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100 years ago: a report on Russell Creek Academy, Dec. 1914

Today the Russell Creek Academy has grown and evolved into Campbellsville University.
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The following letter, penned by Rev. L.C. Kelley and published in the December 30, 1914 edition of the Adair County News, gives a fascinating glimpse of the still-fledgling institution now known as Campbellsville University.


"Thinking your readers would be interested in the progress of the Russell Creek Baptist Academy, we venture to write a few things about it. The first term ended last week, the second term begins Jan. 4th. We have had the best school so far, in the history of the school. Our attendance, while good, has not been too large to give special attention to the individual student, a fact which has already told in the progress of the pupils.

"The dormitory, under the management of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Wade, has furnished splendid board at the surprisingly low rate of $11.00 per month.

"The Bible Course has been the unique feature of the school. Miss Lida Robertson of Mobile, Ala., has gained a great place in the hearts of the little ones, in making the Bible realistic to them. It is very gratifying to see how the pupils are taking hold of this work. A number of patrons are saying that their children have already learned more real Bible than in all their lives before. Miss Robertson teaches all the grades in the Bible, and the writer supplements her twice a week with a lesson on the Covenants, History of Israel, etc. We are now giving them a thorough drill in the Book of Exodus. The ministerial students express satisfaction with this part of the course.

"The discipline of the school has arisen from the compulsory to the persuasive, and has never been as good. The spirit among the students is fine.

"Prof. R. Garrett Graves will have charge of the Normal Class after the Holidays, and Miss Inez Carter, of Mt. Juliet, a University graduate, will have charge of part of the High School department.

"A prize of Five Dollars in gold will be offered to the one memorizing the largest amount of Scripture from now till the end of school. The two classes of the writer are each offered this opportunity. The outlook for the school is as bright as the promises of God.

"Progress on the endowment front goes steadily on. The industrial farm will afford an opportunity for a limited number of boys to work their way next year. It is desired that boys remain on the farm during the summer, in that way earn in advance their board and tuition." (At the annual session of the Russell Creek Association held in October 1914, the Trustees of the Academy reported they had raised some $30,000 for the school. They also stated "they had purchased 52 acres of land adjacent to the school, where industrious boys may find employment, in earning their board and tuition, and where a scientific course in agriculture will be taught." At this same Session, Secretary F.D. Perkins, of the Baptist Educational Society, spoke directly to the place of Baptist schools. "He spoke of the day when all real Baptist schools must come to be a real denominational asset...That is, education of mind, soul, and body of the child." - JIM) "Let this be a reminder that our people should be loyal to their own--as loyal as other denominations are to their own. We call upon all to enlist with us...Here, brethren, is a big task, worthy the mettle of the whole Baptist host, from the least to the greatest. We call upon all to enlist with us." - REV. L.C. KELLEY ************** Rev. Lloyd Caswell (L.C.) Kelley, then about a year short of his 40th birthday, accepted the call to pastor the Campbellsville Baptist Church in the summer of 1913 and began his tenure there toward the end of August. At the time he accepted the call, Rev. Kelley, a Alabamian by birth, was serving a church in Orlinda, Tenn. However, he was well known in Kentucky, "having held several pastorates and accomplished other notable and noble works in the Kingdom of God" in the state. In addition, he had attended college in Georgetown, Ky., and his wife was the former Miss Nancy Newland of Stanford, Ky. At the time of their marriage in June 1907, he was located in Louisville. Prior to his arrival in Campbellsville, he had been actively involved for quite some time in the temperance cause and had "published, for several years, the Kentucky Issue, which is now published by the Anti-Saloon League, under the title The Kentucky Edition of the American Issue." - JIM

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