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Triplett & Scott repeater carbine invented by Adair Countians

The Columbia gunsmiths Louis Triplett and William Scott obtained a patent on weapon. The carbines were used by the Kentucky Home Guard in the Civil War to protect General Sherman's supply lines
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By Rollin Knifley

The accompanying photo of the weapon and of the display card I sent you is on display at the Buffalo Bill Museum in Cody WY

According to their website, the museum is currently displaying significant weapons from the Smithsonian.

I'm not sure if this particular weapon is on loan from the Smithsonian or if it is permanently displayed there.

In any case, I found it interesting when my wife sent me the photo, even if they misspelled Columbia. (Colombia).

According to Wikipedia, the weapon is called the Triplett and Scott repeater carbine. It says the weapon was invented by Louis Triplett and William Scott of Columbia KY.

It was issued to the Kentucky Home Guard Troops to protect the supply lines of the Union Army under General Sherman's command. - Rollin Knifley

This story was posted on 2017-07-10 15:08:12
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Revelations: How this Adair Co. invention helped save the Union

2017-07-10 - Cody, Wyoming - Photo by Rollin Knifley.
As much of the rest of the story we can process will be posted this morning. Perhaps others will know about this weapon, who invented it, and its role in helping to bring the Civil War and the preserving the Union. Learning about it for the first time from Rollin Knifley made my day on Sunday, July 9, 2017. Everyone who's read Jerry Moss Rogers' history (See: Jerry Moss Rogers' book is one of best on early families, Gradyville, and the flood knows about Solomon Baker, perhaps Adair County's most famous gunsmith. But only a rare few know the men behind this shoulder-fire weapon and its role in ending the War Between the States. Those who do are welcome to send comments and guesses. Check back often this morning; even though life returned to 'normal' for we hobbits this morning, there's still a lot going on and we're pedaling - posting - as fast as we can. - EW.
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Triplet Patent card with Triplett & Scott repeater carbine display

2017-07-12 - Buffalo Bill Museum, Cody, WY - Photo from Rollin Knifley.
This display card accompanies the exhibit of the Civil War era weapon invented in Columbia, KY.

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