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Voters encouraged to Vote in Honor of a Veteran 4 Nov 2014

Secretary Grimes encourages Kentuckians to Vote in Honor of Veterans on 6am-6pm prevailing time on Tue 4 Nov 2014

By Lynn Sowards Zellen & Bradford Queen
News from the Kentucky Secretary of State's Office

Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes is encouraging Kentucky voters to participate in her office's "Vote in Honor of a Veteran" program to show respect for the men and women who risk their lives to protect the right to vote.

"More than 330,000 veterans live in Kentucky," said Grimes. "We must never take for granted the sacrifices our veterans make and the freedoms they dedicate their lives to guaranteeing. I hope all Kentuckians will show their respect for our veterans by choosing to vote in honor of a veteran in the on November 4th."

Through Grimes' program, voters may obtain a special button from their county clerk or the Secretary of State's office. The button can be personalized to include the name of the veteran in whose honor the vote is being cast. Voters can also submit online tributes to the veterans they are honoring.

Grimes is passionate about supporting Kentucky's active-duty and veteran military members and their families. She is especially committed to ensuring that those who risk their lives on the battlefield have their voices heard at the ballot box.

Following a 2012 trip to the Middle East to visit Kentucky soldiers and evaluate military and overseas voting procedures, Grimes led the effort in the 2013 legislative session to enact the Kentucky Military Heroes Voting Initiative. Among other things, the Act creates an online portal through which military and overseas voters may register to vote, update their registration information, and request and receive absentee ballots.

The Secretary of State's office received a $2.2 million grant from the Federal Voter Assistance Program, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, to create the portal. The grant was the largest awarded to any state.

For additional information on the Vote in Honor of a Veteran program, or to request a button or leave a tribute, please visit

This story was posted on 2014-10-25 05:37:58
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