Football Academic Award 2008-2010, Football All District Team 2009-2010, Football MVP Award 2010, and Baseball All District Team 2008. After graduation he plans to attend WKU to major in Engineering.

Dariann Nicole Smith is the 18 year old daughter of Jerry and Sandy Smith. During high school she has been involved in Softball, Volleyball (1 Year), FFA, FCA, Pep Club, Science Club, Yearbook, 4-H, and Student Leadership. Honors and awards received during high school include Class Secretary (3 Years), Coach's Award and two softball Regional Tournament appearances. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to double major in Secondary Education and Psychology.

Huston Chase Smith is the 18 year old son of Kevin and Beverly Smith. During high school he has been involved in Pep Club, Football, and Yearbook. After graduation he plans to attend LWC to major in Biology and continuing working.
Smith, Kaelynn Marie
Kaelynn Marie Smith is the 18 year old daughter of Benny Smith and Alicia Lazarus. During high school she has been involved in Chorus and NAHS. After graduation she plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Kaelynn Marie Smith is the 18 year old daughter of Benny Smith and Alicia Lazarus. During high school she has been involved in Chorus and NAHS. After graduation she plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University

Vanessa Sierra Smith is the 18 year old daughter of Tanya A. Wheeler and Leonard Gerard Smith. During high school she has been involved in SADD/Champions, Drama, FCA, and FCCLA. After graduation she plans to attend college to become a pediatrician.

Jacob Allen Sneed is the 18 year old son of Paula Sneed and Keiven Sneed. During high school he has been involved in Pep Club. After graduation he plans to plan to enter the workforce.

Jeremy Ryan Stanley is the 18 year old son of Fonso Stanley, Jr. and Sheila Hutcheson. During high school he has been involved in FFA. After graduation he plans to attend LWC.

Diamond Sanita Stargel is the 17 year old daughter of Scott Stargel and Shannon Brown. During high school she has been involved in Pep Club and Volleyball. Honors and awards received during high school include three school records for volleyball. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Psychology and later attend the University of Louisville Law School.

Sabrina Irene Stargel is the 18 year old daughter of Anthony and Vicki Stargel. During high school she has been involved in Volleyball, Pep Club, NHS, and Co-Op. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Biology.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Westlake Regional Hospital

Jayce Alisabeth Stone is the 18 year old daughter of Denayne and Ron Estes. During high school she has been involved in Cheerleading, Pep Club, and FCA. After graduation she plans to attend LWC.

Cody Ryan Streeval is the 18 year old son of Faylene Streeval and Dan Streeval. During high school he has been involved in Skills USA. After graduation he plans to attend the Lincoln College of Technology.

Hanna Joy Streeval is the 18 year old daughter of Edward and Joy Streeval. During high school she has been involved in Volleyball, Pep Club, Buisiness Co-op, Peer Tutoring, and Indian Trust Bank. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Human Services.

Danielle Mae Symmes is the 18 year old daughter of James Symmes and Debbie Symmes. During high school she has been involved in Chorus and Drama. After graduation she plans to join the Air Force.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at the Bank of Columbia

Brittney Jo Taylor

Cody Stafford Taylor is the 17 year old son of Harry and Melissa Taylor. During high school he has been involved in ETCA and Yearbook. After graduation he plans to attend college to major in Criminal Justice.

Parita Sineal Thompson is the 18 year old daughter of James Miller and Faye Thompson. During high school she has been involved in Basketball, Track and Field, FFA, SADD/Champions, Pep Club, and FCA. After graduation she plans to attend Midway College to major in Education.
Thompson, William J.
William J. Thompson
William J. Thompson

Britany Marie Tucker is the 18 year old daughter of Michael Tucker and Melissa Corbin. During high school she has been involved in FFA. Honors and awards received during high school include numerous FFA awards. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in nursing.

