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Lea Ann Parnell: Response to Pro-Legal Sales statement Comments re article 81438 Jane Potts Why no prayer gatherings to end bootlegger sales By Lea Ann Parnell Personal Commentary I keep reading over and over again how wrong the Family Values group is to hold a prayer service over the upcoming vote. How they are a bunch of hypocrites to stand against the legal sale of alcohol and not against the bootleggers, abuse, drug use, and crime in our community. I have to ask the very question posted so many times before. What has each person in this town done to combat those very issues. I keep seeing the finger pointed at this one group yet the very people who keep pointing the fingers, hummmm I don't think I've seen any major initiatives going out to fight against these things. I haven't seen any leadership coming to the rescue. Yes I'm sure there are individuals in the PAC group who are concerned, caring people. People who want to see our town free of these things, but guess what? There are people in the Family values group who are, too. Several of these people are pastors. They deal with the issues caused by alcohol and alcohol abuse on a regular bases. I would hate to try and guess how many hours some of them spend counseling those dealing with addictions or broken homes as a result of alcohol/drug use. The time they spend visiting the sick and dying or the funerals they have attended/presided over due to these issues. I know that there are good people in this town (on both sides of this issue) who are working hard to fix problems that we experience here, but name calling and finger pointing is not going to get anything accomplished. I've seen numerous comments from leadership about divisions in other communities over this issue. Seems to me that the divisions could very easily be resolved with common respect. Folks, we are neighbors. I for one, am proud to live in this small town. It's all I have ever known. A place I grew up and chose to raise my family in. To be honest though, I have seen so much hatred from people recently over this issue that it makes me sick. Not everyone who sees an issue differently than someone else is a hypocrite or useless to society. Sometimes I wonder if people even stop to think before they speak or write. My point is, we can agree to disagree, excercise our right to vote, pray about it if we see fit, or just continue to be bitter and mad every time someone disagrees. Choice is really up to all of us - Lea Ann Parnell This story was posted on 2016-02-29 23:05:25
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