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Jana Esch: Is one drug 'better' than another drug? Jana Esch Personal commentary How does one make a point of deciding that one drug is "better" than another drug? Is it me, or is this a mute point? Reading through the article I felt like it was a little biased. As in: "The Kentucky study reflects the findings from a 2005 Journal of Law and Economics paper, which proved that, when Texas counties changed from dry to wet, their incidences of drug-related mortality decreased by 14 percent, because people substituted alcohol for drugs, according to the Post." Where is the statistic for alcohol related mortality after the counties went wet? The whole wet/dry issue boils down to drug of choice, does it not? Those who choose to take mind altering substances will do so. And it will be in whatever form is available to them. I have no doubt that easy availability of alcohol will cut out some of the illegal drug use. But I don't believe for a minute that the cost of lives and the effects on family members will be reduced by simply choosing another form of substance abuse. ISSUE #2 I keep reading that alcohol will bring industry to the area. Please, somebody explain to me the reasoning here. How would a factory consider easy alcohol access to it's employees a benefit? Logic would seem that if a company even considered this an issue at all that they would prefer a dry county. Bottom line here: 20 years ago I moved to this area from northern Indiana. It took some effort to adjust to this way of life because it was very different than what I had left. With time, I came to really appreciate this backwards, slow paced way of life that was not yet fully turned over to the way of the world. I've seen many other people move in from out of state that can't learn to appreciate what this area offers, and instead want to make it like the area they left behind. I hate watching the changes and the inevitable changes yet to come because I believe there will never be an opportunity to get back what we sacrifice to become more like the world. - Jana Esch Comments re article 79980 PAC sends link to story Higher meth use in dry counties This story was posted on 2016-01-08 15:46:43
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