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Jon Halsey: Agrees with Tommy Kemp on personal freedoms

Personal Commentary

Jon Halsey writes:
I agree with Tommy Kemp but would also add the following: As to "How far should we let laws reach into our personal lives and dictate our actions? " I would suggest that we are already looking over the edge of the cliff. We have allowed the Government to dictate what type of shower heads, commodes and light bulbs we can use in our own private residences. We are allowing the Government to declare that a tiny branch running thru our property and that is dry as a bone 95% of the time to be a "navigable waterway" and subject to the same laws, regulations and restrictions as the Ohio as it runs it's course past Louisville. We have opened the door to allowing the Government to dictate that we must buy certain products even if we don't want them or have no need of them. In some communities the Government is restricting the size of soft drinks that one can purchase. We are now forced to buy fuel that ruins our small engines and many older vehicles.

I sincerely believe that the time is not far off when wood burning stoves will be forbidden and we have a Presidential candidate saying that he is fine with the Government taking 90% of our income.

"Land of the free, home of the brave"? Not quite so much anymore. - Jon Halsey, Knifley, KY
Comments about: Tommy Kemp considers laws reaching into personal life

This story was posted on 2016-02-23 17:07:18
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