Jami Marie Tucker is the 17 year old daughter of Jackie and Clayton Tucker. During high school she has been involved in Drama, NHS, and Beta. After graduation she plans to attend Campbellsville University.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Franklin Ford
Valadez, Leticia
Leticia Valadez is the 18 year old daughter of Maria Valadez and Leobardo Valadez and the wife of Juan Gonzalez. After graduation she plans to attend college and enter the workforce.
Leticia Valadez is the 18 year old daughter of Maria Valadez and Leobardo Valadez and the wife of Juan Gonzalez. After graduation she plans to attend college and enter the workforce.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Campbellsville University

Lisa Nicole Walker is the 17 year old daughter of Rusty and Linda Walker. During high school she has been involved in FFA (4 years), Yearbook, SADD/Champions, the Student Leadership Team, and the Pep Club. Honors and awards received during high school include being elected FFA Senior Officer Reporter (2010-11), LWC/Community Voice Award, and was an FFA Regional FFA Proficiency Award Winner. After graduation she plans to attend Lindsey Wilson College to major in Nursing.

DeResha Michelle Walkup is the 18 year old daughter of Pastor Walkup and Viann Bristow and Theresa Thomas. During high school she has been involved in Track and Field, FCA, SADD/Champions, Pep Club, and the Prom Committee. Honors and awards received during high school include the Student Service Award. After graduation she plans to attend college and double major in Psychology and Religion with a minor in Mathematics.

Kendall James Warrington is the 18 year old son of KJ and Christy Warrington. During high school he has been involved in Pep Club, Baseball, FFA, and Football. Honors and awards received during high school include the Academic Award. After graduation he plans to attend WKU to major in general mathematics.

Cassandra Marie Webb is the 18 year old daughter of Kevin Webb and Cam and Timmy Beard. During high school she has been involved in Pep Club, ETCA, and FFA. After graduation she plans to attend Somerset Community College.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at South Central Printing

Whitney Danielle Webb is the 18 year old daughter of Tonya and Joe Johnson and Troy and Veronica Webb. During high school she has been involved in FFA After graduation she plans to attend Somerset Community College to major in Nursing.

Breanna Rae West is the 18 year old daughter of Phyllis and Charles Barker. During high school she has been involved in FFA. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Nursing.
Wheeler, Richard Allen
Richard Allen Wheeler is the 19 year old son of Dwight and Kathy Staten.
Richard Allen Wheeler is the 19 year old son of Dwight and Kathy Staten.

Travis Wayne Williams is the 18 year old son of Terry and Angela Williams. During high school he has been involved in FFA and Pep Club.

Julie Rochelle Wilson is the 18 year old daughter of Pat and Shelly Wilson.. During high school she has been involved in NHS, Beta, Pep Club, Science Club, 4-H Teen Leadership, Pep Band, Marching Band, Concert Band, Lindsey Wilson Concert Band, Work Based Experience, and Peer Tutoring. Honors and awards received during high school include Principal's Honor Roll, Top 5% of Class, Most Improved Musician Award, participant in 2009 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, BOA National and Regional Championship, Marching Band State Champions. After graduation she plans to attend LWC to major in Nursing with plans to become a pediatric or oncology nurse.

Kacie Lynn Wolfe is the 18 year old daughter of Sharen Swartzlander and William Wolfe. During high school she has been involved in Drama. After graduation she plans to attend Somerset Community college to major in Criminal Justice.

Cody Sebastian Brock Wolford is the 18 year old son of Sherry Brock and Almon Wolford. After graduation he plans to join the military.
Congratulations Seniors from Everyone at Lindsey Wilson College

Michael Chase Yaden is the 18 year old son of Chris and Michelle Yaden. During high school he has been involved in FBLA and the Academic Team. Honors and awards received during high school include Academic Team State Finals 2009 and 2010. After graduation he plans to attend the UK to study Biology and Pre-Medicine.

Zachary Lee Yoakem is the 18 year old son of Crystal Yoakem. During high school he has been involved in Football and FCA. After graduation he plans to join the military.